Monday, May 2, 2016

King Chrono Game Debate By Pat Willis#224534

Over on the Mecha Galaxy players page on Facebook there is a discussion about the Chrono KOTM. Some like it, some hate it, each with various reasons as to why they think that way, and all valid points from various pilots. Granted no matter who says what the Devs have implemented the change to the KOTM so I doubt that is going any where any time soon.

Some say it's a snore fest, hop in early, hold your spot, collect points as the timer dies down, and get placed according to your points total as opposed to fighting it out to the last second to hold position. Personally I like and prefer this format to most of the others.


Because honestly the tourney circuit is a bit stale. Too many tonnage specialist tourneys these days we have Anzu Zoo events, Ratman events, Ogguns, etc, etc, etc. The majority of which are usually set to end at some odd ball time on weekdays. I like the slower pace of the Chrono fights, and when it ends I don't have to worry about if I am going to participate down to the final second at crazy hours like 2 A.M., or have to try and maintain position during prime time T.V. on days when my favorite shows are on. Not to mention in a Chrono event I won't get robbed like I did in a point mecha match a bit back. I had number 1 position and was able to hold it, up until the last 5 seconds. That's when it got sniped out from under me. I looked and had first, I hit refresh and it was over, I check the rankings through the Archives screen, and find out in the last 5 seconds (the time it took the page to refresh) I had been sniped.

Also let's face it the fight refreshes we have are limited you can restore 1 fight five times, or 2 fights five times. That isn't much at all, and with the way tourneys usually go you have burned up most of your fight refreshes well before the half hour mark hits, so if it's a late running tourney you are pretty much screwed. Every time you move you displace someone, who gets ticked displaces you, then you're fending off others trying to take your spot while at the same time trying to take the spot you had back. Now extend this out in a constant cycle of rinse and repeat until the tourney ends. Honestly it's enough of a pain in the ass that I barely even try on the last day.

Chrono events fix that, oh man I got bumped from 5th to 10th, no big deal my points come with me. Nothing is  disturbed, nothing much changes. If I end the event in 5th place on the ladder, that isn't necessarily where I end up for final rank depending on points. A Chrono event kind of turns things on its head and it matters more when you enter as opposed to when you start fighting to finish. So really I like chronos they are a fun change of pace, less hassle, less burning of fights, and if it ends at a dumb hour like O'dark thirty A.M. I don't have to worry about who am I going to have to fend off this time. I can save fights for when I need them and not burn em up in retaliation for a position I'll probably have to fight another 27+ times to defend, and pray the stupid count down timer runs out before my fight refreshes do.

So what do you folks think? Chronos good, bad, or indifferent? Chime in and let us know.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534