Monday, June 30, 2014

Apocalyptor Of The Jadoon

Being a collector of important and rare mechs I have a few in my garage I am pretty proud of. I purchased the Frigis Bootlegger off of my friend Poppa Whiskey, I own the Dilophos named Jabberwocky, later renamed Heretic by the now infamous Niodemancer Captain Johnathan Judas, and most recently through contacts at Star Factories I was able to get my hands on their first found Jadoon mech. Granted they had disassembled it, studied it, reassembled it, ran it through many tests and took it apart again to mass produce it but I finally got it in my collection, it calls itself Apocalyptor.

As many know the Jadoon is an insect like mech, what is not known is they are aware. Not by means of an A.I., or even sentient like a beast mech, they are however part of a collective consciousness. Call it a hive mind if you like. This particular mech was once a guard of its hives queen, and lore master for its hive. Naturally we hit it off well.

The Jadoon colonies each have a hive ruled by a Matriarch, the rest of the hive is all male drones differing in power and status. The Matriarch just thinks her orders to the rest of the hive and at the speed of thought those orders are carried out. The more Jadoon there are also the more dangerous they are. Seems they learn and assimilate each others thoughts and memories in large groups. A hand full of Jadoon are dangerous, an entire hive can wipe out whole planets. The words inscribed on the wall in Forerunner glyphs where this Jadoon were found read as follows, "The harbinger of wars lies within. The Jadoon sleeps until blood and molten metals must run like rivers throughout the galaxy." Turns out it was a warning. Like in the natural world of predator and prey, the Jadoon have their competition for the top of the food chain. That competition comes in the form of beast mechs. Skraig, Gigus, and Nakshi altered and used as weapons of war almost drove the Jadoon into extinction under the rule of the Forerunners.

Hives were shattered, entire planets burned, countless sentient life forms were wiped from existence by the wars of these two mecha specie. Some of the beast mechs went with the Forerunners, others stayed behind in hibernation awaiting their masters return only to be found by us humans. The Jadoon likewise went into hiding and hibernation. The main difference is now the Jadoon outnumber their ancient enemies, many dormant "eggs" have hatched between then and now. They aren't as scattered as the beast machines, and they still retain access to their respective hive minds. In the wake of the wars many hives learned to co-exist, and tune into each others distinctive hive frequency making them immensely more dangerous as either a single unit or as a large force.

Their processing power and senses are second to none when it comes to detecting other forms of energy used by modern and ancient mechs alike. They generally regard other mech forms to be inferior and good only for feasting off the Lisi energy generated by the defeated mechs niodes. They loathe the mass produced Star Factories Jadoon models and see them as imposters, good as only a slave mech at best. They hate all beast mechs period, but will work in units with them if it means they can some how make it seem like an accident or pilot error to catch one in the crossfire to take it down.

Of all my acquired mechs I think this lore master and once hive guardian Apocalyptor is by far the most interesting. I think he and I will work very well together, and look forward to hearing his stories and history in the future. I wonder what he may tell me, where he may be able to take me, and how many we will have to kill along the way.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534