Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Clan War That Never Was… F.J. Brosenne #885020

Following the Clan Wars of 3310, the Gorax Plague spread like wildfire throughout the gated galaxy. No realm was spared from the infection. As the clans mounted assaults against the Gorax’s armies of mecha and monsters to destroy the source of the plague, several of the great galactic empires and corporations banded together to find a cure to the curious virus. While the clans were successful in defeating Gorax’s hoards early in 3311, the cure was a proving to be a more elusive prey.

By mid-3311, a cure was finally discovered and mass production started immediately. The next crisis was how to deliver the vaccinations to the entire populated galaxy connected by the gateways. Most governments were largely shut down due to the plague having incapacitated their population. Things were looking bleak as the effort of finding the cure was looking to be in vain without the ability to distribute it.

The Craftsmen offered a solution; they would postpone the 3311 Clan War Tournament, freeing up the independent clans to deliver the cure to all of gate colonized space in the galaxy. Afterall, what good was a tournament if no one was going to be able to watch the broadcasts?

Many of the clansmen found great wealth in the offerings of thanks from the beleaguered colonies, securing new mecha, crystals, ferrite, bioptics and other items to assist them in their endeavors. Some clansmen were unfortunate to draw the colonies and outposts that could only offer little in reward. While there were some unscrupulous clans who used the cure as a means to extort the population centers, most clansmen were satisfied with being able to help out regardless of the rewards. Overall, the clans benefited greatly from the aid missions, many securing new contracts with colonies they didn’t even know existed.

Crisis averted, the Craftsmen announced Clan Wars 3312, which would begin in late 3311 and end in early 3312. Clan Wars 3311 would never be.

Submitted by F.J. Brosenne #885020