Thursday, May 21, 2015

Only A Few Seconds By Kalevi Karvinen#863817

KOTM. Point mech. Division nine is for levels one to seventeen. Lucky, as I still belong to that group. Time to hunt Nephilax again, even if  the war is on. Joined early enough, so I will be the cause xp of gained to those early fighters. Really, why bother fighting now, when anybody can drop you multiple times before the event ends. Or could there actually could be someone who thinks that they could keep their spot where it is now? I surely could not, not even if  I owned some of those BFM mech. So this is again one of those join and forget until end fight starts events.

Well, even if I won't fight in the middle of  the event, it doesn't mean that I would not check the situation time to time. There are those monsters that I need keep eye on... Top 10 empty... Top25 empty... hmm, where re they? Finally, found Kyle Man way down... I wonder if he hunts this time? But where Jinx Alexia is? Or Steve Shcman? Can't find them at all... Dhio Rizky is there, he could try something but he is not a collector. So only one familiar opponent joined yet, rest are new acquaintances. I wonder how hard they will fight?

Another check. They do fight. Lots. There is always a different player on any given spot in top 10. Or close enough. And they brought big mechs in the battle, lucky for me as that would mean that they won't hit so hard... although they got bigger armor so I need to make bigger damage. And that I can do, big enough for this division anyway.

Check. Still they fight and some leveled already. Even if I'm forced to fight at next round of war, I will still be level 17 when event ends. Plan is to take the new Nephilax and level it just before next round starts so I can use the bonuses. Still no strong opponents in top 25, and no friendly players either, so this round is all mine, win or lose.

...About ten minutes to start of end fight, maybe I should start. Okay, empty all weapons and equipment, select Keradon and make this work. Shield CRAG Beta as projectiles are fastest weapons they can use. Engine Wankel Rotary as best speed is what I need. Cockpit got Immersive Neural Rig for Precision, Crit-Kill and 2X Damage wont hurt either. And finally Chassis get Handheld Nuke, so the hits will really hurt. Then weapons. Sort by damage. Hmm... Six Shooters, H. Blast Plates, Oxidizer Sprays, Gambit Guns, Tasmanian Devil and Vulcan Phaser. That's about it. All would do enough damage with nuke. Lets start.

Up. Up. Lost. Lost. Up. Lost. Down... something is not right. That 3x damage does not trigger often enough, so those big mechs stay functional and can shoot back. Not good at all... Back to hangar, what else I could use? Nephilax and Orcus can use nuke, but they have only one chassis slot like  the Keradon has. That leaves only Holmes. Immersive Neural Rig goes in Cockpit, Engine is still Wankel Rotary. But Chassis get two nukes this time. Changed weapons to this mech and back to hunt. Up and first. That was easy. Now how long I could stay here?

Not long. Minion Training Academy is there, and they seems to work together, not fighting each other. Oh boy, this gonna hurt my xp reserve. Up and down. Down again and back up and up again. Visited first spot often and dropped down. Needed first super hatoraide. Darn, need to slow down. So, if I fight once for every minute, I will spend one super for every ten minutes. That way I can fight all the way in the end, if this continues the whole hour. And maybe others run out of fights faster.

Wait... Wait... Change in first spot, wait retaliate... there, now my turn, and I'm first again. And down again. Another wait, change, who is that? Some new player? Poor devil, this was the wrong event to try gold for you. And down he goes. Okay, who takes top next? Hmm, you are not a right (or real) threat, wait a little more... there we go, and now there will be two follow up attacks... and done. My turn to be first again... how in the hell ... I'm down here? Oh, target dropped at last moment. That AFF guy is quite persistent, maybe he is a real threat after all. And those minions... hard to fight multiple targets when less than ten minutes gone... Maybe I should wait some time again, if they would run out fights.

One minute. Good, fight all you can, then I attack. Second minute. Yes, still they retaliate fast... My turn next... AFF hit top, so next is Erin Daniels... Reload page. Again. Again. There, my turn... WHAT!! Empty division screen? It ended now? Oh darn... did my click register? Still no result, but loot will be already in hangar. Click. Yes, it is here, but it is Silver loot. Not my day then, wonder who won.

Erin Daniels From Minion Training Academy. Full six seconds at first spot before end. Darn, so close, I was less than three seconds late, although hard to say for sure. Well, congratulations on your first Nephilax, enjoy your visit in upper divisions, I take my penalty xp for failure, and wait next opportunity to hunt. Hmm, next event... Front Line Fight and division eight is for levels 17-24... so I'm at low end this time. Well, join and wait where I am, when the end starts, maybe even lucky enough and stay high enough for bronze. More than that I can't do this time, there is already big loot mechs showing in top 10. But still there is time, maybe next kotm is favorable for me.

Submitted by Kalevi Karvinen#863817