Sunday, May 8, 2016

So What's Happening? by David McCallum #701548

Well, for starters the rest of the editorial crew have done a bunk and left me in charge.... so what shall we talk about?

Well, for starters I'm on a weeks holiday from my real job and I've been left in charge of the kids. Don't worry, they are being good and there is unlikely to be any suspicious mounds in the back yard when the wife gets home from her jaunt to go and see the Mother in Law and the rest of the cove... I mean her sisters, for a long overdue family get together.

What it does mean is that I get more time to play Mecha Galaxy, and for a change I can spend some time doing KotMs, a luxury I can't usually afford myself on account of being in the wrong timezone of the planet.

I must say it's been quite enjoyable!

Not only did I get a chance to have a scrap with Lady Bunny (something that I've been wanting to do for over a year now, and it was as epic a fight as I've ever had in the game) but coming away with a weapon called the 'Mother in Law' was somebody playing silly buggers with karma... that's all I'm saying.

 I'm now getting a chance to take part in a chrono event.

Now there's been a lot of complaints recently about the amount of these events, and I can't comment on that... but from the point of view of a newcomer to the event, it's very different. Not sure if I like it, simply because of the fact that if you don't jump in quick you can end up with a huge disadvantage.

Luckily I was able to kick off pretty close to the start, so i can't complain, but due to the length and the fact that some people just wouldn't be able to get at it early due to sleep and/or work, it does seem skewed. Then of course if you didn't get on the merry go round early, its such a long event you aren't going to be particularly busy for a few days.

The other thing of note is that we appear to be seeing some news coming in from folk doing missions
that there is more news about the recent Shogunate upheaval and that there could have been somebody pulling the old puppet strings.

Now the last time that happened, we had a few things... some new exclusive weapons and the fact that it was an imminent indicator that there was another big scrap coming.

Add to that the fact that there are also reports that somebody is spiking the Hatorade supplies ( a fact that I'm only too well aware of, thank you all for the get well soon cards...) means we are in for some interesting times ahead.

Submitted by David McCallum #701548