Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Max Torqued Charge Equipment Review

Another piece of equipment in the 70-85 ton range, this engine will cost you 416 Ferrite, 270 Bioptics, and 54 crystal. The only thing it has for abilities is speed of +10. Again handy if stacked it can help a slow mecha achieve a decent  speed rating and won't cost you an arm and a leg like the Betrus Processor. Really all this is good for is giving your mech a boost so that it can move and fire faster.

If stacked this can help work to your advantage, combine it with  some other engine pieces with auto repair and you can mid line your speed with a bit of a surprise for your enemies. There really isn't much to this engine piece but at least it doesn't suffer from bad manufacturing like many of the  equipment pieces that come with built in vulnerabilities. It does exactly what it says on the box it adds speed and really for the larger mechs that often start off with builds in the negatives for speed that is all you can really ask for.

Submitted by Pat Willis #224534