Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lightning Shield Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534

The Lightning Shield is a slick piece of shielding equipment. I got mine from the Mystery Vortex, but when I checked the shop there wasn't one listed. As such I do not have pricing information for this item. I can tell you it is for 85-95 Ton mechas, and has the following abilities, Projectile Shield 38%, Projectile Shield (30) Fire Shield 33%, Trample Shield 30%, Shield(25), and an Ice vulnerability of 10%.

That's a lot of power packed into a single piece of shielding equipment. With an easily covered Ice vulnerability this comes in very handy. Add in an Arctic Delta to nullify the ice, it'll trade the ice vulnerability for fire, which you can cancel with the Caudata Delta which will cover fire but give you projectile vulnerability, which is then covered by the original shielding piece.

Or if your mecha has in it's build a fire tolerance you can stop a shield sooner and run with it. There are ways to cover these vulnerabilities, granted they can be annoying to keep track of but it can be done. This shield piece covers many areas at once and can be compensated for what little it doesn't cover. So if you get one keep it and roll with it, you could be pleasantly surprised.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534