Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mech Review: The Spitfire By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092

The Ambershard Stalker Horde that has crept into the trade routes and industrial planets of the Galaxy has been a huge problem for everyone. One of the solutions that has been brought forward to deal with this threat comes from the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade in the form of a mid-sized mecha known as the Spitfire.

This mech is hard hitting, using a dual attack platform that boosts it’s projectile targeting for punching holes, and a significant boost to it’s missile platform, allowing them to blanket the surrounding area with a lethal barrage so as to thin out an oncoming swarm attack.

The wide area of effect and the ability to target multiple targets was chosen as a priority in the design. So much so, that the Legionnaires enlisted the Trinitarian World Symposium to help with the engineering and development.

Along with weapons platform focus, a new A.I. was developed for the Spitfire as well. The Sagittaire Class A.I. has a high capacity dual-target mode that allows a pilot to effectively engage several target simultaneously and boosts splash capabilities at the same time.

An overclocked power source, boost to fire and ice weapons as well and the ability to support five custom add on modules make this a mech that can lay down a wide swath of destruction, perfect for dealing with the amazingly enormous numbers that attack in a swarm.

This mech was then put into the capable hands of the Black Star Bandits for testing. Reports started flooding in, usually accompanied by a bout of maniacal glee as to the effectiveness of this “swarm killer”.

So make sure to pick up a fighter wing of these mechs today as a deterrent against Gorax and the Ambershard Stalker horde.