Monday, May 5, 2014

We Want Your Submissions

Hello all Pat Willis here owner, site creator, and Head Editor here at The Galaxy Gathering, just wanted to say a couple things if I may. First off over this weekend we hit  over 1,000 hits so thank you all for checking us out and seeing what we are all about. It's a great start and we're off and running it would seem.

Secondly I'd like to take a moment to talk about submissions. Submissions ideally should be at least a couple of paragraphs long minimum to a page or so maximum any where in between is great and ideal. Also we are loving the stories that have come in thus far so a huge thank you to those who have submitted. Is there anyone out there who does mecha, weapon, or equipment reviews? If so send us your stuff! We would love to read others ideas on what is available in the game. This is above all else a player resource we're here for you guys and gals. I've done a few weapon, equipment and mecha reviews so far on this site. But my word isn't Got a different opinion on something go ahead and write it out, and send it in. We'd love to see what other players think of what is available in the game.

We are playing with the idea of adding a tips and tricks section. Got a winning equip and mecha combo you just think can not be beat? Got a build that is straight up awesome? Send it in we'd be happy to post it. If nothing else your ideas may help out newer players and increase the competition in game. I know folks are  protective about their builds so send in your second stringers if nothing else. A build that isn't god like but maybe was pretty good when you were whatever level and you just don't use it anymore. The stories and lore are awesome no doubt about it, I just would personally like to see more opinions of the things in game and maybe some technical aspects as well. We get enough in and the category will be made I assure you!

In closing thank you again for visiting and checking us out, a HUGE thank you to those who have submitted so far, and to those still on the fence hop on off and send us your submissions!! It's free niodes for you, as well as others reading your stuff win win all the way around. Thanks again, hope to see your submissions in our inbox real soon.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534