Thursday, May 15, 2014

Post Faction War Interview With Colin Toenjes

Well Mecha lovers the interviews are coming in like hot cakes today ! Seems everyone wants to talk about the Faction War! Right now I have with me Colin Toenjes #650451of Clan Smurf Legion for this past War. Colin thanks for taking the time to talk to me today, so first ever Faction Wars many had misgivings when it was announced some even during. what were your impressions of the war both before and when it was finally concluded?

Colin - I was originally very curious as to how the event would be handled as we didn't have a lot of information. I thought it might be done as something other than just a "big Clan War" so I was a slight bit disappointed when that was how it ended up. But the size of the Factions didn't bother me. It ended up being a good time and I'm glad the developers tried something a little new at least. I also liked the differing way of awarding prizes where the best performers in a Faction got prizes as well

Pat - It was definitely interesting to be sure, how did you find the larger clan sizes to impact communication during the war if it had any impact at all? That is to say better, worse, more or less hectic etc?

Colin - Well the faction I ended up allying with had pretty good communication overall. with the ability to do group chats, and have things like Facebook groups to enable organizing, I don't think the large size had much if any impact.

Pat - True some found it hard being as fast paced as it was figured I'd ask around on Did you have any new toys either mecha or weapons you were able to unleash this time out and did they perform up to expectations if so?

Colin - I had a pair of Ballista mecha that made their debut for this war and they performed very very well and were solid upgrades from the Gigus and Oresters I had been using before. I also invested in a few upgraded chassis items like a SMASH 8 and I think they made a difference in a few fights.

Pat - Nice choices. Were there any individuals you were looking to hit this war out? Any old scores to settle that you were able to make good on?

Colin - Not really; I'm not one to hold grudges or count coup. I just wanted to help my faction win and get better stuff for myself and my teammates from my old Clan who had come along in the alliance with me. Oddly enough the people I allied with were several folks I'd been frequently beating up on in PvP fights.

Pat - An honorable player then I respect that, alright last question what if any changes would you make to the system for the next war? Either division line ups, prize load outs, things of that nature.

Colin -  I'd really like to see a war based on something other than player v player combat. something perhaps where each member of a faction faces a wave fight, and how many ever waves they face adds to the Clan's total, with the highest total in a division winning. i feel it would allow lower level players to feel they were contributing and not to feel so much like speed bumps at times. When at best you can defeat one or two of the other players on the opposition in a Clan War and you are getting whooped 30-40 times, it can be frustrating at best and not fun at worst, and fun is the point.

Pat - Good point and that would be interesting to see played out. That is all I have for questions thank you for your time this afternoon and best of luck in the battles to be fought down the road.

Colin - Thanks for the opportunity!

Pat - No problem at all


Submitted by Pat Willis #224534