Saturday, June 11, 2016

Well That's Happening by David McCallum #701548

So, it's official. I am very much in love and want to Have Artemis Molly's babies.

Not only do we get the absolutely spifflicating split Delta shielding, but she has worked her charms and convinced the suppliers to give us an introduction sale on not only them but all protection systems at the same time.

Of course she may be being foxy because her main rival for the attentions of male pilot libido and newbie teen-boy fantasy Tory is locked away behind closed gates.

Not content with being a dominatrix with a chastity belt of Dwarf Star alloy material, Tory has now cloistered herself away with less contact to the outside world than your average nunnery.

Not that a lot of us would complain about Tory in a nun's costume, but I'm not sure we would want her to make a habit of it...

What we can suppose is that after Gorax has finished with the place, the face of Novum Delorum will likely never look the same. Lets hope he doesn't have a hand in redecorating the planet.

Let's face it, his mech has styling brought to you by a bulldog chewing a wasp, and his preferred
colour scheme was only ever popular on cars put out by British Leyland during the old calendar 1970s.

I've seen some of the things daubed on the walls in the men's restroom at Leander Lasalles and they have far better colour.

Bearing in mind of course the Novum is the prime centre for certain weapon types, we can only assume that the recent fire sale on combustible death dealing equipment is being used to finance the aforementioned remodeling. They should of course bear in mind that by arming us with said items they are giving us the means to burn the place to the ground in an effort to retore good taste and decor to the known galaxy.

Thankfully with the efforts of the mercenary clans, shipments of vital vaccine have reached over three quarters of known space and people are now coming out of the effects of the plague. Just guard your Doritos stash, because we are receiving reports of mass munchies riots as people come down from their post plague trip.

Of course it is possible that the recent Gorax incursion has been one very large conspiracy theory, blindsiding us to the true goings on within the Shogunate.

The fact that one of the little reported but often observed side effects of the Gorax plague has been to make those effected higher than Kenneths voice was the time time he was sucking on a helium balloon at the office party when Patricks 'accidentally' shot him in his manly bits with a taser will cause a shortage of easily accessible post bender comestibles of epic proportions.

Anyone with the most rudimentary knowledge of supply and demand could make an absolute killing... enough in fact to form a very fair sized army.

When you next see a mech squadron coming over the horizon with a tale tale trail of crumbs behind them, just remember that you heard it here first at the Galaxy Gathering.

Submitted by David McCallum #701548