Saturday, December 6, 2014

Networks Looking For Clan Liaison Personnel

You read that right folks the networks are looking for clan liaison personnel for around clan wars. What that boils down to is a representative for clan families, or for the independents. Someone willing to step up and represent your clan for interviews during Clan Wars. Our very own new editor Joel Parras is on board to represent The Brotherhood for such interviews. Word is we're in talks with Slaughterhouse 5 leadership about this, ANN is at work trying to get representatives on board as well.

Even the Smurfs are reported to be getting in on the action! This leaves many other clans and clan families in need of representation for this endeavor. Behind the scenes there is still talks of how this will work, how many interviews per representative, and which clan to possibly feature or highlight when. But the discussion is happening and we're looking for people to step up.  So do you or your clan want in on this? Simply message any member of whichever network you wish to work with (Us at G.G., Deb, Joel, or myself. Or Moe, Justin or Jamie at ANN) we'll let Molly know you're interested and work it all out! So want to get the trash talk amped during CW? Want to make your clan sound even slicker than it is? This is your chance to shine all! Let one of us know and get in on the action, and the fame.(Yes pay as well but we're still discussing that.)

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534