Thursday, May 1, 2014

Pilot Profile Richard McKenna

This is Deborah Roaché-Hudak with Richard McKenna 25562, founder of Northwind Highlanders and creator of the ‘brotherhood’ in a pilot profile in-depth interview to look inside how NWHLs and the brotherhood came about. Thank you very much for speaking with me Richard.

Richard: Always a pleasure.

Deb:Being able to find out the heart of stories was why I asked to join the news, I'm grateful for the opportunity to find out more about the people who love this game. What clan was actually the first clan to get started?

Richard: The Northwind Highlanders, created on October 1, 2012

Deb: That was an important decision for you. Would you care to explain why that date is important and how it all came about please?

Richard: First, I would like to extend a heart felt congratulations, and happy belated birthday to the mecha galaxy chapter of the Northwind Highlanders and its subsidiaries. For me, October 1st is an extremely important day, a day of mourning and remembrance. For those who were not with me in the beginning; On October 1st, 2011 my family was struck by the tragic passing of our daughter, Cora Nave, she was 17. On October 1st, 2012, the first anniversary of her passing, I decided to do something, in my fashion, to honor and remember her. She was a big fan of Facebook, and had played Battletech with me when she was younger, so I decided, while playing Mecha Galaxy, to create a clan for the underdogs. As a personal tribute to my daughter, I formed the Northwind Highlanders. Together with my son, Rick McKenna, and a dedicated group of players, including, Thodoris Liolios, Thane Dawson, War Master Part II, Roy Cheah, Ryan Weaver (ret.), Thomas Ohl (ret.), Kowa Les (ret.), and Russ Painter (ret.) we set out to redefine the status quo.

Richard continues: This organization has grown so much since those days, for me it is mind boggling and awe inspiring. The status quo has indeed been redefined, and it was done with honor and integrity. Six clans strong, and growing, this organization sets the bar by which all others are now measured. Our officers lead by example, and set forth the highest standards of performance and conduct. Our members are enthusiastic, dedicated, and loyal; A most ferocious and tenacious force in competition. You all have done such an amazing job. You have, not only lived up to, but exceeded my every expectation, and on a personal level, you all have brought great honor to the memory of her for whom this was began. Thank you all, so much, for everything you do, and have done. (Especially Thodoris, you are a giant in character and a paragon among men. Thank you for carrying this torch to heights I could not.) In closing, to the greatest organization in Mecha Galaxy, and the finest men and women who comprise it, happy birthday Northwind Highlanders! Buaidh no bas!

Deb: My condolences again on your loss. That is one of the most heartfelt statements I’ve read in a long time and I’ve been a literary agent for over 15 years. What a noble origin for a simple game. I had no knowledge of all those details until we celebrated that one year anniversary not so long ago. I didn’t joined until six months later, been playing catch up ever since it feels like. Your tribute to her, as well as the expansions to create the brotherhood, allowed more players like myself to join. What made you decide to expand? Black Watch came next?

Richard: The community was rife with discontent regarding the dominance of clan MurderBots. As the Northwind Highlanders became viewed as contenders, many sought to join us in our fight to end MB’s reign. I created the first clan subsidiary, Black Watch, to answer that demand.

Deb: You’ve continued to expand ever since, finding great pilots that other clans didn’t get in many divisions. Must have been great to watch. With CWs XI looming, is there anything you’d like to say?

Richard: I am ever proud of all members of this organization. It has been a great joy and profound honor to be counted among such fine competitors, and wonderful people. My thanks goes out to each of them, best wishes to all.

Deb: I’m sure some in the brotherhood may not know the roots but now all can read about it as well as those in Mecha Galaxy. I appreciate your time.

Richard: Happy to do it. It was good speaking with you again, hope to again soon. Take care.

Deb: Likewise. It was a privilege and honor to share this chat. I hope to have the opportunity to bring more stories like this to light. Take care as well and thanks so much. Until we meet again I bid you safe travels and successful battles.

Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133