Sunday, December 21, 2014

Post Round 1 Interview Zeon

Ladies, Gentlemen and Galaxy wild ones; We're here in one of Novum's more delectable drinking haunts bringing you a post-round 1 clan wars interview. I'm Steve Ross# 162076 and with me I have Rick Hoffer#182594 of ZEON fame. Rick, thanks for your time today. How's things with you?

Rick Hoffer - Great mate thanks for the time

Steve Ross - No worries. Well, the divisions were announced and I think there was an air of trepidation with some of the opponents many clans were facing. How did you feel seeing such heavy competition in your division?

Rick Hoffer - Ya I was a little concerned but truth be told it has been like this for the last 3 Clan Wars we have been coming in under the radar but it has worked well for us for have to see defeat  against some great Mech pilots and groups.

Steve Ross - Good response. I for one felt a small knot in my stomach with the heavies in our div. Now, your first round was drawn against the BlackWatch branch of the Northwind Brotherhood. These guys have some serious renown and brought some very heavy hitters to bear against ZEON. Did you really expect a win, and moreso such a weighty one at that?

Rick Hoffer - Well as far the battle went I believe we stood a good chance but did not expect the numbers we posted..But all said done people will take notice we fight together and fight smart Mech pilots take heed we are disciplined make and leave all on battlefield in the midst of the chaos we are Zeon and a team in every sense of the word.

Steve Ross - 'Team' is fast becoming the apparent strong point of the ZEON camp. You guys appear to throw out surprises with every encounter and it is producing some outstanding results. I spoke with your clan leader T.J. just before the wars kicked off and quizzed him about the fact that ZEON has pulled in a lot of new talent of late. As one of the lower levels in the clan, do you think the new gear are slotting in nicely or would you suggest any hints of discord with the integration of fresh guns so close to these wars?

Rick Hoffer - Well I must say with the new guns in Zeon have fit in very well with us but even with some great Mech pilots that have joined its not just the skill on the battlefield they have been a great fit to the Clan in every sense of the word Mech pilots would need to see our logs we have Veterans with the New blood and looking outside you would be able to discern who they  are by the way we are together as Pilots in and out of the battlefield.

Steve Ross - Seeing the silver lining in the darkest cloud. Fantastic response to a situation that can, in many cases, cause concern. Well said Sir. Now, coming a bit closer to home and personal, how have you found prepping your own mecha and troops for such a monumental division hike? Have you had to majorly re-think a lot of what you, as an individual, do? or, being a regular specialist of your clan, do you find such preparations something of a formality? Your views on the 'specialist effects' as one yourself could really help the junior combatants coming up the ranks.

Rick Hoffer - Ok  so here is the question I have been waiting for in the last few wars my numbers have not been that high offensively as i face off against Mech pilots well above my level but my defensive wins due to the specialists class have been staggering.Tuning my Mechs to squeeze every inch of defensive and fire-power to maximise my combat is challenging but the Tactical side cant be left no your opponent watch the loggs if there heavy on laser power stack your mechs to compensate and ect ect  not mention the blazing Bagpipes screaming thru my Mechs sound system may throw them off a wee bit too lol

Steve Ross - Hahahaha! Brave Heart meets Gundam. Spoken like a real class act Rick. Love it. I'm sure the fans will appreciate every syllable there. I'd like if I may to touch a slightly raw and ongoing nerve with the competition now; There have been the usual post fight mutterings that the cash is dominant. ZEON is very clearly a high cash clan with some serious top end tech in their arsenal. Do you believe that money guarantees the victories. Is it so valid an argument that the richer fighters are quids in?

Rick Hoffer - Ya I look at  it this way some spend some don't were not the Donald Trumps of the Mecha Galaxy's thats for sure lol but money does not mean  victories you need to have the right set-ups I look at some of the real spenders out there from all groups and you no what I say thanks for you spent the money to find out works while it cost me less to see my Mechs far better at the less cost and at the end of the day it does not matter what u spend or how many players u stack or sheer numbers Its how you Fight as group is all that counts You can have the best weapons the best gear but if your not fighting side by side with your mates it amounts nothing does it not???

Steve Ross - A view I do share myself. If you can work a low cost squad well, and have the best support possible from your clan then the less expensive gear can knock out all cash no brains over and over. Totally agree.One final question before we wrap this up then; Do you have any personal predictions for the remainder of your division and what pearls of wisdom can you give us for the rising stars seeking to make it big in the Galaxy?

Rick Hoffer - Aye laddie pay close attention Zeon is on the rise and while we move up in Division are records speak for themselves for we do lose but we do win alot more and better yet when you see that Kilt wearing pilot  storming the battlefield take heed he will leave it all on the battlefield like the great Warrior Poets of old for it will not be for the thrill of Victory bit in the battle it self...  Mark well you will see Zeon soon.

Steve Ross - Philosopher, Pilot, Romanticist and Death Dealer. Ladies and Gents I give you a very good friend and long time colleague. Rick, thank you greatly for your time, patience and honesty. See you in the Mess for a few cold ones. Take care Rick.

Rick Hoffer - Aye lad it has been a pleasure mate for sure your buying the drinks btw lol.

Submitted by Steve Ross#162076 and Rick Hoffer#182594