Saturday, October 22, 2016

Jolly Roger Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

We're looking at a limited release niode Missile launcher today, (please note it is no longer available in the shop) as usual we'll look at the applicable weapons closest to it in level both below and above it to see how it stacks up. All information in the image is current as of last night between then and now things may change, largely availability of the weapons.

This weapon starts out being available to level 7 and up pilots. Looking in the shop for all intents and purposes I see nothing beneath it level wise to compare it to.So we'll jump right ahead to the next level up weapon.

At level 8 the Air shock is available. It does 13 straight damage, has a speed of 95, and the weapon ability of Splash at 8%.

Looking at the Jolly Roger I have to ask who needs the Air Shock? Can't we just replace it with the J.R.? Damage is better on the J.R. speed is much, much better, and the weapon abilities come in at 2 with 35% Fork and a Precision of (3), as opposed to just one ability of Splash at 8%.

Overall this weapon is a huge improvement over the other weapons on offer for the lower levels/tiers. If more limited releases follow suit like this we may just have to petition to have them permanently replace the older weapons. As obviously they simply can not compete even when they have levels on them.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534