Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Little Humility is Good

I thought I knew what I was doing, up until last Clan War.  The 19th one I realized, no... I don't. I'm an explorer more than a strategist. Lost battles to some way lower tonnage formations than mine.  There is a heckuva lot I still have to learn about optimizing formations.  Considering retiring from it after Clan Wars XX.  Feel like I may be holding the rest of the clan I'm in back from winning more, due to that weakness.  The best course of action may be to train in solo in order to iron out my weaknesses.

Inventors and explorers don't always make the best strategists.  Duels are different than battles. In battle, during wars, you have to keep your eyes on the long term and bigger picture, how parts operate together as a whole.

There is some danger that in trying to focus on cleaning up specific particular weak areas in defenses too much I could wind up entirely neglecting others, again.  It cost us a clan raid in XIX (trouble balancing double duties as inventor and a fighter), and may have been a determining factor in what cost us a silver medal this time breaking our recent gold streak.

I need to re-examine how I fight and work some of that out. I scored some pretty nice kit during my travels and some impressive mecha during those voyages.  The question is how to utilize it all most effectively...

I'm not a military man.  Winning battles through sheer dumb luck is okay when you are lower level, but I looked at the roster, and on reaching level 72 went, you know dammit, there's got to be a better way.  I'm a hobbyist, somebody who discovered mecha through leisure and business rather than necessity or out of some type of nationalist duty toward serving a space power.

Am I going to come out of retirement? Well yeah, at most it'll likely be only temporary.  Not sure for how long though. Looking for a sign. Going to have to go on a personal quest this time, to see if I've got what it takes to deserve to bear the standard and adorning identifications on my mecha hulls.

It's a big Mecha Galaxy out there.  I want to become a true beast master of kaiju and bug.  Speaking of bugs, just because I'll be briefly in retirement, doesn't mean I won't keep going with my exploration.  The next mecha to unlock is the Jadoon.  I've seen what a fully trained one can do. I've become... familiar of a few of their idiosyncrasies in personality from observing Patrick's Apocalyptor.  Rumor has it there may be some sleeping in an asteroid field. "wild" ones.  Quanta isn't going to like this much.  I may have to have her just warp me to some rock and do a spacewalk unaided in my Zadok... hope I can find one and it doesn't roast me to death with its Chem Throwers immediately before I get a chance to hail it... since I've not tried bug whispering before.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744