Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Crossfire Hybrid Design By Pat Willis#224534

I have put this mecha in the Spotlight before, roughly one level ago so not much has changed. However I have decided to go ahead and switch up his weapon systems a bit. You see a Fext is a laser machine set up to do multiple damage modifiers in a single hit. This applies itself beautifully to the higher end damage lasers on hand. But the damage modifiers will go off regardless of what weapons you put in. So aside from the Lasers, how do you get the best bang out of your Fext?

I looked at other weapon types and decided for my personal play style to mix up the lasers with projectile weapons. Projectiles do high end damage if you're the right level to purchase such weapons. They also have nice weapon abilities like Trample and X2 or X3 damage, not to mention they are generally fast weapons as a whole. So these abilities combined with the inbuilt bonuses on a Fext got me thinking about a hybrid laser/projectile wielding design.

Please note as with all my builds I am not saying it's the best mecha out there, nor is it the worst. I simply put these up to show you where my mind is at on a given mecha at a given time. Here are the results....

Level: 116 / 116
Armor: 1532

Laser Damage + 51%
Missile Damage + 6%
Fire Damage + 7%
Proj. Damage + 30%
Speed + 59
3X Damage 87%
Trample 33%
Fork 9%
2X Damage 57%
1.5X Damage 65%
Crit-Kill 16%
Dodge (79)
Precision (74)
Shield (151)
Trample Shield 79%
Ice Shield 42%
Laser Shield 12%
Proj. Shield 38%
Proj. Shield (30)
Fire Vulnerable 15%
Missile Vulnerable 8%

Class: Fext
Weapons: 49


1532 Armor = base armor + 461.33% from upgrades and skills

Mech Bonuses: (Without Equipment)
Laser Damage + 41%
Speed - 27
Speed + 26
3X Damage 28%
Fork 9%
1.5X Damage 65%
2X Damage 21%
Trample Shield 70%
Ice Shield 70%
Precision (5)

As to what all is in it...
7 Cockpit slots with 5 Predicative Analysis, 1 Oculus Drift, 1 Retro Controls.

Chassis is 6 slots all Lateral Stabilizers

Engine 6 slots with 5 Orcus Wheels, and 1 Quantum Pulse.

Shields are 4 slots with 2 Viridel Epsilon, 1Crabworth Epsilon, and 1 Lightning shield.

Weapon slots 9 Blue Dragons, 2 Rage Pulsars, 4 Kaos Beams, 2 Blossoming Beams, 5 Galaxy Eyes, 5 Harmonic Disruptors, 2 Nutcrackers, 9 Kanabos, 3 Vadhar, 1 Exacto shot, 7 Big Berthas.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534