Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Brotherhood Had A Plan By Pat Willis#224534

The NWHL had a plan this past clan war, "What was your plan to lose the whole war?.. Har ha har haa." Would it surprise you overly much if I told you that was exactly the idea? See the thing about loosing a war is you have to be committed to doing it, no matter how bad you want to go nuts, you hold it in. You show up of course, put on your proper specialist suit if you have it and march out to your designated area.

You probe the enemies lines, judge their capability, make it look good, get some points, and call it a day. "Why in the hell would you do that?" you ask. Because we decided to test a rumor. See command has it on good authority that because a clan ranks last in the war, they go in first for the raid. What that means is we're cannon fodder for enemy first wave attacks in our sectors.

We clean up our space, get our kills, and let the greater opponents as well as defenders fight it out for the galaxy. We as a Brotherhood understand it isn't about control of the galaxy, least not for us. It's an arms race. We slough off during the war to get the prime picks from the salvage. We conserve ammo, as well as wear and tear on our mechas, and give ourselves plenty of time to pick off the first waves in almost mint condition mechas.

We show up fully armed and armored, tear through our sectors would be attackers, and go nuts on the salvage. We only had about 10,179 enemies to face. That makes it real easy to assign choke points for each of us 10 to defend and grab what we can. Meanwhile the higher up waves face more enemies at tougher levels, have to go hard and fast, and with the repeated battle they blow up most of the salvage.

"You're just blowing smoke my exhaust pipe., making things up for loosing fair and square." Well okay you have me at least partially there. Yep we lost, yup we played fair and square. But by the God Mecha itself I swear to you that was the plan. Want proof, here is my raid pay out, and keep in mind I did good, but other Brothers did better. Maybe loosing isn't so bad after all neh?

Wrecker Shot x 1
Harmonic Disruptor x 1
Blurring Beam x 1
Jurassic Blast x 2
Man O' War Ray x 2
Silencer x 1
Ammo Cookoff x 1
Birthday Fist x 1
Triplex Matrix x 1
Leveler x 1
Heartbreaker x 4
Lucky Clover x 1
Jadoon x 1
Boreas x 1
Fext x 1
Betrus Processor x 1
Handheld Nuke x 1
Sensor Array x 1
Stealth Plating x 1

Note the Boreas, Jadoon, and Fext in there? Free of charge, just cost me some rounds of ammo and loosing a war and I took home mechas just as good as any medal winner, and as I said others did better than I. So yeah we lost a war but remember we planned it, and it paid off.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534