Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Leveler. Weapon Review by Germán Jaramillo #685605.


Released during June of 3306, a couple months after a Clan War Tournement and the arise of a new Drohchas’ assault of the League of Ages, this bizarre cannon bests the top ten of the projectile pain makers among all the ballistic crystal based weaponry.

The manufacturer’s motto advertisement was spread all along the wide and far Galaxy Netlink Channels: “Even the biggest challengers are going to get leveled by the Leveler”

This is the promise, and for certain, this massive gun is not available for everyone but the most experienced pilots above all the elite mech warriors of the Galaxy.

Let’s the technical analysis start then.

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Manufacturer: Hacker & Korn Evolved Factories.

Quality: Top crystal projectile tech.

Damage: 84 (Among the highest damage rank for the crystal cannon standards, this cannon is almost as strong as the beloved Ursa Strike Gun)

Speed: 103 (Above the average)

Abilities: 3x Damage 7% (High impact damage due a fast ballistic trajectory and armored ammo)

The max amount that can be acquired in the official markets to load in your squad: 65 units.

Min Level required: 139.

Cost: Ferrite: 3100; Bioptics: 2300; Crystal: 78

Best purchase: Bulk (5 units) for 312 Crystal.

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The massive gun will be the true love for gunslinger mechs as the caliber can be adjusted to almost every different mech projectile. Also, can be loaded with any quality of ballistic item, were ruined mechas scrap or the most advanced niode ammunition.

The elite pilots will love to replace the old guns on their backup Antithesis and Dreadnoughts, loading this trusty gun and making a real improvement in your units.

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There is not much imagination in the design, but pure killing purpose and effectively firing deploy: By shooting with the leveler, your enemy won’t be see nothing else but a pure ferrite rain dropping above their armored carapace.

Above a rough cannon cylinder an upper structure will work as both, autoloader and cooling system to keep the cannon melting after a massive barrage.

The design was meant to allow the mech opening fire even in underwater environments.

The projectiles uses a head of enriched uranium covered by an advanced durilium-ferrite alloy, designed to protect the own projectile from enemy countermeasures and to pierce the stronger shield.

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Tier IX.

Score: 7/10 (Amazing crystal cannon to pierce your enemy and turn him into pure and useless scrap)

Submitted by Germán Jaramillo #685605.