Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Steel Shower Weapon Review

Okay let me just get this out right off the bat… I LOVE THIS GUN! Alright now that is out of the way allow me to tell you why. It is everything you want in a slug thrower. It’s fast, it’s accurate, and it’s devastating. This gun is made for fast and deadly fire. Utilizing hyper sonic ammunition and improved fire control sequencing this weapon can chew through ferrite like it was cheese.  The ammunition is flying out of the gun at such a fast rate of fire at such fast speeds that each hit is likely to burn through the target upon contact and continue its damaging flight into the poor slob behind him. Often resulting in multiple damaging effects, in the tearing through of the initial target many vital systems are often simply disconnected or seared shut. Often making a Mecha take more than a simple bullet wound in damage (x2 ability) then upon exit of the initial target it often carries with it shrapnel as well as the original round which is only fractionally slowed. This results in explosive trample damage. This gun is worth every niode spent on it and I simply need more of them…. Excuse me I have to place an order now.

Speed 105
2XDamage 10%
Trample 10%

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534