Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Exiles' Immortals Pre War Report By Scar FireWolf #729774

From within his laboratory, Scar was busy putting the finishing touches on his new Gigus and Smilodon. Steam poured from jangly wires and gears turned unsteadily as sparks flew from his welding beam. His automated swivel chair moved faster than his machinery as Scar moved from screen to screen, calibrating numbers spread out across a dozen computer screens around the room. Finally it all abruptly halts and Scar looked his creations over, satisfied. Phew, those are done, and so is that shifty Skriag for Waddo - That thing was a challenge to work on, but it was completed on schedule and the janky modifications are performing flawlessly.

Scar's new experimental advances in combining x-ray goggles with bent-optic binoculars have proved largely successful at analyzing the opponent's formations. Scar dons a prototype eyepiece and activates it, and it promptly bursts into flames. Automated service bots quickly swarm Scar and extinguish it. "Hmph, adjustments need to be made before war, but it's close. When we get it right, these little buggers will truly revolutionize how we see war. Pun intended. Sort of."

He puts that project down for a minute and goes back over his notes. While not quite as ambitious as he originally planned, Scar is satisfied with the compromises that were reached. The Immortals core has grown into a solid phalanx and is ready for war. Enthusiastic comm chatter confirms this, as testing reveals that upgrades are performing better than expected. Meanwhile, Scar waits in anticipation to see how his schemes play out - The other Exiles squads will come to war with a lot more bite this time around and should bring home shinier medals, if all goes according to plan.

Good luck to all, and may your glory in combat be surpassed only by your enjoyment of it.

Submitted by Scar FireWolf #729774