Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Letter to the Editor by David McCallum #701548

Dear Pat,

Hope this finds you well, at least as well as you ever are after you sober up.

You may notice that a few things have changed while you were inebriated, to whit your staff have disappeared and the offices have burned down. No real idea how that happened, I would have thought the fire suppression system would have kicked in, but c'est la vie, eh?

Kenneth is currently working from his home barracks and I'm off following up a story over in Cogwork.

Don't worry about the offices, I have already dealt with the insurance stuff while you were unconscious. The money has come through but the way things turned out I wasn't able to transfer it across to the company accounts before I had to head out on this story.

Besides that, it's probably better lying in my account for a while. Let's face it, if Leander Lasalle gets wind of you having a pile of ready cash, somebody will get sent out to settle your bar tab and if that happens we will probably just about be able to afford a tent to prepare news-copy out of as our next office.

Never fear, it'll all come out in the wash, eh?

Anyway, I've organised for you to bunk up over at Joel's place. Supposedly a decent drinks cabinet as long as you can get past all the local wildlife that wants to kill you. Just be aware that some of those species are on the endangered list... I know what you can get like when something interrupts your libations.

So, toodle pip for now, gate transit is booked and I must away. 

Please don't try and contact me, it's one of those incognito jobs and you know how the locals can get uppity if they think the press is snooping around. Besides, my usual comms gear will be in safe storage and I'll be using burner gear so everyone has plausible deniability... you know the way it works.

Be good, try not to kick the bucket from liver failure while I'm away, and save me a vodka martini for when I get back, there's a good chap. You know the way I like them.

Yours faithfully,


Submitted by David McCallum #701548