Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Half Remembered Battles

The following report was overheard by patrons of a smoky bar,  and recorded by Smilodon Shadow Wolf pilot / mech comm channel... The pilot drinking cold beer and eating roast snavrum, and seemingly having a heated conversation with empty air, or himself...

Aye you think me mad, and you might be right. I'd think I was mad as well if I was seeing me. But I saw something once and not for very long, just long enough to make me question all I've known.... Talked to me they did, but did they really? Then stretched out their hand and opened a doorway / hole in space time stepped thru and were gone....

Tho now I think maybe "Mad Mulligan" aint really mad, and "Herod" has reason to enjoy his fumes on Vupa 6. They saw what I saw, they're out there among us, humanoid in appearance they look and sound like us. But they're godlike beings, holding our fates in their hands,... Judge, Jury, and executioner, they cast the runes, play with our lives, controlling the galaxy as they see fit,... Mysterious beings seldom seen, oft whispered about in back rooms of pubs and mech hangers... Not sure if they're ancient aliens, or forerunners but they belong to the group known only as "devs" supreme beings of fickle nature, caring little what their actions do for the common mech pilot, or the mere mortals among us...

I blacked out for a time, when I came to I found my memories, and what I knew had changed... (and I've argued endlessly with my mech Shadow Wolf that we did fight and win that many battles). But what I remember, and have wrote down in my personal battle report journal. No longer matches Shadow's on board AI units. I know for a fact that I fought and won 5291 battles, fought fearlessly and won. But checking my battle reports on my mechs comps I find only 3671 battles fought and won...That’s a difference of 1620 kills... Am I crazy? Or is Shadow Wolf malfunctioning ? Aye ye think me mad, and you might be right,... but I swear I saw one once. A"dev", pray ye never meet one. They're powers mess with your minds, making real, unreal, what you know meaningless. And your accomplishments for naught...

Shadow Wolf (Bryan Haycock) ID# 138789