Thursday, June 16, 2016

Have You Seen the Paintjob on That? by David McCallum #701548

So yes, stuff and things have happened...

Lets have a quick recap.

We saved the galaxy (again), this time by being nice to people rather than killing them... who'd have thought, eh?

As a result, a lot of us came out like absolute bandits and all of us gained a tolerance to various drug like substances.

The gates went dodgy, the gates got fixed, AM arrived at Vupa and the local response forces both there and at Novum lost a lot of collective ability.

Time went a bit wibbly wobbly for a while, but it sort of stabilised.

Oh, and of course we got a hint that there's a new mech on the horizon, in most probability the fire counterpart to the Boreas.

We know it's called the Notos, and the name certainly implies fire, and there have been rumours for a little while that the Novum facilities have been working on another fire mech... but other than that, everything is speculation.

The promo pictures certainly give it a very distinctive colour scheme, provided of course that you are going for a camouflage pattern that would hide it in a large pile of tissue paper that had been used to clean up a tomato ketchup spill.

I personally am not a fire expert, so I needed a second opinion. And since I wouldn't trust either Pat or Kenneth with the combustibles contained within a Christmas Cracker, I had to check in with some of my own sources to see if they could make sense of the available intel.

Thankfully the Heroes have their own resident pyromaniac, and I managed to get him away from the petroleum based liquids and eventually pried the box of matches from his quivering fingers.

His eyes did glaze over at that point, however they came back to life when I shoved the new promo poster for the latest Clan War event under his nose and started explaining about the new mech.

Unfortunately it appears he grabbed the poster and went off to have some sort of private moment, so equally unfortunately I'm still none the wiser than the rest of you.

Submitted by David McCallum #701548