Thursday, December 4, 2014

New Mecha And Crystal Weapons Released

This week has seen some nice new stuff across the board. For Niode weapons the Hornet's Nest was just released, for Crystal we saw the Dynamo Cannon, Snavrum Laser and Firebolt released. Also we got a new crystal mech called the Magnus which by all accounts is a monster with slug throwers and missile systems coming in at 90  tons. Also the hangers got an upgrade that selects applicable mecha and allows you to level them in a group as opposed to one at a time.

So all these add ons and improvements seem to have many players happy, yet as always with new low end releases the higher levels are saying, "Well what about me?!" Hate to say it but there are many lower levels than there are higher, just look at the battle pages as you progress up the levels. Thin at the top tiers real thick at the lower ones. So to those I say be patient your time will come let them pacify the masses first then they'll most likely get to the few at the upper levels. Besides not like those lower levels can access the new crystal mecha so it's a trade off. Mecha for you, weapons for them. Just be patient your time will come and then they will be the ones asking where their share is.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534