Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mecha Review The Nerio By Steve Ross#162076

So you're starting out in the galaxy and looking for something to spend a few hard earned niodes on to give you an edge in the junior weight rankings. You have a penchant for the slug chucking prowess of the projectile classes. Your field of warfare is the 20 - 40 ton range. Where do you place your faith? Let me talk you through the punching power of the Nerio. This bipedal blue scrapper has been a mainstay of the game since the year dot.

At 25 tons it is a nimble little craft. The Chinese boxer of it's type, it moves fast and, to quote an old adage, it stings like a steel ball on the end of a chain. It has a fair amount of penetration power and is geared beautifully towards the pellet throwing weaponry. A rapid catapult of a mech, it is famed for more than just Mammoth Jack's guard duties. Darting in and out of it's opponent's ranks, it can deliver the pain where needed and be long gone before it is noticed.

You need to be level 11 to drive this puppy, and it will set the pilot back a cool 500 ferrite, 300 bioptics and (for the new combatant) a non-too wallet breaking 50 niodes. A reasonable investment? We think so. From the build you get a nifty plus seven to you speed modifier as well as a 5% projectile and missile stat, and as you level this mean little sucker that projectile damage only gets better. Into the mix, if you consider it's very credible X3 damage accumulator, it ends up with a further level 50 +10 speed boost. Fast is not the word for this pocket rocket.

Now, the down sides; The blue meanie does not do much by way of engine slots throughout it's life, which kinda dulls the edge of that speed plus glow, and it takes very little punishment to see it fall flat on it's back. In summary, it's fine and dandy for the opening play of the combatant, but from level 40 onwards it is very much a victim of the craft engineer who develops a precise offensive. Nice to keep around for those lightweight categories, but a bit of a niode sink if you hold on hoping for the occasional niche event. Consider what you want to aim for in your fighting style and base your purchase of this mech on that.

Submitted by Steve Ross#162076