Monday, May 11, 2015

Monk's Shop Talk With Monk Malone, Leveling Issues By Ron Frye#879655 And F.J. Bros#885020

Dear Monk,

I have an issue. Our commander drives us on and on with training. It's a constant never ending series of drills and mock battles designed to, "raise our level of war effectiveness", and he just will not let up. The real problem, however, is the fact that we do not really see any benefit to it. I mean, what's in it for us? Actually, if we perform at a lower level of skill, our combat assignments are relatively easy in comparison to the higher rated combat engagements that we currently receive. So, if we train, we get hard assignments with lower rewards, and if we do not train, we get easy engagements with higher level rewards. You see my problem? What are your thoughts on this issue and what do you recommend?


Level This, Captain!

Dear Level This, Captain!,

I can not count the number of letters I have received involving this particular issue. I can tell you that the problem has come to the attention of the highest authority in the upper echelons of the Greater Galactic United Clans Counsel (GGUCC) and even to the very desk of Over General Nick "Brain Chef" Shapiro, Galactic Theater Commander of the Joint Threat Task Force. Training and increasing a pilot's level of ability is an arduous and currently under rewarded process, and while we are aware of the issue and working hard to find a resolution, high caliber pilots are at a premium now and our need for more exceeds the supply we have available. Be aware, that plans are in the works to establish much higher, more tangible, and more appropriate rewards for those pilots that train and level and ways to encourage and recognize them as they do so. So, those are my thoughts on that. Now, my thoughts and recommendations on your personal opinions and dilemmas, are as follows:

A. Training should be continuous and rough, "If it ain't raining, it ain't training".

B. A Commander who does not drive his unit to be the best is only "fraking" you. If your CO is giving it to you easy, he is screwing you slowly. A good CO shouldn't worry about making friends, he should only concern himself with making soldiers.

C. And finally. A wise old Sergent once told me, "If a soldier isn't complaining, he is plotting something dangerous.". Well, I can tell you are not plotting anything, but complaining can go way too far. You need to stop whining and start working. Suck it up and drive on trooper. In other words, "Don't be a beotch, bro!".

Monk "Leveling is the bomb!" Malone

Special thank you to FJ Bros for the letter and inspiration, and a massive high five for being such a sport. Cheers mate and Slainte Mwhaith!

Submitted by Sgt. Ron Frye#879655 jr editor and writer & FJ Bros 885020 idea contribution