Friday, April 11, 2014

The New “Senate” Good or Bad?

You’ve seen it on the player boards I’m sure the formation of this new group putting itself together to represent all in game for betterment of the game, and the enjoyment of all. This has met much and varied opposition and support on the boards from many sources and players.

Some say it is a good thing, some fear there is consolidation of power going on, people see others trying to further their own agenda only. There are about as many theories on this subject as there are players it would seem. But here is the simple unabashed truth of the matter. No one really knows what it is yet and what it and cannot do because it is still being built. Nothing has been done with it yet to prove or disprove anyone one way or another.  Will it be a good or bad thing? We simply do not know yet. Everything is speculation on behalf of some, hopes on behalf of others, and a whole lot of grumbling in-between.

I asked questions on the board I got direct, honest answers if the group runs like that we may well be in good hands. I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt here if for no other reason than you cannot judge an action that hasn’t been taken yet. Good, bad, anywhere in-between it has to get off the ground first. They say they are open to all put them to the test join a session see what is what then decide. We all need facts before we can make an informed decision let’s give them a chance to provide us with some first shall we?

Submitted By Pat Willis #224534