Friday, March 6, 2015

Thoughts On The Cindron By Natalie Kerensky#741904

Here is a thought about breathing some new life into some of the Mechas that people pass over.  Or at least some new weapons for these Mechas.  Since I am on the topic of the Cindron, why not have a newer weapon lay out for her. Or "Discovering " lost weapons and tech for the Cindron.  For the current weapon lay out is pretty mismatched... the 2 Assault Plasma's are a excellent start, and the Red plasma is also a good solid weapon. But  having only 1 Red plasma and the 2 particle slates and the 2 small flames?  It's like they lost the original load out specs for this Mecha and tossed in the most commonly used weapons that they could replace for the missing load out.

I have calculated that for a 110 niode mecha she should sport a few different weapons. remove the red plasma and particle slates to add 2 panther wheels and 2 Snavurm lasers.... just one of my weapon load outs for this Mecha. Heck if you want to do a mini story/quest in the Novum missions, where people can find these old yet unique weapons to equip the Cindron or sell them is up to the player.  If you want any more thoughts or ideas for what type of "old weapons" send me a pm or a in game message.

Submitted by Natalie Kerensky#741904