Thursday, October 20, 2016

So Who All Is Still There By Pat Willis#224534

You folks do know we pay out niodes for submissions still right? Just asking because lately there has been very little by way of submissions. David, myself, Kenneth, and even Ron are by no means the official word on anything in game. We just do reviews, occasionally argue about mechas, load outs, and builds. But we all have our own take on things and try to offer that here.

I have always said we are here to be the voice of the players, I have stood by that since this site went live. So if you have an opinion that differs from ours or something we have stated in these pages, well by all means lets hear it (Or read it as the case may be.) I can't imagine all the ideas have dried up and there is nothing left to say on things from the players point of view.

We have Clan logos so as long as your design is original as in no one else claims copy write on it this is the place to submit it, and our comics section rather speaks for itself. We even run editorials so an opinion piece can be ran, just please try and keep it this side of a total call out. We can run Equipment reviews, Fantasy Mecha (It's my goal to have one of those get made yet, no matter the submitter. I just want to see it done.) feeling a bit cheeky? Galaxy Gossip is a good place for those articles. Game debates... well yes we have it but that one doesn't pay out anymore due to the Devs fielding all the opinions and issues on the game page. We do keep it there for posterity of the debates we could and did publish.

Interviews, yup we do them. David and Kenneth may be easier to catch for those due to my work schedule but if you can catch one of us we can generally set something up. We have mecha reviews of course but are always looking for a new take or set of fresh eyes on any model. Our Mecha Spotlight is just if anyone feels like showing what they have and how they built it. Submitters tend to be afraid of that category but hey, we never said it had to be a current build.

News is pretty self explanatory. Official lore has to be run passed the Devs if it is something outside of clan specific. However you do still need to get approval from said clan or person you are making the lore from, and it must fall inside the  already established game ideas/parameters.

Pilot profile is simply, want to make a bio to your in game character? Something that falls beyond the little info contained in the Legendary Pilot stats and fills in the blanks? That's the category to submit it to. Pilot Story is basically anything else that goes on in Mecha Galaxy. The front line tall tales, what happened that time on Vupa during R&R. That kind of thing. Then we have Weapon Reviews which again is pretty self explanatory.

All we ask is that any submission be two to three paragraphs in size, and any comics be three or more panels, otherwise it is considered more a Meme by the Devs. Base payouts require the submission to have  names and  player Id#s which are submitted once a week for pay outs on submitted posts.

Remember we WILL NOT accept posts that have already been submitted to the other news sites as it has already been posted there and we don't pay out for doubles. * Note lengthy well thought/executed submissions may be worth 60 Niodes. Devs are and have been known to pay out more for posts of length. Typically though such post are over 1,500 words as a general rule. Pay rate for various story types below...

60 niodes - long story (minimum 1,500 words for it to be considered as such)
30 niodes - story/report/CW interview/poem/etc
20 niodes - mech/weapon/equip reviews, short CW correspondent interview (for interviewer)
10 niodes - short story/report/etc

Any questions on submissions drop any one of us Editors a line and we'll get you sorted, looking forward to seeing your submissions and happy hunting all.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534