Galaxy Wide News, Stories, Reviews, & Current Events in the Mecha Galaxy Universe. All Content is Player Submitted.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Who Are The Real Bad Guys A Galaxy Gossip Video By Pat Willis#224534
Editors note * this is for fun not to be taken as news or fact hence why it is listed under Galaxy Gossip.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Monday, November 28, 2016
Solderbot Hive Equipment Review by David McCallum : #701548
There are moments when... well, to put it in very PC terms, you have a moment.
And I freely admit, I may have had a bit of a moment when one of my clan mates pointed this piece out to me. My, haven't we just been spoiled recently.
Now I admit he was being a bit facetious since we have this long running difference of opinion.
You see, he is a big proponent of shields. Shields above all else.
Now you know me. Love a shield. Believe I've said so in the past.
But while I may say that, its probably only so i can get it in the sack. Because while I'm... well, you know.... I'd be thinking about Auto Repair.
I mean, just look at it... with out drooling if you can.
A book value of 56 Niodes, 1101 Bioptics and 1909 Ferrite for a chassis piece that gives you a dodge
value of 9, a 35% Wide Fork shield (love a shield!) but also that oh so sexy Auto Repair factor of 2.
And no penalty!
OK, so if it did have a downside, it's the fact it can only fit in a 100 ton chassis... unless of course you think big is beautiful, and why shouldn't you.
We should probably have a look at what it is replacing, and bear in mind that it is auto repair we are after.
Funnily enough they are both engines.
There's the Gigabot Swarm. Now I haven't reviewed this formally, but its not bad. A bit slow on the speed stakes, but you do get some bonus dodge and shield along with auto repair, and no penalties. Its worth a second glance to pair this up with the Hive to get a reasonable auto repair value while not limiting yourself in chassis options.
The other is the now very unfortunate loser, the Reaper Core. It's that kickback. Everyone hates it, most tolerate it but everyone had hoped we had left it behind once we advanced past 75 tons. To be forced to use it for your big mechs was just... a turn off.
Still, unless you are of masochistic tendencies, you no longer have to tolerate that sort of... treatment.
Now, please excuse me... I believe I may have a dinner date.
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Evolve Or Die By Pat Willis#224534
The Brotherhood, one of the oldest if not currently the oldest clan family in Mecha Galaxy and where I personally hang my hat. They have seen many great players pass through the clan halls and call it home. They battled all the greats in the game from the old days like Cyberstorm, and Murderbots back before they were AFF. They were often fierce competitors in KOTM, and the clan halls were adorned with many first-place medals from both Clan and Faction Wars. But like many great old houses age has set in; cracks are beginning to show.
The first major crack was many brothers breaking off from the clan to start something new with Fusion. They were perusing their own play style and trying to start something different in the galaxy. Not saying anything against them or theirs mind you just stating that such a clan formation from the bulk of another major clan family is a rather large crack in the cohesion of any clan.
Morale thus over all took a major hit and given the remaining numbers in the active clan family results varied from war to war on how the remaining brothers and sisters performed overall. If the result wasn’t necessarily a desired one, or the expected, well of course morale suffers that much more. No matter how you try to hide it, or who you are it is felt. So, another major crack in the old regal house. Going from a solid Gold medal winning clan to a more all over the board situation with various clans bringing home whatever they could pick up.
Alliances were made here and there that before wouldn’t have even been considered. Some worked favorably, some had a mediocre outcome, and others crashed and burned horribly. The clan everyone used to want to team up with had to basically outsource to other families to make temporary alliances to get the job done. This further effects morale, performance, and showings for the clan’s trophies.
We also had brothers retire from the game entirely or pass away. Such things will always affect the ones still playing. We can chalk that up to further morale decline. What that left us with is a once old and great name slowly dying due to break offs, morale loss, decline in membership, and a spotty performance in KOTM and C.W.
But, we are the Brotherhood. We do not lie down to die so easily. The powers that be have recognized these things. They have read the writing on the wall, and they refuse to accept it. A life line has been offered to the Brotherhood from an unexpected direction. The life line has come from the Dragons clan family.
Dragons leadership has offered a full cooperative and even alliance with the Brotherhood across all clans and divisions. Dragons as many know are a newer but solid name in the Galaxy for a clan family. They have some of the game’s best pilots, hold overall decent levels, and are consecutive performers on the battle field, as well as generally good folk.
The situation now is up to the Brotherhood to decide the fate of our ancient and noble name. Our leadership is listening to each and every one of us who has a question, concern or idea pertaining to the saving of our clan. Spirits are high, doubt is beginning to give way to hope. Will we survive as the Brotherhood still, will we become Dragons, or will there be a totally new emerging force that will yet be born?
Either way there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the Brotherhood, and it looks to be a Dragon’s flame.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
The first major crack was many brothers breaking off from the clan to start something new with Fusion. They were perusing their own play style and trying to start something different in the galaxy. Not saying anything against them or theirs mind you just stating that such a clan formation from the bulk of another major clan family is a rather large crack in the cohesion of any clan.
Morale thus over all took a major hit and given the remaining numbers in the active clan family results varied from war to war on how the remaining brothers and sisters performed overall. If the result wasn’t necessarily a desired one, or the expected, well of course morale suffers that much more. No matter how you try to hide it, or who you are it is felt. So, another major crack in the old regal house. Going from a solid Gold medal winning clan to a more all over the board situation with various clans bringing home whatever they could pick up.
Alliances were made here and there that before wouldn’t have even been considered. Some worked favorably, some had a mediocre outcome, and others crashed and burned horribly. The clan everyone used to want to team up with had to basically outsource to other families to make temporary alliances to get the job done. This further effects morale, performance, and showings for the clan’s trophies.
We also had brothers retire from the game entirely or pass away. Such things will always affect the ones still playing. We can chalk that up to further morale decline. What that left us with is a once old and great name slowly dying due to break offs, morale loss, decline in membership, and a spotty performance in KOTM and C.W.
But, we are the Brotherhood. We do not lie down to die so easily. The powers that be have recognized these things. They have read the writing on the wall, and they refuse to accept it. A life line has been offered to the Brotherhood from an unexpected direction. The life line has come from the Dragons clan family.
Dragons leadership has offered a full cooperative and even alliance with the Brotherhood across all clans and divisions. Dragons as many know are a newer but solid name in the Galaxy for a clan family. They have some of the game’s best pilots, hold overall decent levels, and are consecutive performers on the battle field, as well as generally good folk.
The situation now is up to the Brotherhood to decide the fate of our ancient and noble name. Our leadership is listening to each and every one of us who has a question, concern or idea pertaining to the saving of our clan. Spirits are high, doubt is beginning to give way to hope. Will we survive as the Brotherhood still, will we become Dragons, or will there be a totally new emerging force that will yet be born?
Either way there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the Brotherhood, and it looks to be a Dragon’s flame.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Sunday, November 27, 2016
That New Car Smell By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092
So, here we are. We’ve weathered the mad scramble that was making 5-7 player clans, we limited it to one Specialist. Now we get to take this baby out for a drive.
Squad Wars 3317 brings into a new era of tactical fighting. It’s twice the preparation and zero room for error. After Battle One, we’ve all seen some surprises. It’s almost like a fresh start.
On the positive side, this has seriously taken a lot of the “insert rod A into slot B” mechanics out of Clan War. Level strength has never been so important as it is now. I’ve seen some excellent squads that came as a bit of a surprise, and squads disappoint for the same reason. A fair and accurate strength check of your clansmen has helped out several groups so far.
On the negative side, I don’t like what’s becoming of Specialists. I honestly wanted to see this aspect evolve with new types of formations to make people work a bit more. But with the single spec. per squad rule, it’s made the concept all but obsolete.
Those are the two biggest areas of impact that I’ve seen so far. If you have an example, input, or an opinion, please comment below (niodes!) or post it as a comment on this page and I’ll work those into another piece (if you do this, give your player ID for moar niodes!)
As always, this is Kenneth Hicks, signing out.
<End Transmission>
Squad Wars 3317 brings into a new era of tactical fighting. It’s twice the preparation and zero room for error. After Battle One, we’ve all seen some surprises. It’s almost like a fresh start.
On the positive side, this has seriously taken a lot of the “insert rod A into slot B” mechanics out of Clan War. Level strength has never been so important as it is now. I’ve seen some excellent squads that came as a bit of a surprise, and squads disappoint for the same reason. A fair and accurate strength check of your clansmen has helped out several groups so far.
On the negative side, I don’t like what’s becoming of Specialists. I honestly wanted to see this aspect evolve with new types of formations to make people work a bit more. But with the single spec. per squad rule, it’s made the concept all but obsolete.
Those are the two biggest areas of impact that I’ve seen so far. If you have an example, input, or an opinion, please comment below (niodes!) or post it as a comment on this page and I’ll work those into another piece (if you do this, give your player ID for moar niodes!)
As always, this is Kenneth Hicks, signing out.
<End Transmission>
Power Node Equipment Review by David McCallum : #701548
Its not often that you see an equipment manufacturer go bankrupt, but we have just observed it.
Kinetic Converter, you are the weakest link...
Seriously though, there is now no need for them. Scrap 'em all. Remove their taint from all catalogues.
1440 Ferrite, 1300 Bioptics and 62 Crystal is a touch more expensive, but lets face it, if you can level up a 100 ton mech, its the sort of price you sneeze at.
And for that paltry sum, instead of a flat speed rating of 5, you get a speed rating of 6.
But wait, there's more!
You get a built in Ice damage boost of 5% to every Ice weapon!
And if you are one of our first callers (well, any caller to be honest) we'll throw in a bonus of 2% freeze absolutely free!!
And the best part is yet to come...
There are no penalties.
Lets just see how that rolls around the tongue.
No penalties.
No penalties!
No Penalties!!
Don't think there's anything more to say really...
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Battle Upgrade Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
For 30-45 ton mechas we have this chassis equipment piece. This will cost 218 Ferrite, 158 Bioptics, and 26 Crystal. For all that you get a Dodge of (9), Shield of (4), and fire vulnerability of 11%.
I'm sure anyone who reads these pages knows what I am about to say next, when will the techs ever get it through their heads to make a equipment piece or shielding that will not hinder you with vulnerabilities. Oh I know shield it cover it that way. Then I got a whole nother vulnerability to work with because of the way everything is vulnerable to everything else. I used to be so excited like the rest of you thinking the addition of equipment would be a god send. Now I am realizing the majority of equipment is vulnerable to something else, how is that helpful? So like with most equipment pieces containing vulnerabilities I say pass it by save your resources for pieces that are worth while. Like maybe spinal bracing for 25-50 ton mecha with a dodge of 12 no add ons beyond that and only 2 more crystal for the cost.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
I'm sure anyone who reads these pages knows what I am about to say next, when will the techs ever get it through their heads to make a equipment piece or shielding that will not hinder you with vulnerabilities. Oh I know shield it cover it that way. Then I got a whole nother vulnerability to work with because of the way everything is vulnerable to everything else. I used to be so excited like the rest of you thinking the addition of equipment would be a god send. Now I am realizing the majority of equipment is vulnerable to something else, how is that helpful? So like with most equipment pieces containing vulnerabilities I say pass it by save your resources for pieces that are worth while. Like maybe spinal bracing for 25-50 ton mecha with a dodge of 12 no add ons beyond that and only 2 more crystal for the cost.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Friday, November 25, 2016
Commissar Mech Review by David McCallum : #701548
Ah, the fickleness of youth.
Being one of the newest mechs out there, according to Junior Pilot, they are the 'Best Mech Ever'. When Cherry Blossom Mechworks started production and put them on sale as an introductory offer, Junior Pilot decided that a 20 ton specialisation was the way to go and purchased a full squadron.
Now, I'm all for specialists, but even on sale it seemed... excessive. Ah well, wisdom comes with age, and Junior Pilot has a long way to go.
Now this is not the first mech that has been declared the 'Best Mech Ever'.
I recall when Junior Pilot had yet to earn their licence. We watched archaic vid-slugs of primitive fighting mechs in action. When they recognised the Axebot as being available on the open market, it was declared 'Best Mech Ever'. I was even derided for not having any and pestered to the point of insanity until I gave in and bought one. I never did actually, Junior Pilot just got bored eventually and wandered off. It was a close run thing though.
Then came graduation from pilot school and a few jaunts around the Pirate Moon, hauling in a Nerio and Trooper. These mecha were capable of conquering the Galaxy, and were therefore the 'Best Mechs Ever'.
I must admit, those mechs have served well. With the advent on Squad wars and the need for brevet promotions, way down at the bottom end of the divisions, Junior Pilot is leading a group. As such, and leading from the front, those mechs helped bring in two solid KotM bronzes.
But in the quest for the bounty from a third, they were not up to the task. They were replaced by Luisons, which even though they are crystal, they are, of course, the 'Best Mech Ever'. A solid and hard won silver was the prize.
And all the while, under their dust covers at the back of the hanger , unused, untested, all but forgotten by the fickleness of youth, sat a reserve formation.
And the War Gods smiled upon Junior Pilot, and for the fourth and final medal needed for the big bounty, they called forth the 20 tonners.
There were some sharks down there. Dragons, newly minted alumni from the Mech Point Academy. Highlanders are always a handful. They fielded Shocklites and Axebots. A few brave souls took to the field in Red Ants.
And yes, there was the odd captured Commissar.
Here's what the book says. 35 Niodes, 500 Bioptics and 550 Ferrite gets you a 20 ton mech with all the advantages inherited from the Red Ant plus more besides. That means it's a heck of a laser mech, but it also starts picking up speed boosts very quickly while being able to slow an opponent down on any successful shot. The Axebot favours engine modules and rightly needs it in a match up as the Commissar gets so much speed just built in. The Comissar can devote that other internal space to other things and seems to favour chassis enhancements making it a far more slippery target.
Add in its 4 weapon slots with another every 4 levels compared to the 3 and 7 of the Shocklite and the 3 and 5 of the Axebot, it starts with a higher throw weight and just gets better.
Now we already know that a Shocklite is vastly outmatched by the Axebot, but how will the Commisar stack up?
Yes, it has better damage potential with its chosen weapon type and can fire faster, but the Axebot is rightly feared with its built in ability to Crit Kill and its damage multipliers. The Axebot has the track record. It was going to be interesting to see how the newcomer fared against it.
It was a very thrilling contest, if a little short, which was perhaps disappointing. Junior Pilot was attacked by higher level opponents with both well tricked Shocklites and heavily armed Axebots.
But at the end of the day, direct observation can attest to the fact that the Commissar is up to the task.
A fourth medal in a row and a 100 niode bounty declared that, according to the fickleness of youth, the bright shiny new Nephilax in the hanger was indeed the 'Best Mech Ever'.
But from what I saw, just for a few moments at the top of the mountain the Commissar has very rightly earned a title.
It was the 'Best Mech Ever'.
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Round Table Topic Weapon Limits By The Galaxy Gathering Editorial Staff
Round Table Discussion Summary
Recorded by Sgt Ron Frye from the minutes of the meeting
Here is recorded the minutes of the second weekly round table discussion, summarized, but still containing all of the burps, warts, farts and cursing. So, if you have either a delicate constitution or an aversion to a group of greasy, smelly, ill mannered wrench jockeys scratching their itchy places and spitting in the corners of the room....stop reading and fast......and pray you escaped its clutches.......
Topic of Discussion:
Should there be limits on the number of specific weapons or equipment owned by a player, or should the max caps be raised or even lifted entirely.
David McCallum:
I think in terms of game balance it is a very sensible idea to have limits in place... I also like the fact that the limits can be broken if the extra's are given as prizes.
I think the thing missing is an "in game" or "lore" explanation as to why... and it can be as simple as a government imposed arms limitation to ensure nobody builds up enough force to form a breakaway kingdom.
The thing is if you do that, you'd almost be forced to start limiting numbers of mech type as well, which would hurt revenue, cause the top end wallet pilots to have a hissy fit and at the lower end, seriously mess up the specialists.
Ron Frye:
you know..........after being in several of these forums over the past few months i am seeing over and over that the biggest issue in game is this........a reason.......i think we need more lore....and i mean core things work.......why they work the way that they do......etc
Patrick Willis:
Agree on the lore portion we need it plain and simple. Pertaining to weapon limits I personally feel if you can afford it you should buy it. Now say you have a limit of 60 of a given laser type. Your formation packs in Regis, Fext, Bishops, etc. Laser users basically, and you want them all decked out with said laser. However with weapon slots on the bigger mechas being more, which makes sense given the size, you may want to stock more in to them than the other models. But even at that those mechas who receive laser X are fine but as you go down the line you get thinner and thinner on who can pack what, as a result most of you heavy weapons move into your first couple lines and everything after that by default gets progressively weaker as you stock them with whatever is available, given you have passed up the limits available in the shop. (Possible with the mecha build signature weapon installed at purchase of a new mecha or very slowly and painfully in the mystery vortex.)
Ron Frye:
i could see some weapons being limited in availability.....for example a weapon that predates current tech levels being found in a large cache somewhere and being sold on the black market....perhaps the arms dealers ration out the maximum per customer to appease all of their client base, and it would explain the total available for purchase......the only thing i argue is a weapon being dropped into the game with no rhyme or reason behind its existence or an explanation as to why there are only a few of them and why a player can only have an even fewer amount than that..........i am sure there are reasons for it.......i am sure there is a story in there waiting to be told........i just want to hear that story instead of buying a load of digital bullshit.
Patrick Willis:
Just playing the numbers game say weapon x has a limit of 40 to it, you run a 30 mecha formation. Say 5 guns to a mech thats 8 mechs with great guns and the rest of the formation SOL.
Ron Frye:
i feel your pain mate.........myself, i can handle being SOL in my formation IF someone can tell me WHY i am SOL lol lol
Kenneth Hicks:
limit's on weapons is really starting to piss me off. I can't think of a single reason in game lore or common sense physics why this should be a thing.....same goes for equipment....
(it was at this point the meeting began to ramble off topic due to excessive indulgence in the free beverages offered to them at the meeting....said beverages being the sole motivating factor involved in their attendance.....the rest of the evening dissolved into a blurred rampage ranging from the board room off the mech bay, out into the street, thru several local pubs, and ending in the living room of some sweet old lady who made the mistake of opening her door when they knocked.....any follow up questions you may have on the above topic of debate should be clearly printed in large type on a 3x5 index card and mailed to Sgt Ron Frye, inmate number 014482, cellblock 6a, cell 4, in the care of the Cogworthy Correctional Institute, Gamiedy Prime)
Contributed by Ron Frye#879655, Kenneth Hicks#846092, David McCallum#701548, Pat Willis#224534
Recorded by Sgt Ron Frye from the minutes of the meeting
Here is recorded the minutes of the second weekly round table discussion, summarized, but still containing all of the burps, warts, farts and cursing. So, if you have either a delicate constitution or an aversion to a group of greasy, smelly, ill mannered wrench jockeys scratching their itchy places and spitting in the corners of the room....stop reading and fast......and pray you escaped its clutches.......
Topic of Discussion:
Should there be limits on the number of specific weapons or equipment owned by a player, or should the max caps be raised or even lifted entirely.
David McCallum:
I think in terms of game balance it is a very sensible idea to have limits in place... I also like the fact that the limits can be broken if the extra's are given as prizes.
I think the thing missing is an "in game" or "lore" explanation as to why... and it can be as simple as a government imposed arms limitation to ensure nobody builds up enough force to form a breakaway kingdom.
The thing is if you do that, you'd almost be forced to start limiting numbers of mech type as well, which would hurt revenue, cause the top end wallet pilots to have a hissy fit and at the lower end, seriously mess up the specialists.
Ron Frye:
you know..........after being in several of these forums over the past few months i am seeing over and over that the biggest issue in game is this........a reason.......i think we need more lore....and i mean core things work.......why they work the way that they do......etc
Patrick Willis:
Agree on the lore portion we need it plain and simple. Pertaining to weapon limits I personally feel if you can afford it you should buy it. Now say you have a limit of 60 of a given laser type. Your formation packs in Regis, Fext, Bishops, etc. Laser users basically, and you want them all decked out with said laser. However with weapon slots on the bigger mechas being more, which makes sense given the size, you may want to stock more in to them than the other models. But even at that those mechas who receive laser X are fine but as you go down the line you get thinner and thinner on who can pack what, as a result most of you heavy weapons move into your first couple lines and everything after that by default gets progressively weaker as you stock them with whatever is available, given you have passed up the limits available in the shop. (Possible with the mecha build signature weapon installed at purchase of a new mecha or very slowly and painfully in the mystery vortex.)
Ron Frye:
i could see some weapons being limited in availability.....for example a weapon that predates current tech levels being found in a large cache somewhere and being sold on the black market....perhaps the arms dealers ration out the maximum per customer to appease all of their client base, and it would explain the total available for purchase......the only thing i argue is a weapon being dropped into the game with no rhyme or reason behind its existence or an explanation as to why there are only a few of them and why a player can only have an even fewer amount than that..........i am sure there are reasons for it.......i am sure there is a story in there waiting to be told........i just want to hear that story instead of buying a load of digital bullshit.
Patrick Willis:
Just playing the numbers game say weapon x has a limit of 40 to it, you run a 30 mecha formation. Say 5 guns to a mech thats 8 mechs with great guns and the rest of the formation SOL.
Ron Frye:
i feel your pain mate.........myself, i can handle being SOL in my formation IF someone can tell me WHY i am SOL lol lol
Kenneth Hicks:
limit's on weapons is really starting to piss me off. I can't think of a single reason in game lore or common sense physics why this should be a thing.....same goes for equipment....

Contributed by Ron Frye#879655, Kenneth Hicks#846092, David McCallum#701548, Pat Willis#224534
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Late Edition : Chrono Events by David McCallum : #701548
Sorry for the tardiness of this post, it would appear we had an invasion of sorts to repel.... one led by unprocessed Turducken Cover ammunition.
From what I can gather, there have been a number of casualties with pilots out of action left right and centre.
But there is another recent event I wanted to address that keeps making pilots groan like participants in the aftermath of a family feast... yet another KotM chrono event.
Now I freely admit I avoid these like Kenneth avoids doing videos, having only participated in one which, while I managed to eke out a gold was only done through a session that last over 24 hours in the cockpit (I kid you not...) and is not one that I wish to repeat.
However I had the chance to view one of my junior pilots in action, attempting to chase the recent bonus bounty of gaining 3 medals in a row.
A very creditable performance (if I say so myself, one is allowed to take a certain pride in knowing that for once somebody has actually listened to your advice...) which saw them duke it out for a well earned silver.
And the thing that struck me was that it was an extremely valid training excersize.
Not only good in gauging an opponents strength so you can see whom you can attack to gain the best points tally, but though prolonged attack runs working out what is and isn't working.
In this particular case, the realization that their world conquering Nerio was past its use by date and having the good sense to buy and level a Luison to replace it with on the fly.... a decision that payed dividends and not only gained better prizes (plus the bonus 3 mission bounty) but has set them up far stronger for the upcoming Squad War.
So, moral of this tale?
While something may not necessarily be to your liking, there is always a glass half full somwehere.
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Black Widow Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Okay lets get the basics out of the way here. Min level 57 to own one. It'll cost you 1,000 Ferrite, 1,500 Bioptics, and 47 Niodes to buy one. Bulk is an option here with 5 for 188 Niodes. No restrictions. It does straight damage of 85, has a speed of 101, and the ability of Crit Kill at 17%.
This is a devastating weapon it lines up its shot and aims for where it hurts. The crit kill ability on this weapon is what is needed when the shots count the most. A high damage weapon to begin with toss in other mecha bonuses, and soon the destructive combinations become very clear. A little slower than its mid-range damage cousins, this weapon makes up for it with a big punch and many smoking wrecks in its wake. A solid investment all around and well worth every niode spent.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
This is a devastating weapon it lines up its shot and aims for where it hurts. The crit kill ability on this weapon is what is needed when the shots count the most. A high damage weapon to begin with toss in other mecha bonuses, and soon the destructive combinations become very clear. A little slower than its mid-range damage cousins, this weapon makes up for it with a big punch and many smoking wrecks in its wake. A solid investment all around and well worth every niode spent.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Cheops Beam Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
A nice mid tier crystal based laser weapon for levels 38 and up. It's a pretty straight forward no frills kind of weapon which has a straight damage of 40, a speed of 100, and no abilities to speak of. It'll run you 570 Ferrite, 456 Bioptics, and 17 Crystal for one, or go buy in bulk with 5 for 68 Crystal. No limits or restrictions listed.
Pretty much a upgrade from the level 36 Veridian Beam, which only does 34 straight damage, and has 102 speed, but the V Beam has a bonus of Slow of [4]. So you can upgrade your damage, take a hit on speed, and loose a low ranking ability to upgrade just your damage. Hey it's crystal what do you want? Use these on laser specific mecha to get your damage bonuses, pack in laser augmenting equipment for more of a punch, and watch your skill point expenditure when you get them. A standard weapon at standard prices, what more do you expect from crystal?
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Pretty much a upgrade from the level 36 Veridian Beam, which only does 34 straight damage, and has 102 speed, but the V Beam has a bonus of Slow of [4]. So you can upgrade your damage, take a hit on speed, and loose a low ranking ability to upgrade just your damage. Hey it's crystal what do you want? Use these on laser specific mecha to get your damage bonuses, pack in laser augmenting equipment for more of a punch, and watch your skill point expenditure when you get them. A standard weapon at standard prices, what more do you expect from crystal?
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Hypothermia Shot Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
It was a new Niode Ice weapon that was loose for levels 8 and up. When it was available it would have cost you 330 Ferrite, 260 Bioptics, and 17 Niodes to buy one. Bulk was also an option here with 5 for 68 Niodes. There were only 300 Released. It has a straight damage of 37, a speed of 99, and the abilities of Freeze at 6%, and slow of (2).
This is stronger than the Sleet Storm available at lvl 18. Granted the Sleet Storm is a crystal weapon however by comparison the Hypothermia buries it. Sleet Storm has a straight damage of 20, so it looses to the Hypos 37, it has a speed of 95 again a loss to the Hypos 99. Also it only has the one ability of WILD as opposed to the Hypos 2 abilities of Freeze and Slow. More power, more speed, more ability, Hypothermia is just a kick ass lower tier weapon.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
This is stronger than the Sleet Storm available at lvl 18. Granted the Sleet Storm is a crystal weapon however by comparison the Hypothermia buries it. Sleet Storm has a straight damage of 20, so it looses to the Hypos 37, it has a speed of 95 again a loss to the Hypos 99. Also it only has the one ability of WILD as opposed to the Hypos 2 abilities of Freeze and Slow. More power, more speed, more ability, Hypothermia is just a kick ass lower tier weapon.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Interlocking Armour Review by David McCallum : #701548
It's this place.
It warps you.
Either that or Pat just has an unhealthy effect on otherwise civilized people.
Case in point, we just saw the release of a new chassis piece for light mechs, the Interlocking Armour.
When your first impression is that they've made a corset for Red Ants, you know that intervention and rehab are just around the corner.
Saying that, apart from the obvious snigger factor, this is an intriguing little piece.
Before I go into the intrigue, lets quickly check the book value. 17 Niodes, 279 Bioptics and 345 Ferrite for a vaguely kinky set of flexible platelets that give a dodge rating of 6, auto repair of 1 and somehow slow the opposition by 3 factor points.
Presumably they must be doing a double take with their metallic jaws dropping at the sight...
Now the numbers aren't nearly as impressive as the looks. Up to 20 tons, it has the worst dodge of any chassis piece and the highest cost. Even at its top end of 30 tons, the only piece with worse dodge is the Nanobot repair kit, and it is your standard AR piece with a rating of 4 versus the 1 for the Interlocking. The slow stacks with a few cockpit pieces, but is not otherwise overwhelming.
The thing is, I realised that I was viewing pieces like this with the jaundiced eyes of a veteran who knows that a Red Ant fight is survival of the fastest. Your weapons are so powerful that any hit is a kill. Therefore I wouldn't normally bother with adding AR onto a light chassis until it reaches 30 tons or higher and of course by then you have Nanobots. I'd be using the funds for high dodge or precision.
I'm otherwise a very big proponent of AR, even gladly putting up with the large kickback from the pieces that give the best regeneration rate.
But I've been helping the junior pilots, and with their ludicrously light weapons it does take a few shots to put an opponent down. When you couple that with the non existent amount of equipment slots on their mechs, that concept of 'stacking' starts coming into play. You are unlikely to get an AR of 4, and a rating of 1 for a single piece is a waste... but I will tolerate a rating of 2 up at the 55 ton mark where no big AR piece fits.
If I can tolerate it there, I can do so at 20 tons or less. I wouldn't put two of the pieces on the same machine (even if it had the slots), but I might well pair one with a Cogwerk Micro Block especially if it was on a decent mech.
I guess I'll just have to keep a close eye on how those Commisars perform.
Submitted by by David McCallum : #701548
Monday, November 21, 2016
Round Table Discussion On Equipment By The Galaxy Gathering Editorial Staff.
Round table topic - Premium gear and mechas coming with vulnerabilities and negatives.
So how does everyone feel about paying out premium prices (niodes) for gear and mechas that have vulnerabilities, negatives, or even the dreaded kickback that can blow you up? In my opinion that should be more on the crystal/free gear. I mean we're paying out real cash to get access to supposedly the best on the market and you wind up with gear that reads as though you got it from a disreputable junk dealer. Shouldn't niode gear/mechas be free of such things as we're paying above and beyond the standard in game currency by buying niodes?
I realize there is a game balance at hand and you can't go too far one way or the other with it. However with that said I personally can't help but feel jilted especially at the higher levels/tonnage/gear when just about everything is vulnerable or has negatives attached to it in some way. To be perfectly honest that one factor has had me wondering multiple times how much more I want to deal with as opposed to just saying, Why am I bothering with these pieces at all?
Ron - My only real issue is with kick back items......that particular effect should be relegated to crystal gear and work as an incentive to upgrade to either higher end crystal gear or go niode with it....otherwise....I don't have much of an issue with the checks and balances out there.....a good follow up round table topic for the future comes to mind tho; should there be limits on the number of specific weapons or equipment owned by a player, or should the max caps be raised or even lifted entirely
David - You know Pat, I'm not even sure I understand the topic.
And I think its because you are using the word 'price'.
Y'see, it doesn't matter if I'm paying crystal, niode, cash or seashells. If a piece isn't worth it, i won't buy it.
And I guess it starts with the chassis. Some are good, some are rubbish. I'd spend on a Dreadnought before I spend on a Potatotron and as you mentioned, lighter mechs tend to have better gear. Its almost a knock on effect.
Then again, you can take something like a Fext and work around the gear deficiencies, offsetting one against the other to make a very nasty greebly indeed. That makes it worth it.
Or did you want to re-define the question?
Pat - Ok redefinition it is. Niode gear and mechas supposedly top of the line billy bad ass stuff for the player to get a hold of. Yet most of the niode stuff has a vulnerability, negative etc attached to it. Especially as you go up in tonnage. This has always struck me as odd as it should be harder to micronize something as opposed to putting it in the big shells of heavy mecha. So do you feel that is really the way to go with it? I mean niode gear and mechas are supposed to be the best in game yeah? So if it's the best in game why does so much of it come defective? Why are all the negatives on the niode gear as opposed to the crystal, and why switch out vulnerabilities for a mecha when it never really solves the vulnerability it just moves it around to another stat.
Good example one of my Reaper mechas has an innate vulnerability to missiles. That's just the way it is built. At level 70 something it was at 20%, now fully leveled it has raised to 26%. So on a niode mecha that I have to spend niodes to upgrade I'm getting not only a vulnerability in my mecha but I'm paying 140 niodes for the thing out of the box and 3 a level to get it up to par. Does this seem right to you? Seems a bit off to me, as I said I realize game balance, blah blah blah. But we all know niode gear and mechas are supposed to be the elite stuff to get a hold of. So why for such elite stuff is so much of it basically messed up in some way, and are you comfortable shelling out basically real world finances for what breaks down to in game damaged gear?
Ron - maybe the mechs themselves should have more bonuses.....and the weapons and the slots available for gear should be less.....that way the player would have to concentrate more time and effort to build up a lesser tonnage mech to compete with a higher tonnage mech, and a player would also have to ensure that the few items equiped on his ultra tonnage mecha were top of the line so as not to fall behind the ball curve against lesser sized mechs.
David - Ok, I'm going to take an opposing viewpoint and say that to my mind its actually realistic.
And I shall back that viewpoint up with 2 example analogies.
Consider automobiles. Your normal family sedan would be a crystal model. Cheap, reliable and in most cases just goes and goes with no issues as long as you do regular basic maintenance.
Then compare it with a Formula 1 race car. That is very definately a niode model witha prcie tag so high, normal people would have to mortgage their house just to buy a wing mirror for one.
You are paying through the nose for it to do something very very well. Speed. But for all its price tag, it has drawbacks. Passenger carrying, fuel consumption and the ability to break down in spectacular fashion after a very short distance traveled spring to mind.
To me that sounds very similair to what we have.
Here's the second example, perhaps a little more pertinent.
The precursor to mechs, the main battle tank.
Sherman vs Panzer V (no, I'm not going to start quoting model numbers or variants because going to that minutae would be like us discussing a variation on niode refits on mechs).
Generally looking at the base models, the Sherman would be a crystal mech with crystal shields and weapons. The Panzer was considered superior so we can say its niode with similar niode shields and weapons.
Head to head, general consensus is that the Panzer wins... unless the Sherman can get a shot at the weak rear armor.
Lo and behold, the niode monster has a drawback. Its still a superior tank.
I guess that's the point I'm trying to make. Niode mechs and gear are generally speaking superior to the crystal equivalents and the cost goes up. Yes, most of the niode pieces have drawbacks of some form but they are still generally better than crystal equivalents.
Whether or not the are _worth_ the cost for what you get is down to the person footing the bill.
It always comes back to buyers choice.
Ron - I like major point that hits me is the fact that a larger mech equals more space....more space means more room for modular upgrades........finding a balance between bigger means better and smaller but more workmanship is a helluva a scale to make equal much as I hate to admit it........some negative attributes seem to be necessary in the larger gear....I think that the negatives are too major however.
David - I think you have a very valid point here Ron.
I mean, if you think of it in very simplistic terms we can all understand, a car engine is small but if you scale that up to a truck engine, not only is it far more complicated and costly, but the performance vs size goes way down (speed) and it has a heck of a lot more vibration which would equate to a penalty of some sort.
Ron - perfect analogy!!!.............the larger a vehicle is (a car, a truck, a tank, a mech, etc) then larger that frame is and the more it can items can fit into that space.....of course the bigger an item is, the heavier it is, and therefore requires more power (a larger engine) to move, and more force to navigate or drive (a larger this case chassis items), and the more exotic the control system required to operate it (the cockpits), I do not think it is the items themselves that should suffer, but the mech itself....penalties should reflect in the innate slowness, delayed response time, and complexity of operation of the mech itself......stop dropping engines that run the risk of exploding and give us a mech that needs multiple powerhouse engine blocks to perform at optimal capacity.....I mean, shyte, if you buy a '56 chevy rag top, you are going to need a 350 rocket or better just to move the damn thing, and at least a three core radiator and five speed heavy torc transmission to keep it from overheating and have the ability to control.....if you go popping a four cylinder engine in the bastard, yes the engine will overheat eventually, but before that ever happens the bastard will just move at the speed of turtle... lol.
Pat - See my issue with it is simply to me more size equals more room in which to pad things. So you have more room in a 100 ton mecha to put stabilizers, insulation, whatever is required to balance out the piece. It should be harder to fit such into smaller components and mecha as they have limited room. Yet in game we see the complete opposite with smaller having the advantage and bigger parts being "weaker". If I have a 100 ton mecha chances are pretty good it is reinforced in chassis and armor depending on the type of 100 tonner the vibrations, insulation, etc should be taken into account given the design. Many of the mechas as are if you look at base stats in your garage don't have a lot of the vulnerabilities (minus the Reaper of course), until after you start slapping equipment on. Then you start picking up vulnerabilities and negatives to speed. Again that makes no sense to me. Okay this mecha is fine until I try adding things to it that are supposed to enhance and modify its performance overall. What I get is a crap shoot of penalties and vulnerabilities. Seems to be just my way of thinking though.
Ron - I agree mate........the more I think about it the more I come to the opinion that a heavy tonnage mech should equal more equipment slots and the gear should be big enough and powerful enough to match that big ass monster......maybe the devs should look into reflecting the actual size of these heavy mech equipment items by making one item take up more slots......example.....a 50 ton type engine would take up one gear slot.....a 100 ton engine would take up two......twice the power equals twice the size.....just an idea that popped into my completely mental melon. lol
Pat - Now that I could get behind!
David - Ron, just looping back to a comment you made earlier...
"the mech itself....penalties should reflect in the innate slowness, delayed response time, and complexity of operation of the mech itself."
Innate slowness... we have that, most of the big boys start with negative speed
complexity of operation... again, we have that with pilot skill. Bet it's that long since you had to think about it you'd forgotten it?
Now moving onto size vs weight etc... you already have that in the tonnage ranges for gear... so using our simple analogy from before, you can't fit a truck engine into a car or a tank... size difference is just too great. But if we start stretching that analogy, there is the space to put 1 or 2 engines in a car, 4 in a truck and 6 in a tank, because the bigger the mech, the more engine slots we get.
Ron - exactly.......I replied to that in other responses, but my posts are so scattered throughout the discussion that it got a bit garbled lol.......cheers I agree mate.
Ken - My initial reaction is to design a 100 ton mech that looks like a giant fist with one middle digit raised seven stories into the sky. It's bad enough that to get any truly decent gear that competes with the upper echelons, you have to pay precious niodes for. But then you're going to make me take negatives and vulnerabilities with it...
Then, after calming down, I began to think. Some things just make common sense. You have an engine that powers a 70ton mech at +20? That might give you some heat issues. You have a chassis that boosts your freeze by over 10%? That could cause some brittleness to your frame making you vulnerable to high impact projectile rounds. Jump Jets? Yeah, you might have a missile issue.
I guess as long as it makes sense, then yes. I can see it. Besides, part of the fun is mix and matching your gear so as to compensate for these issues.
Ron - I think the big bottom line is that the more powerful an item is the more the devs have to find a way to make it balance within game play.....otherwise everyone would just build up a bunch of 100 ton mechs and either sell off all of their lower mechs or let them rot in their stables....supposedly that is what specialists are for, but a lot of lower level players get screwed over by CWs, etc due to their limited inventory....perhaps the key is not to limit or penalize mechs and gear, but to improve the CW system itself... in other words.....lets stop playing Nerf football and just update the league rules.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534, Ron Frye#879655, Kenneth Hicks#846092, David McCallum#701548
So how does everyone feel about paying out premium prices (niodes) for gear and mechas that have vulnerabilities, negatives, or even the dreaded kickback that can blow you up? In my opinion that should be more on the crystal/free gear. I mean we're paying out real cash to get access to supposedly the best on the market and you wind up with gear that reads as though you got it from a disreputable junk dealer. Shouldn't niode gear/mechas be free of such things as we're paying above and beyond the standard in game currency by buying niodes?
I realize there is a game balance at hand and you can't go too far one way or the other with it. However with that said I personally can't help but feel jilted especially at the higher levels/tonnage/gear when just about everything is vulnerable or has negatives attached to it in some way. To be perfectly honest that one factor has had me wondering multiple times how much more I want to deal with as opposed to just saying, Why am I bothering with these pieces at all?
Ron - My only real issue is with kick back items......that particular effect should be relegated to crystal gear and work as an incentive to upgrade to either higher end crystal gear or go niode with it....otherwise....I don't have much of an issue with the checks and balances out there.....a good follow up round table topic for the future comes to mind tho; should there be limits on the number of specific weapons or equipment owned by a player, or should the max caps be raised or even lifted entirely
David - You know Pat, I'm not even sure I understand the topic.
And I think its because you are using the word 'price'.
Y'see, it doesn't matter if I'm paying crystal, niode, cash or seashells. If a piece isn't worth it, i won't buy it.
And I guess it starts with the chassis. Some are good, some are rubbish. I'd spend on a Dreadnought before I spend on a Potatotron and as you mentioned, lighter mechs tend to have better gear. Its almost a knock on effect.
Then again, you can take something like a Fext and work around the gear deficiencies, offsetting one against the other to make a very nasty greebly indeed. That makes it worth it.
Or did you want to re-define the question?
Pat - Ok redefinition it is. Niode gear and mechas supposedly top of the line billy bad ass stuff for the player to get a hold of. Yet most of the niode stuff has a vulnerability, negative etc attached to it. Especially as you go up in tonnage. This has always struck me as odd as it should be harder to micronize something as opposed to putting it in the big shells of heavy mecha. So do you feel that is really the way to go with it? I mean niode gear and mechas are supposed to be the best in game yeah? So if it's the best in game why does so much of it come defective? Why are all the negatives on the niode gear as opposed to the crystal, and why switch out vulnerabilities for a mecha when it never really solves the vulnerability it just moves it around to another stat.
Good example one of my Reaper mechas has an innate vulnerability to missiles. That's just the way it is built. At level 70 something it was at 20%, now fully leveled it has raised to 26%. So on a niode mecha that I have to spend niodes to upgrade I'm getting not only a vulnerability in my mecha but I'm paying 140 niodes for the thing out of the box and 3 a level to get it up to par. Does this seem right to you? Seems a bit off to me, as I said I realize game balance, blah blah blah. But we all know niode gear and mechas are supposed to be the elite stuff to get a hold of. So why for such elite stuff is so much of it basically messed up in some way, and are you comfortable shelling out basically real world finances for what breaks down to in game damaged gear?
Ron - maybe the mechs themselves should have more bonuses.....and the weapons and the slots available for gear should be less.....that way the player would have to concentrate more time and effort to build up a lesser tonnage mech to compete with a higher tonnage mech, and a player would also have to ensure that the few items equiped on his ultra tonnage mecha were top of the line so as not to fall behind the ball curve against lesser sized mechs.
David - Ok, I'm going to take an opposing viewpoint and say that to my mind its actually realistic.
And I shall back that viewpoint up with 2 example analogies.
Consider automobiles. Your normal family sedan would be a crystal model. Cheap, reliable and in most cases just goes and goes with no issues as long as you do regular basic maintenance.
Then compare it with a Formula 1 race car. That is very definately a niode model witha prcie tag so high, normal people would have to mortgage their house just to buy a wing mirror for one.
You are paying through the nose for it to do something very very well. Speed. But for all its price tag, it has drawbacks. Passenger carrying, fuel consumption and the ability to break down in spectacular fashion after a very short distance traveled spring to mind.
To me that sounds very similair to what we have.
Here's the second example, perhaps a little more pertinent.
The precursor to mechs, the main battle tank.
Sherman vs Panzer V (no, I'm not going to start quoting model numbers or variants because going to that minutae would be like us discussing a variation on niode refits on mechs).
Generally looking at the base models, the Sherman would be a crystal mech with crystal shields and weapons. The Panzer was considered superior so we can say its niode with similar niode shields and weapons.
Head to head, general consensus is that the Panzer wins... unless the Sherman can get a shot at the weak rear armor.
Lo and behold, the niode monster has a drawback. Its still a superior tank.
I guess that's the point I'm trying to make. Niode mechs and gear are generally speaking superior to the crystal equivalents and the cost goes up. Yes, most of the niode pieces have drawbacks of some form but they are still generally better than crystal equivalents.
Whether or not the are _worth_ the cost for what you get is down to the person footing the bill.
It always comes back to buyers choice.
Ron - I like major point that hits me is the fact that a larger mech equals more space....more space means more room for modular upgrades........finding a balance between bigger means better and smaller but more workmanship is a helluva a scale to make equal much as I hate to admit it........some negative attributes seem to be necessary in the larger gear....I think that the negatives are too major however.
David - I think you have a very valid point here Ron.
I mean, if you think of it in very simplistic terms we can all understand, a car engine is small but if you scale that up to a truck engine, not only is it far more complicated and costly, but the performance vs size goes way down (speed) and it has a heck of a lot more vibration which would equate to a penalty of some sort.
Ron - perfect analogy!!!.............the larger a vehicle is (a car, a truck, a tank, a mech, etc) then larger that frame is and the more it can items can fit into that space.....of course the bigger an item is, the heavier it is, and therefore requires more power (a larger engine) to move, and more force to navigate or drive (a larger this case chassis items), and the more exotic the control system required to operate it (the cockpits), I do not think it is the items themselves that should suffer, but the mech itself....penalties should reflect in the innate slowness, delayed response time, and complexity of operation of the mech itself......stop dropping engines that run the risk of exploding and give us a mech that needs multiple powerhouse engine blocks to perform at optimal capacity.....I mean, shyte, if you buy a '56 chevy rag top, you are going to need a 350 rocket or better just to move the damn thing, and at least a three core radiator and five speed heavy torc transmission to keep it from overheating and have the ability to control.....if you go popping a four cylinder engine in the bastard, yes the engine will overheat eventually, but before that ever happens the bastard will just move at the speed of turtle... lol.
Pat - See my issue with it is simply to me more size equals more room in which to pad things. So you have more room in a 100 ton mecha to put stabilizers, insulation, whatever is required to balance out the piece. It should be harder to fit such into smaller components and mecha as they have limited room. Yet in game we see the complete opposite with smaller having the advantage and bigger parts being "weaker". If I have a 100 ton mecha chances are pretty good it is reinforced in chassis and armor depending on the type of 100 tonner the vibrations, insulation, etc should be taken into account given the design. Many of the mechas as are if you look at base stats in your garage don't have a lot of the vulnerabilities (minus the Reaper of course), until after you start slapping equipment on. Then you start picking up vulnerabilities and negatives to speed. Again that makes no sense to me. Okay this mecha is fine until I try adding things to it that are supposed to enhance and modify its performance overall. What I get is a crap shoot of penalties and vulnerabilities. Seems to be just my way of thinking though.
Ron - I agree mate........the more I think about it the more I come to the opinion that a heavy tonnage mech should equal more equipment slots and the gear should be big enough and powerful enough to match that big ass monster......maybe the devs should look into reflecting the actual size of these heavy mech equipment items by making one item take up more slots......example.....a 50 ton type engine would take up one gear slot.....a 100 ton engine would take up two......twice the power equals twice the size.....just an idea that popped into my completely mental melon. lol
Pat - Now that I could get behind!
David - Ron, just looping back to a comment you made earlier...
"the mech itself....penalties should reflect in the innate slowness, delayed response time, and complexity of operation of the mech itself."
Innate slowness... we have that, most of the big boys start with negative speed
complexity of operation... again, we have that with pilot skill. Bet it's that long since you had to think about it you'd forgotten it?
Now moving onto size vs weight etc... you already have that in the tonnage ranges for gear... so using our simple analogy from before, you can't fit a truck engine into a car or a tank... size difference is just too great. But if we start stretching that analogy, there is the space to put 1 or 2 engines in a car, 4 in a truck and 6 in a tank, because the bigger the mech, the more engine slots we get.
Ron - exactly.......I replied to that in other responses, but my posts are so scattered throughout the discussion that it got a bit garbled lol.......cheers I agree mate.
Ken - My initial reaction is to design a 100 ton mech that looks like a giant fist with one middle digit raised seven stories into the sky. It's bad enough that to get any truly decent gear that competes with the upper echelons, you have to pay precious niodes for. But then you're going to make me take negatives and vulnerabilities with it...
Then, after calming down, I began to think. Some things just make common sense. You have an engine that powers a 70ton mech at +20? That might give you some heat issues. You have a chassis that boosts your freeze by over 10%? That could cause some brittleness to your frame making you vulnerable to high impact projectile rounds. Jump Jets? Yeah, you might have a missile issue.
I guess as long as it makes sense, then yes. I can see it. Besides, part of the fun is mix and matching your gear so as to compensate for these issues.
Ron - I think the big bottom line is that the more powerful an item is the more the devs have to find a way to make it balance within game play.....otherwise everyone would just build up a bunch of 100 ton mechs and either sell off all of their lower mechs or let them rot in their stables....supposedly that is what specialists are for, but a lot of lower level players get screwed over by CWs, etc due to their limited inventory....perhaps the key is not to limit or penalize mechs and gear, but to improve the CW system itself... in other words.....lets stop playing Nerf football and just update the league rules.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534, Ron Frye#879655, Kenneth Hicks#846092, David McCallum#701548
Squad Wars 3317 Time Table And Rules
Is Your Clan Ready?
Signups for Clan Wars have begun! A registration button has appeared on each eligible clan's page. A clan must have between 5 and 7 members to participate. A clan is registered for the tournament once at least three members of the clan, including the clan leader, have clicked the button. To fill in divisions during the grace period, devs may register clans where multiple members, not including the leader, have clicked to register.
Head to your Clan Page to find the registration button.
If your clan has less than 5 members, RECRUIT MORE NOW. You have until the end of registration to join.
Before you may register, every player must be at least
50% of the average clan level at signup (average counting all members).
At the moment your clan registers, the clan's average level is recorded.
For division placements (at registraion) The TWO (2) lowest level players in each clan will not count toward average level.
Tournament divisions will be based on clan level at time of registration. After registration, feel free to power level to gain an edge in your division.
Once your clan has registered, your roster will be locked until the end of the tournament. You will not be able to add or remove clan members.
Squad Wars 3317
November 13 Signups Begin
November 24
NOON Signups officially end
November 24 Specialists Locked
Divisions Announced
Place your bets!
November 26 Battle One
November 28 Battle Two
November 30 Battle Three
December 1 Prizes Distributed.
A clan war lasts from midnight to midnight New York Time (GMT -5).
Between each war in a tournament, there will be an off day.
Clans may not change their membership during a tournament.
A player cannot continue to attack opponents that the player has already defeated twice that day (As normal, you can only defeat a given player twice a day. This is The Beatdown Rule).
Clan fights count on your record as regular fights. (Any attack on a rival clan member during the war will count as part of the war, even from the normal Battle screen).
Defensive wins count as wins for the defender's team, but do not count as wins for the 2X Daily Beatdown Rule.
If a round ends in a tie, that war will be automatically extended for 14 hours of "overtime"
After attacking someone in a clan war, you cannot be attacked in that clan war for 90 seconds
In the final hour of each battle, this will be reduced to 45 seconds.
Before you may register, every player must be at least
50% of the average clan level at signup (average counting all members).
At the moment your clan registers, the clan's average level is recorded.
Tournament brackets, pairings and format will be determined by each clans average level at time of registration. For bracket placement, the lowest level players in each clan will not count toward average level.
If there is a very odd number of clans registered we may add additional clans who registered after the deadline or had less than the minimum number of clicks to enter. Having less than the minimum clicks does not guarantee a clan will not be entered. Any clan who registers before the deadline is guaranteed entry. Devs will do our best to find space for every clan who wants to enter.
Participation in the tournament is at the discretion of the devs, and unsportsmanlike conduct may be grounds for disqualification.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Tower Shield Equipment Review by David McCallum : #701548
I don't know.
Head away on assignment for a few days, and I get back to... this.
Patrick has been left to his own devices.
I don't know whether we have been burgled or a squad of teenagers has moved in.
Patrick himself looks like something the cat brought in, then brought up. At least he did after I found him... how he managed to get himself with his backside wedged in a filing cabinet surrounded by a wall of beer cans I can only guess at.
We are apparently supposed to believe that he had been experimenting with designs for motte and bailey castles, and the filing cabinet was his tower keep.
Which leads me (and quite nicely) to a piece of kit that I had at first discounted but I'm now starting to look at again.
The Tower Shield module.
At first glance, and certainly when they first came out, you were paying an awful lot for a fat load of nothing really useful.
Sounds a lot like Pat to some degree, but I digress.
50 Niodes, 552 Bioptics and 658 Ferrite gets you a shield that will block 40% of Trample damage, 30% of Forked damage, 40% of Splash damage while letting in an extra 6% of Ice and 2% of Fire. It will also stop dead a flat 35 damage points. With a tonnage rating of 90 up to 100, that covers the top end of the Delta class and all of the Epsilons.
Now purely from the flat shield rating, it is not as good as an Epsilon but it is an upgrade on the Deltas. It depends on whether the other mitigation is worth it for the Delta's.
And at an initial glance it isn't. apart from the flat 35 damage points, it stops nothing that is directly fired at that mech and even lets some through. The only thing it can block are incidental damage that is being carried over from fire on another target.
Why would you want that?
Well, in the intervening time, a few other pieces of gear have been released. The first is the proliferation of chassis kit that can counter damage types such as trample, fork and splash.
Problem is, all of that stuff missed the 90 tonners, so your Dinomechs are just as vulnerable as they always were.
The second thing though, was the introduction of split shields. While at first they were useful rounding out all damage types on any unit with less than 5 shields, you can now in theory pull two single type Deltas and drop in a dual shield and a Tower. Suddenly, your 90 ton beasts are able to withstand some of that incidental damage while sitting in the rear ranks or sideways blasts.
I'm not sure... its a pricey operation, but is it worth a crack?
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Head away on assignment for a few days, and I get back to... this.
Patrick has been left to his own devices.
I don't know whether we have been burgled or a squad of teenagers has moved in.
Patrick himself looks like something the cat brought in, then brought up. At least he did after I found him... how he managed to get himself with his backside wedged in a filing cabinet surrounded by a wall of beer cans I can only guess at.
We are apparently supposed to believe that he had been experimenting with designs for motte and bailey castles, and the filing cabinet was his tower keep.
Which leads me (and quite nicely) to a piece of kit that I had at first discounted but I'm now starting to look at again.
The Tower Shield module.
At first glance, and certainly when they first came out, you were paying an awful lot for a fat load of nothing really useful.
Sounds a lot like Pat to some degree, but I digress.
50 Niodes, 552 Bioptics and 658 Ferrite gets you a shield that will block 40% of Trample damage, 30% of Forked damage, 40% of Splash damage while letting in an extra 6% of Ice and 2% of Fire. It will also stop dead a flat 35 damage points. With a tonnage rating of 90 up to 100, that covers the top end of the Delta class and all of the Epsilons.
Now purely from the flat shield rating, it is not as good as an Epsilon but it is an upgrade on the Deltas. It depends on whether the other mitigation is worth it for the Delta's.
And at an initial glance it isn't. apart from the flat 35 damage points, it stops nothing that is directly fired at that mech and even lets some through. The only thing it can block are incidental damage that is being carried over from fire on another target.
Why would you want that?
Well, in the intervening time, a few other pieces of gear have been released. The first is the proliferation of chassis kit that can counter damage types such as trample, fork and splash.
Problem is, all of that stuff missed the 90 tonners, so your Dinomechs are just as vulnerable as they always were.
The second thing though, was the introduction of split shields. While at first they were useful rounding out all damage types on any unit with less than 5 shields, you can now in theory pull two single type Deltas and drop in a dual shield and a Tower. Suddenly, your 90 ton beasts are able to withstand some of that incidental damage while sitting in the rear ranks or sideways blasts.
I'm not sure... its a pricey operation, but is it worth a crack?
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
Man O' War Ray Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This is a restricted weapon in that you are only allowed to buy up to 65 from the shop directly. It'll cost you 2,800 Ferrite, 1,900 Bioptics, and 74 Crystal to buy one. It does allow for bulk purchases and you can buy 5 for 260 Crystal.
Now with that hefty price tag in resources the question is simply, is it worth it? It deals out 77 straight damage, has a speed of 102, and the weapon ability of 2X Damage at 10%. These things are some hard hitting, fast firing lasers plain and simple. They are perfect with the Fext build especially seeing as the right equipment installation can have you running 3X Damage at 94%. Add in the fabled X9 hits those things are capable of and you have pretty much vaporized your opponent.
As this is a higher level weapon you can be sure that higher level players will be changing them out in between laser build bonus mechas to see what all they can do. Best advice is if you face someone with an arsenal of these invest in good strong niode shields. It may not save you completely but it may let you last a round or two longer. These are nasty weapons!
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Riot Gear Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
This is Niode based shielding equipment for mechas in the 55-80 Ton range. It'll cost 1,093 Ferrite, 418 Bioptics, and 38 Niodes to purchase one. Its abilities are as follows - Trample Shield at 12%, Projectile Vulnerable at 3%, Fire vulnerable at 6%, and Shield at [18].
Good for a mecha set up to take trample damage, shielding can be modified to get around the low percentages of proj, and fire vulnerabilities. Really all this has going for it is the Trample Shielding and General Shield, no real perks beyond that. Pretty straight forward you get two perks, and two flaws.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Good for a mecha set up to take trample damage, shielding can be modified to get around the low percentages of proj, and fire vulnerabilities. Really all this has going for it is the Trample Shielding and General Shield, no real perks beyond that. Pretty straight forward you get two perks, and two flaws.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Midas Missile Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Today we're looking at the crystal based missile system of the Midas Missile. It's available to levels 63 and up, no restrictions or limits attached to them. As usual we'll be seeing how it compares to the weapon in the same category both beneath it and above it level wise. As this is a crystal weapon we'll only be looking at crystal based in return.
Beneath it at level 51 is the Death Head missile with a straight damage of 48, a speed of 98, and the weapon ability of Splash at 2%. The Midas beats it out in straight damage, looses out in speed, and has a higher Splash percentage to it. It fires slower, but delivers a bigger boom with more collateral damage. Overall a solid upgrade.
Next up at level 73 we have the 57AM missile system. It has a straight damage of 62, speed of 96, and a Splash weapon ability at 6%. It has more straight damage than the Midas, has the same speed rating, and only has 1% more weapon ability. So really it packs a heavier straight punch but not a whole heck of a lot by way of upgrading the weapon ability.
So overall a solid weapon placed just where it should be solidly between the other two. It has some decent bang for the resource buck and the no restrictions or limits on it are nice to see. It's a pretty solid weapon all around and preforms as advertised.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Beneath it at level 51 is the Death Head missile with a straight damage of 48, a speed of 98, and the weapon ability of Splash at 2%. The Midas beats it out in straight damage, looses out in speed, and has a higher Splash percentage to it. It fires slower, but delivers a bigger boom with more collateral damage. Overall a solid upgrade.
Next up at level 73 we have the 57AM missile system. It has a straight damage of 62, speed of 96, and a Splash weapon ability at 6%. It has more straight damage than the Midas, has the same speed rating, and only has 1% more weapon ability. So really it packs a heavier straight punch but not a whole heck of a lot by way of upgrading the weapon ability.
So overall a solid weapon placed just where it should be solidly between the other two. It has some decent bang for the resource buck and the no restrictions or limits on it are nice to see. It's a pretty solid weapon all around and preforms as advertised.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Friday, November 18, 2016
SunFlare Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Continuing our look back on limited release weapons no longer available we have this niode based fire weapon. It was for levels 20 and up, a single weapon would have cost 450 Ferrite, 350 Bioptics, and 31 Niodes. Bulk buy was an option here with 5 for 124 niodes. It deals 55 straight damage, has a speed of 102, and has the abilities of Burn at 5%, and 2X Damage at 5%.
Do I even need to say put this on something with fire damage bonuses? It'll work well on just about anything granted but to get the full potential out of it, hook it up to some heavy flame thrower types and go to town. Something with a burn bonus if you have it, or with 2X damage percentages to compliment the weapons in built modifier. However you place it, this weapon is perfect for low to mid tier players looking to light up their enemies.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Do I even need to say put this on something with fire damage bonuses? It'll work well on just about anything granted but to get the full potential out of it, hook it up to some heavy flame thrower types and go to town. Something with a burn bonus if you have it, or with 2X damage percentages to compliment the weapons in built modifier. However you place it, this weapon is perfect for low to mid tier players looking to light up their enemies.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Retribution Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
A crystal missile weapon for levels 115 and up. It will cost you 2,750 Ferrite, 1,900 Bioptics, and 75 crystal to buy one. Or you can go with the five for 300 Crystal, with a limit of 40. It does 80 straight damage, with a speed of 100, and the ability of Fork at 10%.
Nothing to really compare this missile to as the ones that are comparable or close in damage are niode based with over 50% For abilities and available way earlier (around level 54). But again those are niode weapons this is just a crystal weapon. So as it usually stands makes sure your mecha build stats are set up for missiles, your skill point allotment is where you need it, and equip it with missile friendly equipment to see it operate at full
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Nothing to really compare this missile to as the ones that are comparable or close in damage are niode based with over 50% For abilities and available way earlier (around level 54). But again those are niode weapons this is just a crystal weapon. So as it usually stands makes sure your mecha build stats are set up for missiles, your skill point allotment is where you need it, and equip it with missile friendly equipment to see it operate at full
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Ankle Support Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
This is a crystal piece of chassis equipment for mechas in the 55-70 ton range. Getting one will cost you 213 Ferrite, 153 Bioptics, and 53 Crystal. For all that you get a Dodge of [8], 2X Damage at 6%, and a Shield of [2].
Not bad really the dodge is pretty standard for a chassis piece. The 2X damage is even better when coupled with a mecha already packing such an ability. The shielding is minimal but will help fill out your defensive needs and add to whatever you already have installed on your mecha. Really the selling point here is dodge, and 2X damage. Even more so if you have the room to stack these on for extra maneuverability, and in this case damage dealing.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Not bad really the dodge is pretty standard for a chassis piece. The 2X damage is even better when coupled with a mecha already packing such an ability. The shielding is minimal but will help fill out your defensive needs and add to whatever you already have installed on your mecha. Really the selling point here is dodge, and 2X damage. Even more so if you have the room to stack these on for extra maneuverability, and in this case damage dealing.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
The Reaper A Second Look By Pat Willis#224534
Today we're taking a look at the new 100 ton, niode slug thrower the Reaper. As usual all pertinent purchase and basic level information are in the image.The last time I reviewed them I had a couple but none at pilot level. Now that is corrected, and we'll see if this is just another Fext wanna be or if it deserves its own special place in your line.
The starting weapons here are pretty nice actually. You get 2 Harvesters, 2 Raven's Claws, 2 Silencers, and 5 MAK - 47's. Before installation of equipment, just based on standard mecha build stats, the mecha has the following for innate abilities.
Bonuses before
Proj. Damage + 54%
Speed - 30
Trample 22%
Trample Shield 25%
3X Damage 26%
Missile Vulnerable 26%
Fire Shield (30)
Splash Shield 20%
Speed + 24
Freeze 19%
Slow (12)
Shield (17)
Precision (9)
Crit-Kill 2%
For equipment slots it gets 6 cockpit, 4 chassis, 5 engine, 6 shield and 50 weapon slots. So there is room to make modifications and dial in your mecha how you would like with equipment slots.
However be aware you'll be wasting at least one good shield slot to cover for the shoddy manufacturing job that leaves this model vulnerable to missiles. I'm sorry but if I'm shelling out 140 niodes I expect to see a mecha without such weak ass parts on it that by the time it levels up has that weakness at a whopping 26%, which has actually increased since the last time I reviewed this mecha when it was in the level 70's. Last time I had looked that vulnerability was only at 20%. So in the levels that I have gained I have also gained another 6% weapon vulnerability.
Sorry I just can't get behind or support such a shoddy design, and such a bad rip off of another mecha. Save your niodes buy a Fext. They do more damage, aren't as slow, and aren't put together with bargain basement parts so as to blow up if you mention missiles. These look nice but in the end even for a niode mecha I have to say at best they are sub par.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
The starting weapons here are pretty nice actually. You get 2 Harvesters, 2 Raven's Claws, 2 Silencers, and 5 MAK - 47's. Before installation of equipment, just based on standard mecha build stats, the mecha has the following for innate abilities.
Bonuses before
Proj. Damage + 54%
Speed - 30
Trample 22%
Trample Shield 25%
3X Damage 26%
Missile Vulnerable 26%
Fire Shield (30)
Splash Shield 20%
Speed + 24
Freeze 19%
Slow (12)
Shield (17)
Precision (9)
Crit-Kill 2%
For equipment slots it gets 6 cockpit, 4 chassis, 5 engine, 6 shield and 50 weapon slots. So there is room to make modifications and dial in your mecha how you would like with equipment slots.
However be aware you'll be wasting at least one good shield slot to cover for the shoddy manufacturing job that leaves this model vulnerable to missiles. I'm sorry but if I'm shelling out 140 niodes I expect to see a mecha without such weak ass parts on it that by the time it levels up has that weakness at a whopping 26%, which has actually increased since the last time I reviewed this mecha when it was in the level 70's. Last time I had looked that vulnerability was only at 20%. So in the levels that I have gained I have also gained another 6% weapon vulnerability.
Sorry I just can't get behind or support such a shoddy design, and such a bad rip off of another mecha. Save your niodes buy a Fext. They do more damage, aren't as slow, and aren't put together with bargain basement parts so as to blow up if you mention missiles. These look nice but in the end even for a niode mecha I have to say at best they are sub par.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Evaporator Flare Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Today we're looking at the limited release niode flame weapon the Evaporator Flare. Please note it is no longer available in the shop. The level requirement for this one is 16, which unless I am misreading the shop is the lowest available level flame weapon.
So in going with that seeing as there is no weapon listed in the shop to compare it to in lower levels we'll instead be looking to the higher level weapon.
That weapon would be the level 19 Red Plasma. It sports a straight damage of 27, a speed of 105, and has the weapon ability of Burn at 6%.
The Evaporator Flare beats it in straight damage capability, looses by a couple points in speed, but increases the Burn weapon ability by 1%, and adds a Precision as a bonus at (3).
Even though this is the lesser level weapon it seems to have many upgrades over its bigger cousin. Equipped to a flame mecha with built in bonuses to not only fire damage but having your Precision rating augmented not only by equipment, but also by weapon bonuses seems quite the win, win situation. I'm beginning to see why it is only released in limited quantities. Being available to low levels as it is, and equipped with some of the lighter tonnage mecha it could make for one mean arsenal of fire through and through. Hope you got them when you could, they were a hell of a deal.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
So in going with that seeing as there is no weapon listed in the shop to compare it to in lower levels we'll instead be looking to the higher level weapon.
That weapon would be the level 19 Red Plasma. It sports a straight damage of 27, a speed of 105, and has the weapon ability of Burn at 6%.
The Evaporator Flare beats it in straight damage capability, looses by a couple points in speed, but increases the Burn weapon ability by 1%, and adds a Precision as a bonus at (3).
Even though this is the lesser level weapon it seems to have many upgrades over its bigger cousin. Equipped to a flame mecha with built in bonuses to not only fire damage but having your Precision rating augmented not only by equipment, but also by weapon bonuses seems quite the win, win situation. I'm beginning to see why it is only released in limited quantities. Being available to low levels as it is, and equipped with some of the lighter tonnage mecha it could make for one mean arsenal of fire through and through. Hope you got them when you could, they were a hell of a deal.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Tinsel EMP Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
This weapon was available last year from various KOTM, raids, CW prizes, and mystery vortex offerings. It isn't a widely available or dispersed weapon any longer, but that just makes the ones already out there that much more coveted.
So why is this such a big deal? As a lover of ice mecha and weaponry I think I can fill you in on that one. First off look at the straight damage available here. 111 Straight damage, most weapons regardless of weapon type usually top out in the 135 range. Special note would be the Kraken ice weapon which does 150, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule. So this is a devastating straight damage potential weapon.
Now look at the Speed available here, it's 111 just like the damage. Thing of it is though that is one of THE fastest firing speed ratings I have seen on a weapon. That is in line with the Nakshi signature weapon the Harmonic Disruptor, which is a projectile weapon type. So we have the speed of a roided out projectile weapon being applied to the ice weapon category. That just is a win win situation all the way around.
Now take a gander at the weapon abilities. Crit-Kill at 10% for starters. While it isn't the 19% to be included in the Crit-Kill club it still is rather devastating. Especially when combined with any innate bonuses from mecha build stats, or equipment bonuses. You could make quite the frozen mess with these if you fine tune you Crit-Kill ability.
On top of that we also have a Freeze at 55%. That's drool worthy right there. Over 50% just in weapon ability alone. Now add in any innate build bonuses from your mecha, as well as equipment bonuses or boosts, and well theoretically you could be snapping off frozen shots every other round if not almost every single one. Yes precision will come into play here to determine if you hit or not, so make sure whatever you install these on can hit the broad side of a Vol Worm!
So IF these ever become available again, I would suggest stocking up as much as possible on them. They make for some devastating weapons, fire fast, and have such desirable weapon abilities I'm waiting for them to come standard issue as some new Ice monster mechas signature weapon.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
So why is this such a big deal? As a lover of ice mecha and weaponry I think I can fill you in on that one. First off look at the straight damage available here. 111 Straight damage, most weapons regardless of weapon type usually top out in the 135 range. Special note would be the Kraken ice weapon which does 150, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule. So this is a devastating straight damage potential weapon.
Now look at the Speed available here, it's 111 just like the damage. Thing of it is though that is one of THE fastest firing speed ratings I have seen on a weapon. That is in line with the Nakshi signature weapon the Harmonic Disruptor, which is a projectile weapon type. So we have the speed of a roided out projectile weapon being applied to the ice weapon category. That just is a win win situation all the way around.
Now take a gander at the weapon abilities. Crit-Kill at 10% for starters. While it isn't the 19% to be included in the Crit-Kill club it still is rather devastating. Especially when combined with any innate bonuses from mecha build stats, or equipment bonuses. You could make quite the frozen mess with these if you fine tune you Crit-Kill ability.
On top of that we also have a Freeze at 55%. That's drool worthy right there. Over 50% just in weapon ability alone. Now add in any innate build bonuses from your mecha, as well as equipment bonuses or boosts, and well theoretically you could be snapping off frozen shots every other round if not almost every single one. Yes precision will come into play here to determine if you hit or not, so make sure whatever you install these on can hit the broad side of a Vol Worm!
So IF these ever become available again, I would suggest stocking up as much as possible on them. They make for some devastating weapons, fire fast, and have such desirable weapon abilities I'm waiting for them to come standard issue as some new Ice monster mechas signature weapon.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
SubZero MKII Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
This is a niode Ice weapon available to levels 22 and up, please note it is a limited release weapon and as such it has a limited quantity to it, and it is currently sold out. Aside from that note there are no limits or restrictions placed on how many you can own if you were lucky enough to grab some.
In sticking with our comparison format we will look at how it stacks up against the level 20 Blue Reaper. The B.R. does 29 straight damage, has a speed of 96, and the weapon ability of Freeze at 8%.
The SubZero MKII buries it in all aspects. Straight damage is higher, speed is better, and you get two weapon abilities as opposed to one. But hey makes sense right? It is after all a weapon for higher levels than 20.
Well the next niode Ice thrower in the shop is the Ice Bolt. That is a level 30 weapon packing, 43 straight damage, 98 speed, and a weapon ability of Freeze at 20%.
Still the SubZero hangs in there with more damage, better speed, and its two weapon abilities at lesser percentages than the one at 20% but it's all of 8 levels lower so I guess we can't have it all wrapped in one weapon. Even with that though the SubZero is a kick ass gun and should be taken seriously. It can augment and help outfit your favorite ice mecha and do some killer damage. Honestly surprised there are some left still in the shop.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
In sticking with our comparison format we will look at how it stacks up against the level 20 Blue Reaper. The B.R. does 29 straight damage, has a speed of 96, and the weapon ability of Freeze at 8%.
The SubZero MKII buries it in all aspects. Straight damage is higher, speed is better, and you get two weapon abilities as opposed to one. But hey makes sense right? It is after all a weapon for higher levels than 20.
Well the next niode Ice thrower in the shop is the Ice Bolt. That is a level 30 weapon packing, 43 straight damage, 98 speed, and a weapon ability of Freeze at 20%.
Still the SubZero hangs in there with more damage, better speed, and its two weapon abilities at lesser percentages than the one at 20% but it's all of 8 levels lower so I guess we can't have it all wrapped in one weapon. Even with that though the SubZero is a kick ass gun and should be taken seriously. It can augment and help outfit your favorite ice mecha and do some killer damage. Honestly surprised there are some left still in the shop.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Monday, November 14, 2016
Kojin Stove Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Damage 85
Speed 105
Burn of 33% with Splash of 5%
This is a big boy toy for certain. A high power high burn rate flame weapon that is devastating to any it touches. This weapon excels on mecha that are built to support flame weapons (Inferno, Gigus, Dilophos) it is devastating to those who cannot take flame damage. Used properly and in combination with the right mecha this weapon will be the prize of your arsenal, especially when attached to a high level high damage mecha configuration. This is no Zippo lighter kids this is one of the big guns and as such it will cost you but it is worth every single niode to watch your enemy burn like a birthday candle.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Speed 105
Burn of 33% with Splash of 5%
This is a big boy toy for certain. A high power high burn rate flame weapon that is devastating to any it touches. This weapon excels on mecha that are built to support flame weapons (Inferno, Gigus, Dilophos) it is devastating to those who cannot take flame damage. Used properly and in combination with the right mecha this weapon will be the prize of your arsenal, especially when attached to a high level high damage mecha configuration. This is no Zippo lighter kids this is one of the big guns and as such it will cost you but it is worth every single niode to watch your enemy burn like a birthday candle.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Groundpounder Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
A piece I don't have pricing information on as I got mine as a reward in CW/Raid's. What I do know is this is for 90-100 Ton mecha . It has the abilities of Trample at 8%, Fork at 7%, 3X damage at 6%, Projectile damage +2%, and Freeze of 15%.
Some of the higher tonnage mechas have trample and in some cases fork built in them, so this would compliment them just fine. Ignis has Fork, Regis has Trample, Yallan has Fork, Jadoon has Trample, Magnus has Freeze and Fork, and the Boreas has X3 damage. All the mechas listed above and the abilities listed with them can be further enhanced by this chassis piece. How much of an enhancement would really be up to you depending on how much of which equipment piece you put in what mecha. Bottom line there is serious potential here for whooping ass, so if you can get a hold of one of these go nuts with it. They were on offer for the appropriate levels in the Mystery Vortex at one time as well, maybe they will come around again.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Some of the higher tonnage mechas have trample and in some cases fork built in them, so this would compliment them just fine. Ignis has Fork, Regis has Trample, Yallan has Fork, Jadoon has Trample, Magnus has Freeze and Fork, and the Boreas has X3 damage. All the mechas listed above and the abilities listed with them can be further enhanced by this chassis piece. How much of an enhancement would really be up to you depending on how much of which equipment piece you put in what mecha. Bottom line there is serious potential here for whooping ass, so if you can get a hold of one of these go nuts with it. They were on offer for the appropriate levels in the Mystery Vortex at one time as well, maybe they will come around again.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Nanobot Repair Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
For mechas 25-50 tons we have this niode chassis piece. It'll cost you 285 Ferrite, 250 Bioptics, and 27 Niodes to buy. It provides Auto Repair of 4, Shield of 1, and Kickback at 10% odds for 80% damage. That auto repair sounds good doesn't it? Shielding is pretty small as to almost be non existent with just a 1, but the kick back, ouch.
Depends on your play style I know, some folks like the suicide bomber in their ranks. However most players won't touch kickback with a 12 foot pole even at 10% odds. If and when it goes off it'll rip your mecha a new one with 80% damage. May as well stick some explosives on your mecha, set it for a short fuse, and run it around the training grounds till it detonates at that point. I have yet to meet a player who champions the kickback equipment, and there is a pretty good reason for it, they already blew up using it.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Depends on your play style I know, some folks like the suicide bomber in their ranks. However most players won't touch kickback with a 12 foot pole even at 10% odds. If and when it goes off it'll rip your mecha a new one with 80% damage. May as well stick some explosives on your mecha, set it for a short fuse, and run it around the training grounds till it detonates at that point. I have yet to meet a player who champions the kickback equipment, and there is a pretty good reason for it, they already blew up using it.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Handheld Nuke Equiment Review By Pat Willis#224534
For mechas in the 35-55 ton range we have this niode based chassis piece of equipment. It costs 3,100 Ferrite, 2,496 Bioptics, and only 6 Niodes to buy one. also these have been given out quite a bit as raid rewards following Clan wars of late. It does X2 Damage at 75%, X3 Damage at 25%, has a Kickback of 90% odds, at 100% Damage.
Now maybe you can see why it cost more in Ferrite, and Bioptics than Niodes. Why anyone would want to detonate their own mecha in battle using one of these is beyond me. Then again I have a personal rule of no kickback on anything I own. So I guess it boils down to your play style, but if you want to splatter yourself all over you opponents canopy by using one of these be my guest. Honestly I see no upside to this as the upside of damage dealt, results in detonation of some sort to you. So if your play style is to suicide bomb the opponent this little number is for you, everyone else steer clear.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Now maybe you can see why it cost more in Ferrite, and Bioptics than Niodes. Why anyone would want to detonate their own mecha in battle using one of these is beyond me. Then again I have a personal rule of no kickback on anything I own. So I guess it boils down to your play style, but if you want to splatter yourself all over you opponents canopy by using one of these be my guest. Honestly I see no upside to this as the upside of damage dealt, results in detonation of some sort to you. So if your play style is to suicide bomb the opponent this little number is for you, everyone else steer clear.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Trash Talk by David McCallum : #701548
Being the total gentleman I am, I would normally be loathe to publish such puerile banter as implied by the title.
However Patrick (in his infinite wisdom) has decried that there is not so much of it around as there was in the good old days, and as such we are duty bound to enter into such tomfoolery.
Ah well.... have at it.
A pleasure as always... until next time.
Enkidu Panel Review By Pat Willis#224534
Today we're looking at some pretty kick ass cockpit equipment for 95-100 ton mechas. The Enkidu Panel ( E Panel for short) is set up to help get your mecha on track and tracking opponents.
This piece packs a Precision of 10 which is no slouch by any means. Honestly the only other cockpit pieces that offer the same amount for Precision are the niode based Smart Gelpack, and the crystal based Sensor Array. Both however only pack on two added abilities whereas the E Panel goes for three.
The three perks here are in the form of weapon specific damage modifiers. Missile, Ice, and 3X to be exact. Looking just at mecha specific build bonuses the E Panel would be ideal for the following mechas - Missile of course can be used by the Anubis, Apatotron, Typhoon, and the Humbaba. Ice can of course be used by the Boreas, Glaccus, and the Corsair. 3X damage modifier would most likely serve best on a Fext, or a Reaper. Now of course you can equip and outfit your mecha however you may choose, just with those attributes already assigned to those specific builds it may be worth looking into just to see how it all goes together.
To negate the fire vulnerability there are a few options for shielding available. In the niode based category we have the Flamma Epsilon and Akani Epsilon. For crystal based you have the Incombustibilis. In this case niode will get you more shield coverage than crystal, but it would be worth it if you stack these E panels for major effect. Overall a solid piece, and if you've been reading this site for any length of time you know I don't usually say that about a equipment piece with vulnerabilities.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
This piece packs a Precision of 10 which is no slouch by any means. Honestly the only other cockpit pieces that offer the same amount for Precision are the niode based Smart Gelpack, and the crystal based Sensor Array. Both however only pack on two added abilities whereas the E Panel goes for three.
The three perks here are in the form of weapon specific damage modifiers. Missile, Ice, and 3X to be exact. Looking just at mecha specific build bonuses the E Panel would be ideal for the following mechas - Missile of course can be used by the Anubis, Apatotron, Typhoon, and the Humbaba. Ice can of course be used by the Boreas, Glaccus, and the Corsair. 3X damage modifier would most likely serve best on a Fext, or a Reaper. Now of course you can equip and outfit your mecha however you may choose, just with those attributes already assigned to those specific builds it may be worth looking into just to see how it all goes together.
To negate the fire vulnerability there are a few options for shielding available. In the niode based category we have the Flamma Epsilon and Akani Epsilon. For crystal based you have the Incombustibilis. In this case niode will get you more shield coverage than crystal, but it would be worth it if you stack these E panels for major effect. Overall a solid piece, and if you've been reading this site for any length of time you know I don't usually say that about a equipment piece with vulnerabilities.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Friday, November 11, 2016
The Fog Has Voices By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092
Yomi Reef
Delta Ridge, 2 km North of Tin Can Alley
It's been nearly a month now since the last incursion of Unification forces. Since then, members of the Mercenary Clans have been working with the Illyrians on building defensive positions, tech labs, and massive fields of electro magnetic gear, aimed at catching loose communications from the Gates.
Brainerd Charlie this is Brainerd Delta; I'm entering the slew 2 klicks South of you, taking Delta squad with me, over...
A month later, and they're still running pilots through psychological testing and retesting. It's not our flipping fault the eggheads can't here the call signs.
<skrrrt> Brainerd Charlie this is <skrit, skrrrr> Delta, pull back! Pull Back!
One theory is we're hearing current battles going on in alternate dimensions.
Another is that we're catching Echos of past conflicts. That somehow our neural inputs are working as receivers for our grey matter, to hear and visualize random conflicts close by geographically and sometimes from within ourselves.
Brainerd Alpha through Delta eliminated. Move on to Wagi Alpha, over.
Whatever the reason, hearing the transmissions, seeing the ground, imagining or remembering the battle, all of these things help remind me of the sacrifices my brother and sisters have made to keep this universe, this time line, this reality safe for myself and my family. There might be a day some other soldier stands here and listens to my call signs, but until then, I'll keep the memory of those before my alive and well. Both in mind, heart, and spirit.
Happy Veterans and Armistice day to all those that have served. Your memory and actions live on.
Caged Singularity Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
A Niode based engine piece for mechas 75-90 Tons, one will cost you 2,003 Ferrite, 694 Bioptics, and 54 Niodes. For all that you get Speed at +3, Trample at 3%, Auto Repair of [2], and a Shield of [7]. The speed boost is decent nothing major, or to be excited about but still not too bad. Combined with the auto repair factor that may not be a bad idea for stacking if you have the slots for it in your mecha.
The Trample percentage isn't bad but it's under 5% so it's minor. The major bonus here is it has no vulnerabilities. So much equipment is subject to poor craftsmanship leading to vulnerabilities in the design. This is one solid piece that delivers and may even keep your mecha together for an extra round or two when needed most with the Auto repair. No real downsides to be had here.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
The Trample percentage isn't bad but it's under 5% so it's minor. The major bonus here is it has no vulnerabilities. So much equipment is subject to poor craftsmanship leading to vulnerabilities in the design. This is one solid piece that delivers and may even keep your mecha together for an extra round or two when needed most with the Auto repair. No real downsides to be had here.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Multi - Fuel Turbine Equipment Review By Pat Willis#224534
A niode based engine for mechas 35-55 Tons. It will cost you 210 Ferrite, 110 Bioptics, and 21 Niodes. It has the following abilities- Speed +14, 3X Damage at 4%, Missile Vulnerability at 12%, and 2X Damage at 3%.
A fast engine no doubt the bonuses attached to this piece could do some serious damage with their modifiers when applied to a mecha which already had one or both stats in place on it. The missile vulnerability can be dealt with given proper shielding, as well as levels on your mecha to have enough shields to continue canceling out the vulnerabilities tht you trade off on when you install shields. Either way you look at it this engine is no slouch and will serve you well.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
A fast engine no doubt the bonuses attached to this piece could do some serious damage with their modifiers when applied to a mecha which already had one or both stats in place on it. The missile vulnerability can be dealt with given proper shielding, as well as levels on your mecha to have enough shields to continue canceling out the vulnerabilities tht you trade off on when you install shields. Either way you look at it this engine is no slouch and will serve you well.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
We Are Warriors by David McCallum : #701548
Keep that single word in your mind. It is the single most important thing in our existence.
We fight for profit.
The best deal, whether it is equipment, mechs or resources.
That's why we joined the Mercenary Warrior Clans.
Leave your politics, your religion, your ideologies at the door, or leave the clan. They have no place here. Prejudices and cries of inequality do not belong.
Those sentiments are the fuel that drives others. Let them have their beliefs, whatever they are. Just as long as they can pay. The stronger that fuel, the bigger our pay.
Oh, there are other reasons to fight.
Honour. Thrill. Sport. Revenge. Pleasure.
Survival is always acceptable.
Just make sure you get paid.
Now go and get drunk or get laid. Either way just get out.
Submitted by David McCallum : #701548
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