Friday, June 10, 2016

Much Maligned Mecha Review – The Dreadnought By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092

One of the mainstays of almost every formation over level 60 that you will find is the venerable 85 ton Dreadnought.

Let me just start off by saying I have no idea why this mech is talked down about from so many pilots. But, as a reporter, my job is to write, and leave the opinions to the columnists.

The Dreadnought in essence, is a walking projectile battery. Much like the Dreadnoughts of the old Earthen naval fleets, the Dreadnought moves in speedily, then wreaks havoc on defenses with an artillery barrage of immense proportions.

At top upgrade level, the Dreadnoughts has five cockpit slots, five chassis slots, seven engine slots, four shield slots, and thirty-two weapon slots. It comes with an Exacto cannon, a Smoking Gun, and a Six Shooter, all having fantastic abilities. And to top it off, this mighty mecha has huge amounts of projectile damage boosts, trample, crit-kill, and near the upgrading top, some fork thrown in to boot.

To me this seems like a pretty solid mech. Straight and to the point, it runs in, stands it’s ground, and shoots things into tiny little smoldering pieces. So why do pilots give it so much abuse?

So far as I can tell, a lot of it is aesthetics. Based on similar engineering that brought you the Anzu, the Dreadnought focused on reducing its overall signature while still supplying you with tons of guns and ammo bays to supply them.

This means it has no arms, and has reverse actuating legs to provide running and fire stability. From an engineering standpoint, this all makes sense. However, from the rock star, clan wars pilots of the galaxy, this means that you’re running around in a giant chicken that has no wings

Also, the cockpit resembles the drop ship from the Old Earth movie “Aliens” with legs welded to it and its tail chopped off.

And did I mention the whole “running chicken” thing? Several pilots wanted to make sure I remembered that phrase (sigh).

Also, no one has said as much, but another theory I have as to why the harsh feelings is that this mecha has been a prize in most of the Clan Wars fighting Divisions for a number of years now. Simply put, everyone has one (or three or five by now).

The other thing I see is the Dreadnought is also the victim of “mecha envy” from the other mecha that is right next to it on the purchasing list, the Torrent. Never mind the fact that the Torrent is just as goofy in its own right what with the double leg thing, it has become a “must have” of any serious pilots stable as they rise through the ranks.

So, to sum up, other than “it’s a running chicken”, it’s not a torrent, and it’s more common than the common cold in February, the Dreadnought is a really great mech in this writers opinion and a lot of you need to grow up and quit making clucking noises behind me while I’m writing.

Until next time.