Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dynamo Cannon Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

Available to levels 19 and up we have a nice solid crystal slug thrower. It'll cost you 285 Ferrite, 228 Bioptics, and 6 Crystal. bulk buy is an option here of 5 for 24 crystal. No limit or restriction listed, it does 19 straight damage, has a speed of 103, and has the ability of X2 damage at 2%.

Needless to say end result on damage will be decided on your equipment load out/bonuses, mecha type, and skill point placement. It has potential for the lower tiers no doubt, but it most likely will be a weapon you move on from in favor of bigger, more damaging guns as you level. It has a decent speed to it and alright damage, at least it's in the double digits, the X2 ability is always good to have. So all in all not a bad little gun, quickly surpassed yes, but for the time being not a bad gun at all for it's level and what all it does.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534