Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ash's Torch (Elite) By Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133


Another recent weapon drop offers 55 damage of fire if you are minimum level 20 to buy this. A swift speed of 102 may give you the edge in firing first. A burn of 6% will leave a lingering effect when it kicks in. Placing this on a mecha with built in fire/burn will compound on top of skill points placed in this element. In the end, it will all add up to some awesome firepower.

For an added bonus, 3x damage has a 2% chance of cranking your hit potential up to 165. You can't find much better weapons or results at level 20, regardless what specialty you're training in. If added to a mecha with splash, the burn may break their shielding, providing that crack needed to blow them up. You'll be cooking when you add this to your arsenal mix.

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak #289133