Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Nova Exploded

I did it! No one thought it was possible. I proved everyone wrong. I placed the power of a Nova star in a container and used it to power one of the first Power House clans in the Galaxy. Nova in a Can. This power was too much for some. They burned out or faded away. This kind of power requires you to be diligent. Few were able live up to the challenge. Others that taped the power of the nova, used it to rocket to new heights.

They have become legends in all corners of the galaxy. I encouraged this expansion and gladly let them move away from the Nova so that they may continue to grow. While I still consider this the right move, hindsight is showing me that this was a mistake. The Nova began to pulsate beyond what the Can could hold. I could see the power pushing at the seams. I could feel heat beyond anything I have ever felt. I looked for the assistance I would need to continue to hold the Nova. Time was short and options few. In any story of triumph and victory, this is the point when something amazing would happen. On this brink of destruction, heroic or amazing actions would save us all.

Sadly, this is no such story. The Can gave way. The nova exploded with a force beyond any other before it. The act of containing it caused the force to be magnified greater than any scale. Many have been lost. Others have been scattered. I am scarred. The explosion destroyed mechas, lives and a team I loved. It did not destroy ME. I will have my Revenge. There are things I have learned and more still to learn. I will take time to recover and understand these lessons. I will find a new Nova to harness. I will return as a force in the Galaxy.

Ron Kightlinger # 159578