Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Zeon Post Round Two/ Pre Round Three Interview From Steve Ross And Don Fugate #162076&710634

Ladies, gents, and wild ones of all ages! This is your ZEON correspondent Steve Ross, here today with the clan psycho-killer that is Don Fugate. Don, Nice to speak with you sir.

Don Fugate - Good to be here Steve. Thanks

Steve Ross - Right. We have round one down, dead and buried, and round two firmly secured. How are you feeling from those last two bouts of heavy metal carnage?

Don Fugate - Feeling like I see another Gold Medal coming my way. Can never have too many of those.

Steve Ross - lol Indeed. Make room on the shelf eh? The first round was against age old adversaries the SMURFS. Pretty much as expected so the fan base is hollering. Round 2 against the Spirit of Bunny was always going to be an unknown quantity though. New guns to the division, and clearly baptized by fire. Did you expect such a result or was it a tougher battle than you thought?

Don Fugate - I give the Bunnies their due. They put up the best defense they could muster against us. But what can you do against a Zeon Colony Drop, right? But they fought valiantly and did not just give up like some others have done against us in the past so yeah they most certainly earned my respect for that.

Steve Ross - A sentiment that is reciprocated throughout the ZEON ranks for sure. As a fellow combatant to yourself I was surprised at some of the defensive points they gained. 51 against ZEON is nothing to be sneezed at. Do you think ZEON could have done any more in respect of their performance against a division 4 green-horn clan?

Don Fugate - Well I think a few of us might have got a little complacent in the opening rounds and got caught out of formation. And a few technical glitches hit a few of our pilots too which cost a few battles. So yes we could have done much better against them. Good reminder to never underestimate you opposition. And again I have to give the Bunnies credit for their excellent scouting and hitting our pilots when they did make mistakes. They capitalized brilliantly.

Steve Ross - Amen brother. I concur heartily. It was stated on players page by Commander Mainer himself that his crew did more than they were expected to do. If you had one, ONE, word of critique for the SoB's, what in your opinion would that be? and I'm sure this will be taken in the friendly manner it is intended.

Don Fugate - Hmmm one word huh? Tough one.

Steve Ross - You're a tough fighter. Let's have it:

Don Fugate - Die is the first word that comes to mind but not really a critque. lmao

Steve Ross - lol. Concise. Nice. I daresay SoB will be aiming for just that in the final run. Now, if I may pull us to the matter of build; You have a rep' in the ZEON lines for being the hardest nut to crack. Where, or what, would you put your own success down to? Without giving away secrets of course, there must be some secret formula to the force that is the FU.

Don Fugate - Well of course Niodes is the number one secret ingredient. Beyond that it's all about mixing your weapons and equipment on each Mech to maximize it's abilities and minimize it's weaknesses. After that you have to know where to place it and with what other Mechs  each will help support in your formation. I have a good grasp of reading an opponents weaknesses and altering my formation to capitalize on that.

Steve Ross - And the results speak for themselves, without question. Thanks for the insight there Don. Well, round 3 is on the cards. It looks, for all it's worth, that it will be the old enemy 'Slaughter house 5'. Any worries at all? Or do you see a field of time honored tradition here?

Don Fugate - I think the outcome will be the same as it has always been. But hopefully we learned the lessons from round 2 and out pilots come out of the gate sharp, hungry, and frosty. Always comes down to the fundamentals really. I give Slaughter House 5 their props but as I said earlier, what can you do against a Zeon Colony drop. (chuckles menacingly)

Steve Ross - Mwahahahaha! I feel old Bond movies creeping in there. Okay my friend, before we wrap this up I have one final question for you; As a heavy wielder of the newly introduced BOREAS mech do you think that the super heavy 95 tonners are paying off, or do you think that the firm fan favorite, the TORRENT, still hold their own in these clashes?

Don Fugate - Well as some know, it was my skills with the Torrent that earned me my legendary pilot status. So I will always have a special fondness for my Torrents. That being said, the new BOREAS mecha is simply AWESOME. With the right mix of weapons and equipment to maximize it's built in abilities it will freeze most Torrents in their tracks. Which is why I have a heavy mix of both. They can be used very effectively to compliment each other if you set up your formation right.

Steve Ross - Wonderful. Thanks for that Don. I'm sure the watching crowds will take note.
Now, Don Fugate is about to die beneath the heel of a monstrous enemy. He reaches into his on board drinks cabinet for a last swig. What is it you choose?

Don Fugate - LOL, I am personally fond of Agave Tequila. Smooth but with a mean kick.

Steve Ross - lmao Thanks Don. I'll take one with you. Thank you for your time sir, and I shall see you tomorrow in the lines. Ladies and Gents; Don Fugate.

Don Fugate - Thanks Steve. Now let me head back to the MechBay and hose off the bunny guts before heading out on patrol later tonight. lol

Submitted by Steve Ross #162076 &  Don Fugate # 710634