There are moments when... well, to put it in very PC terms, you have a moment.
And I freely admit, I may have had a bit of a moment when one of my clan mates pointed this piece out to me. My, haven't we just been spoiled recently.
Now I admit he was being a bit facetious since we have this long running difference of opinion.
You see, he is a big proponent of shields. Shields above all else.
Now you know me. Love a shield. Believe I've said so in the past.
But while I may say that, its probably only so i can get it in the sack. Because while I'm... well, you know.... I'd be thinking about Auto Repair.
I mean, just look at it... with out drooling if you can.
A book value of 56 Niodes, 1101 Bioptics and 1909 Ferrite for a chassis piece that gives you a dodge
value of 9, a 35% Wide Fork shield (love a shield!) but also that oh so sexy Auto Repair factor of 2.
And no penalty!
OK, so if it did have a downside, it's the fact it can only fit in a 100 ton chassis... unless of course you think big is beautiful, and why shouldn't you.
We should probably have a look at what it is replacing, and bear in mind that it is auto repair we are after.
Funnily enough they are both engines.
There's the Gigabot Swarm. Now I haven't reviewed this formally, but its not bad. A bit slow on the speed stakes, but you do get some bonus dodge and shield along with auto repair, and no penalties. Its worth a second glance to pair this up with the Hive to get a reasonable auto repair value while not limiting yourself in chassis options.
The other is the now very unfortunate loser, the Reaper Core. It's that kickback. Everyone hates it, most tolerate it but everyone had hoped we had left it behind once we advanced past 75 tons. To be forced to use it for your big mechs was just... a turn off.
Still, unless you are of masochistic tendencies, you no longer have to tolerate that sort of... treatment.
Now, please excuse me... I believe I may have a dinner date.
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548