Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Interveiw With Molliere DAffue By Joel Parras/KilotoneRecoil #637457/#599258

Joel - Thank you for joining me once again my fellow mech pilots & reads alike. Joel Parras here with Molliere Daffue of The Brotherhood of the West as we come ever closer to the threshold of Clan Wars. Great to have you here Molliere. I see you're currently kicking it in Kotm division 4 atm. Hows the view from up there?

Molliere - mmm to be honest Joel Its quit an sight, but i hope to get knocked down. The experience is not worth the prizes

Joel - Yeah the balloon in experience points for kotms has seen quite a few shy away it seems. Well it'll be nice to see those players that want the experience, mechs, weapons & levels to get there chances with many choosing not to play for gold anymore. I was actually discussing ways of increasing general player experience yesterday without actually increasing the experience given out for prizes.....but I'll be keeping that one under my hat i think. All I can say over all when it comes to prizes though is that Clan Wars prizes have never been so up to date & generous from my point of view, which is spectacular to see. (Thanks for that Dev's)

Molliere - I totally agree with you there Joel The prizes have been updated quit well and the gear looks very promising

Joel - I'm excited to see such decent prizes available for divisions 1-3 in particular. With so many new items of equipment being added lately it always keeps things interesting. I think everyone wants to get there hands on the new mecha that's coming out. I've not seen one in the field myself but i hope to soon! Have you got your eyes on any particular mech you want to acquire in the near future yourself?

Molliere - The Regis seems to be quit decent and the Aspis I would not mid getting me a pair of them. But with upgrading time and niode cost it will take a while for me to have them ready in my formation

Joel - Oh yeah you can't argue with a Regis! I do like the Aspis but I've got to say i think the Regis is a superior mecha in many ways. Upgrade times are a constant issue, that's why my own never stop! The moment you stop you slip behind. I can't wait to see you dropping a few into your formation. I know you'll pilot them well. I've seen a lot of formations change up their mix of Regis & Aspis over the months & it's only recently that i like what i see with the newer gear on them.

Speaking of recent months Molliere this current Wars has seen some very interesting show downs in several divisions. What if any is your personal assessment of the shape of things to come if you don't mind me asking?

Molliere - To be honest things have changed a lot with the clan wars since the specialists came a long, I do not know what the dev’s have in store for use in the months to come but i hope it will be interesting.
The divisions are quite interesting with the last Clan war having 17 divisions. Most of the divisions seems to be quit fair but here and there I believe, the system did go wrong, But to be honest it’s just well planning for instant having a team of 16 top player’s with higher levels that a team of 8 or 9 with lower levels at the end of the day they will fall into the same division this is one of the things that AFF have been using to dominate their enemies, and it’s also one of the ways to win. Its not quit fair but its an loop hole that is in the game and I’m amazed that many clans have still not started using this tactic.

Joel - Yeah i totally agree.......it's interesting to see where the dust settles when it comes to divisions isn't it. When it comes to having a full clan of 16 it's something I too am surprised many more haven't committed to as yet but AFF does have the rampant numbers to accomplish it in a solid manner first. There's sure to be some showdowns that come close to the wire yet again, although i'm confident that they wont be the same close matches we saw last Clan Wars. Well Molliere it wont be long now until we all depart to out drop sites. Is there anything else you'd like to add or mention to the pilots out there before we take aim?

Molliere - I wish the all the luck in the world and I hope that they will not be facing off against me because I promise you Joel, they will not live to see the sun rise again.

Joel - Then a dark night will set on many moons tonight my brother! I wish you warm barrels to greet your opponents with Molliere! Thanks again for making the time for me & the players! I would wish you luck but i know a tactician like yourself needs none. Enjoy the war Molliere......I'll see you on the front lines soon enough!

Joel Parras/KilotoneRecoil #637457& Molliere DAffue #599258