Thursday, February 4, 2016

Roklar Connectors Equipment Review by David McCallum #701548





A brand new chassis piece for the super heavy class, and it can be purchased in any colour as long as its surgical pink!

Why in all the galaxy would I want to dress my brand new Typhoon up in what, to all intents and purposes, looks like my Grannies corset???

A dodge rating of 10? I'm not surprised... no self respecting targeting system would want to look at it!!

Splash shielding rated at 35% and a flat shield value of 7. I'm frankly amazed its not higher... missiles will be self detonating short of the target and smart munitions will swerve to go in the opposite direction, as any sentient thing should when confronted with octogenarian undergarments!

Looks, styling and the complete disregard for them aside however, this isn't a bad piece costing only 51 Niodes, 1155 Bioptics and 1634 Ferrite for a system that enhances the BFM class while giving no penalties performance wise.

And on the plus side, while you are in the cockpit, you don't have to have any direct sight of the fact that your mech now looks like it just failed an audition for Betty White's Moulin Rouge Dance Troupe...

Just don't expect your maintenance crew to keep you on their Christmas

card list.... they actually have to touch it... eww!!!

Submitted by David McCallum #701548