Galaxy Wide News, Stories, Reviews, & Current Events in the Mecha Galaxy Universe. All Content is Player Submitted.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
The Brotherhood Had A Plan By Pat Willis#224534
The NWHL had a plan this past clan war, "What was your plan to lose the whole war?.. Har ha har haa." Would it surprise you overly much if I told you that was exactly the idea? See the thing about loosing a war is you have to be committed to doing it, no matter how bad you want to go nuts, you hold it in. You show up of course, put on your proper specialist suit if you have it and march out to your designated area.
You probe the enemies lines, judge their capability, make it look good, get some points, and call it a day. "Why in the hell would you do that?" you ask. Because we decided to test a rumor. See command has it on good authority that because a clan ranks last in the war, they go in first for the raid. What that means is we're cannon fodder for enemy first wave attacks in our sectors.
We clean up our space, get our kills, and let the greater opponents as well as defenders fight it out for the galaxy. We as a Brotherhood understand it isn't about control of the galaxy, least not for us. It's an arms race. We slough off during the war to get the prime picks from the salvage. We conserve ammo, as well as wear and tear on our mechas, and give ourselves plenty of time to pick off the first waves in almost mint condition mechas.
We show up fully armed and armored, tear through our sectors would be attackers, and go nuts on the salvage. We only had about 10,179 enemies to face. That makes it real easy to assign choke points for each of us 10 to defend and grab what we can. Meanwhile the higher up waves face more enemies at tougher levels, have to go hard and fast, and with the repeated battle they blow up most of the salvage.
"You're just blowing smoke my exhaust pipe., making things up for loosing fair and square." Well okay you have me at least partially there. Yep we lost, yup we played fair and square. But by the God Mecha itself I swear to you that was the plan. Want proof, here is my raid pay out, and keep in mind I did good, but other Brothers did better. Maybe loosing isn't so bad after all neh?
Wrecker Shot x 1
Harmonic Disruptor x 1
Blurring Beam x 1
Jurassic Blast x 2
Man O' War Ray x 2
Silencer x 1
Ammo Cookoff x 1
Birthday Fist x 1
Triplex Matrix x 1
Leveler x 1
Heartbreaker x 4
Lucky Clover x 1
Jadoon x 1
Boreas x 1
Fext x 1
Betrus Processor x 1
Handheld Nuke x 1
Sensor Array x 1
Stealth Plating x 1
Note the Boreas, Jadoon, and Fext in there? Free of charge, just cost me some rounds of ammo and loosing a war and I took home mechas just as good as any medal winner, and as I said others did better than I. So yeah we lost a war but remember we planned it, and it paid off.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Engineer Interview With Scar Firewolf ID# 729774 By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092
It was a typical night at the Cantina. Smoke filled, dank, some
tinny music warbling over a few old, beat up speakers. Pilots, engineers, and
ground crew, all mixing it up. Wist, Pool, Darts, all being played with no real
sense of urgency. People in group and by themselves all drinking, talking, or
sitting silent. Above in the Balcony, you can see the Officer Cadre sitting at
small tables. Some with heads bent close, others laughing raucously. Yep,
pretty ordinary.
I was taking up a portion of the bar looking at a vid pad.
Or at least pretending to. I’m a people watcher, which is why I got into this profession
of writing for the G.G. Yeah, sure, going out in 95 tons of walking death was
my main job, but writing had become my night gig, and tonight I was having
trouble coming up with material
It was then that I caught this strange odor. It smelled a
bit like burnt capacitors, mixed with embalming fluid. And what is... is that…
Standing next to me was Scar. Scar Firewolf. Average height
with a rangy frame, wearing one of the Dragon RnD Lab coats. So far you’d think
“lab geek.” But then you get to the head. Braided beard with longish hair going
in every direction. He had the look of someone who held a firecracker to close
to their face and it exploded accidentally.
Then there was the unmistakable
voice. For such a skinny guy, he had this deep baritone voice that could be
heard across the room, even when he was talking in a low tone. When you were
close to him this could prove slightly uncomfortable to be in a conversation
for very long.
Scar: Hey, Hicks. Why haven’t you interviewed me yet?
Kenneth Hicks: Oh! Hey Scar. Here, let me order up a couple
rounds and we can do just that. What’s your poison?
S: Why… what have you heard?
K: Huh?
S: Oh, to drink. Never mind. Forget everything you heard. A
carafe of Vupan Merlot for me.
K: Okaay, anyway, tell me a bit about how he came to be in
S: I got my start in Exiles. They're a good hearted bunch
with a lot of spunk, and my input gave them a bit of edge so it was a win/win.
Eventually James and John started up Exiles Immortals, and I was a part of
that. They had a fearsome showing with the help of line tech and A.F.R.O. and
built quite a reputation.
K: A.F.R.O.?
S: Articulated Fractal Recurve Optics - my scouting tool. The
eye that sees you, before YOU see you.
K: Hehehe, nice.
S: Eventually a few things fell through and people took
separate paths. Many of us ended up in MMI (soon to become BHG) and others
ended up in RND. I took the BHG route. A rivalry ensued and it was a lot of
fun, and was well fought on both sides. Eventually new alliances formed during
faction war, and I took a liking to Dragons. This was my first war with them.
K: Opal was a new clan this war and really had an excellent
showing. Who was your main rival in it?
S: Yeah, Scott did a good job with designs. A lot of new things
were done this war, and Dragons scored a gold medal in every division they
attempted. Our toughest opponent for Opal was definitely Samurai Mecha. They
bring a squad full of strong players and play a smart game.
K: Samurai Mecha is one of those clans that are always
consistently one of the top in their division it seems.
S: For a small crew that sticks together and consistently
gets better, I can see them contending for gold again more in future wars.
K: What did you think of the new developments recently? I
heard a lot of "Gorak or Gorax" comments, but the Ambershard Stalkers
did put a new spin on things.
S: So far it's been in vain, but my laboratories have
isolated the Gorax virus and have been trying to introduce it into mechs to get
them to mutate.
S: An Anzu started getting sensor malfunctions and thought
it was a Jenner. Soon after, its circuits fried, I think out of embarrassment.
A Krampus got kickback and grew a 5th leg which acted as a kickstand, and was promptly
put out of its misery. And don't get me started about what happened to the
K: Um,
yeah. Okay. Moving forward, what would you like to see happen?
S: I'd like to see a way to harness the virus and create
meaningful upgrades to mechs, even if they end up grotesque like those skull
mechs and mutant Nerios in raids. Oh, and more vortex events like last war
please. That was awesome.
K: Think there's a chance that you could mutate the Orester
into something useful? Hehehe.
S: Great idea, and Gigus too.
K: A Giguster
S: Or find a way to stack more weapons and speed on a Gigus,
more like a Skriag, but while maintaining some of the Gigus's advantage like
fire and splash.
K: I always felt the Gigus had great potential and just fell
short in the development process.
S: I love Gigus. But after a certain point it
doesn't have the tools it needs to hang with the other big boys.
K: Right. With the right equipment it's great in the mid-levels,
but falls off.
S: Yes. It's dodgy enough to make a fantastic tank, and at
low levels it still has enough of a base set of weapons to be useful. But with
a weapon every 6 levels, low precision, and low speed, you never actually get
to take advantage of its fire damage and splash.
K: Well, I think we have enough for now. I'd like to thank
you for your time today.
S: Alright, thanks Kenneth! Oh, and hey. If you ever need any
help with that “only two arms” problem, just let me know.
K: Sure, any wait. What “only two arms” problem. How many do
you have?
S: Huh? Oh, never mind. Forget everything I said. Except the
interview, remember that.
K: Take care Scar, and good luck with bringing new mechs to
the front.
<End Transmission>
Monday, May 30, 2016
The Tragic Story of Lance Pilot Speedy McDougal and the Sinister Secret Lab By Kenneth Hicks ID#846092
This is the sad and tragic tale of Speedy McDougal. Speedy
was a Hoplite pilot who had arrived planet side just a scant 4 cycles ago. Of
average looks and average build, average skills and average mecha, not a lot
stood out with Speedy, except one thing, his chipper personality.
Speedy was always the first with his hand up (whether right
or wrong). He was the first to laugh, or the first to console. He was the first
to volunteer, and the first to cheer on his squad. He was the living embodiment
of “Pep”.
Because of his spirit, most people either really liked him,
or avoided him. No one could be said to “hate” him mind you, as that would be
like openly admitting that you were the sort of person that would gleefully
kick a puppy when it was sad.
Now at the beginning of this sad and tragic tale, we find
Speedy happily whistling a tune as he walked down the hallway on his way to the
mess. He had gone on three missions guarding transports since being here and
was feeling like he was getting the hang of it. His Lance Corporal
congratulated him more than once on his ability not to shoot himself in the
foot or accidentally lock onto a group of settler buildings. Speedy wasn’t quite
sure how to take this, possibly he was he being made fun of, or was the bar of
accomplishment really low around here. He wasn’t sure, but decided it must be a
Speedy pondered on this and what further accolades of
appreciation he might have bestowed upon his person as he went through the chow
line and got a plate full. Skipping around an upside down bowl of oatmeal, he
made his way to the tables and looked for a place to sit.
Over on the back side of the hall sat his Captain. A middle
aged man with a middle aged body, the Captain rubbed at his eyes and groaned
quietly as he tried to get a mouthful of fruit cup to cooperate with the half
gallon of Bourbon he had sent down there scant hours before.
Captain! How’re you this fine day?”
There was an audible ‘Crack’ as the Captain bit down on his
The Captain’s Aide was looking at Speedy as though he had
grown a third arm out of his back and was shaking his head back and forth as if
trying to ward off a train wreck with one desperate look.
“Is this
seat taken sir? Breakfast is the most important part of the day you know.”
“Go ahead
Speedy, take a seat. Just please be quiet as I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Concentrate on what sir? And… pardon me Captain, but you
look awful this morning. Are you getting enough Vitamin C?”
The Captain’s neck bulged as he tried to keep his anger in
check. His skin turned a pulpy shade of red-purple as the vein in his temple
started to pulse.
“Gee sir, that vein doesn’t look healthy. My Aunt had a vein
like that on the back of her left knee that would pulse just like that every
time she had to…”
“Yes sir?”
“I have an assignment for you. A ‘Special Mission’ as it
were. Reports indicate that we haven’t
heard from the group of Settlers who maintain the Bivouac site over on Skarr
Mountain. We need a mech jockey to head over there, make contact, and survey
the area for anything unusual. Then when you’re done, head back to base for
“Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!” Speedy jumped to with a crisp
salute. Pieces of bacon and toast went scuttling as his enthusiasm threatened
to knock the whole table askew.
The trip to Skarr Mountain had been both long and arduous.
Outer temperatures soared to over forty eight degrees Celsius. Humidity was so
high that targeting sensors had troubles with the shimmering heat waves
cascading across the canopy. The sun stayed overhead constantly as this planet
had a very slow rotation.
Speedy’s Hoplite was feeling the heat as well. Gauges across
the board showed the strain the system was under. Hydraulics, coolant lines,
engine power arrays, all pulling extra hard due to the extreme temperatures.
Good gravy! How did they get all the equipment up here for
the Bivvy site to be set up? This is murder! Oh wait, they probably dropped it
in. C’mon Speedy, use your head! This is no time to become slow witted! Oh!
As the Hoplite came over the rise, it was looking at the
five-hundred-hectare area where a settlement was supposed to sit. Supposed to
at least. Instead, it was looking down on a cratered out, pock marked divet. As
if God himself had sliced out a chunk with his celestial Nine-iron and this was
the remains.
Only there were no scorch marks. No smaller craters which
should be evident as it had to take an immense amount of firepower to pull this
off, but no. Nothing like that. Then there were holes. Thousands upon thousands
of holes, all around the edge of the gigantic anomaly.
Speedy was on the precipice of what was to become the
biggest event of his life. Both figuratively and physically. And all that was
going to take to get him further down the Rabbit Hole was one errant itch.
harness! Always biting into my…
There was a shudder as the twenty-five ton mech tilted
crazily forward. The ground under the Hoplite’s right foot had given way and
fallen into the pit. Speedy tried to correct, but the poor, sorry Hoplite was
slow to react due to the over-heated systems. Down the Rabbit Hole he goes…
Oooh, my head. Wait, what happened, why is there pressure on
my shoulder straps? Unless.. I upside down? Ugh, can’t see anything. Better
turn on the emergency lights.
In the bottom of the pit was our lone Hoplite, upside down,
being held erect in this almost comical position by two rather large boulders.
Speedy and his trusty mech had fallen roughly Thirteen hundred feet down the
side of the crater. The fact that speedy was alive enough to be confused was a
testament in it’s own right to the sturdiness of the Hoplite frame.
Speedy had managed to extricate himself from his harness
without concussing himself further. He felt around on the panel for the
emergency lighting toggle and flipped it. A soft blue-white glow lit up the
bottom of the crater. Speedy thought it was eerily beautiful and let out a long
exhalation of breath. Dust snaked into his cabin on vapory trails, indicating
that his hatch was not being held in place anymore.
When Speedy turned to
examine this, moving shadows played along his peripheral vision.
Speedy whipped his head left and right, yes, yes he had
definitely seen movement. Then he saw them. Pouring from the holes were these
giant, shiny insects with large pinchers. They poured down the pit wall,
resembling an oil slick, their movement was so precise with one another.
The Communications specialist was approaching at a jog. A look of worried
excitement on his face.
this transmission just came in. I think it’s from that Scout you sent up Mount
“Lemme see that, Specialist. Hit play.”
A holo vid opened up over the Specialist’s left hand.
Interference was causing it to skip and stutter, but there it was, Lance Pilot
Speedy McDougal’s excitable face.
“May Day, May Day! Pilot down! Um, really down. Well, not in
spirit mind you, I still seem to be happy enough, but oh my! I’m really really
far down. In a hole that is. Settlement is gone! I think God sliced it off into
the Celestial rough and didn’t replace the divet. But, oh my, Captain, I’m not
alone down here <skrzt, skrzt> There seems to <skrzzt> in a gi
<skkkrtztztz> my hatch! <skshhhhhhh> in! <skrztz>
AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! <chitter chitter chitter> AH! AHHHHHHH <
The holo vid
faded out with static.
Wasn’t that Bivouac settlement over run by Ambershard Stalkers last week?”
“Well, we
had to find out for sure. Now we know. Go get the General on the horn, he’ll
want to hear the confirmation.”
Bright, irritating light.
Light that
forced it’s way through the eyelids, and straight down the optic nerve. This
pain connected to the base of the skull
with the massive throbbing which in turn was connected to the spine. From here
he could feel his nerves alight with sharp pain, as if the broken shards of a
window were being forced through his flesh in slow motion.
He started
to scream. Oddly though, all that would come out was a dry rasp, something akin
to the way a shipwreck survivor sounds when they wake up on the beach the
morning after the “big storm.”
“Case number
8675309, subject has regained consciousness. Time to initiate infusion
Speedy tried
to pry his eyelids open, desperate to see his surroundings. Well, maybe
desperate wasn’t the right term. Honestly, he’d rather keep his eyes closed,
have the light level lowered a titch, and have someone bring him a spot of tea.
But being as how “infusion procedure” does not sound like anything comfortable,
maybe he should make the effort.
Through the
haze, he could see several large shadows skittering about, issuing sounds in a
chittery language. Above his head, just out of view, the voice spoke again.
friend, we wouldn’t want to bruise your dermal layers upon the restraints. I
would like to welcome you to my Lab. In this lab, I’ve been working on trying
to make mech pilots stronger, faster, more aggressive, and able to handle more
information at a quicker rate of data flow.
urrrrrghlglglg rnng gruhhhh.”
“SHHH shh
shh shh shh. Easy now. You also have a rather large hard rubber bit in your
mouth. You will probably thank me for that at some point. Without it, test
subjects have been in the habit of biting off their own tongues. And we wouldn’t
want that, now would we.”
was certainly not reassuring. And gosh darn it, what the heck are those silly
insect things doing?
“Ah! I see
you are interested in my preciouses. I call them Ambershard Stalkers. You see,
their bodies are biochemically merged with actual Seed Crystals. When they
generate certain frequencies, their harmonious resonance match identically with
each other’s, and with mecha. This allows them all to have the ability to act
in unison to a single communication.”
“Why yes,
that was awful clever of me, thank you very much! I like you, your so much more
agreeable than most of my test subjects.”
“Hmm? Oh,
never mind that, you’ll find out soon enough. Now then, for the first step.”
The owner of
the voice moved around to the side of the cot where Speedy could see him.
Hunched of back, soiled and bloody lab coat, he had a wide eyed maniacal
expression. There was a fine sheen of sweat on his upper lip, even though it
was decidedly chilly in the lab.
He raised an
arm that was holding a laser scalpel and motioned one of the Stalkers forward.
The Stalker shambled forward and bowed it’s Mantis like head. The Voice then
reached behind the head to the neck and made an incision. With his other hand
he brought up a long, curved set of ferrite hemostats and probed into the
incision. The Stalker shuddered slightly but otherwise held still. Out of the
incision he pulled a sliver of what looked like living crystal. It was faceted
and reflected light, but was obviously fleshy in texture.
“There we
go. There. This is the key that will open the door to begin your journey.”
He held the
sliver of flesh close to Speedy’s eye. It was so sparkly… then movement. Little
tiny fibers feathered up from the sides like so many little legs, then
stretched towards his face. Now Speedy started to scream in earnest.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, you might experience a
While holding the sliver inches from Speedy’s eyeball, The
Voice then brought the laser scalpel up, right next to Speedy’s pupil. Light
shattered. Darkness fell. Pain was continuous and immeasurable.
Wetness. Darkness. Cold.
Speedy started shivering from the conditions. He opened his
eyes and felt the throb of pain, now more muffled than before. He looked around
and found that he was in a natural tunnel. Somewhere up and to his right, he
could see the opening so he started to crawl.
Fresh air. Sweet, fresh air awaited him once he reached the
rim. He looked down and saw his base of operations below. A sack with a cloak
and a loaf of bread were sitting in the mouth of the tunnel. He ate the bread
ravenously and donned the cloak to protect himself from the chill of the night
air. It was time to go to his debriefing. The Captain will be proud.
In the base, the Captain was going over paperwork.
Ambershard Stalker attacks have increased by an alarming rate over the past
month, as well as the disappearance of supply convoys and scouting missions.
“Captain! You’ve got to come see this!”
“What is it, Specialist…”
“We’re not sure sir. But, I think it’s Speedy.”
“By the Prophet, bring this base to alert status! Man those
walls! Get every pilot into their mecha now! And let’s go have a talk with this
“possibly Speedy.”
Down by the gate, crouched a lumpish figure under a cloak.
It looked miserable and cold, shivering uncontrollably. The Captain was both
leery and empathetic at the same time.
“Speedy? Is that you son?”
“Captain. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m ready for my
debriefing now.”
“Uh, good, good. Excellent. What have you to report Lance
“That you have become obsolete, sir.”
The cloaked figure raised his head and the Specialist shrank
away and started vomiting. A red glare beamed out from what used to be Speedy’s
left eye socket.
With a movement from his left hand, there was a rumbling,
then a thunder of footsteps. Thousands of Ambershard Stalkers poured forth from
the darkness. The wall defenses started firing but were over run in moments by the sheer number coming forward.
Speedy then twitched his right hand with a “come hither”
movement. Several of the mechas close by ceased their movements, turned and
came forward. The base then started to erupt in a chaotic cacophony of screams,
explosions, and twisting metal. Yet over all of this, the Captain could still
hear Speedy’s high pitch laugh.
Even in this new state of being, Speedy still found a way to
be irritating as frack.
And there wasn’t anything he could do about it except join
in the screaming. So he did.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Potatotron Mech Review by David McCallum #701548
Yes, I admit that this mech is a running joke as far as I'm concerned.

Speed by 'Arthritics Anonymous', styling by 'Roadkill'.
It is to mechs what caravans (or trailers as certain parts of the populace would call them) are to road vehicles.
The proverbial nail in the coffin for this mech is the fact that John T. Mainer uses one as his flag mech. You can't get more uncool than that, until today when I myself became the proud owner of one.
I'm using the word 'proud' in a very loose fashion.
I even found another reason to dislike it intensely. The colour. Its just so ludicrous in its standard factory livery, you can't believe it's there!
I kid you not, in a fit of post Gorax infection I had actually put one of these on my wish list for raid prizes. I was fortunate enough to be the one on duty when the final attack runs were being made and therefore I was the first to see what my helpful little raccoon minions had dragged into the hanger.
first thing I saw was the bright red Typhoon. Why they keep bringing those in I have no idea; I stopped doing anything with them after the second and that was now number five. I almost missed the dark hued Fext lurking in the corner, blending in with the shadows, silent and lurking like a visit from the tax department.
It was only when I came to register the new acquisitions with command that I noticed what I actually first took to be a weapon pile because of the ridiculous paint job. I couldn't do a better job at disbelieving camouflage if I painted it pink and draped pole dancers from the main weaponry.
I took it for a spin.
If, and this is a huge massive 'If', the kind of 'If' associated with class 'A' drugs and high fever delirium, I had actually bought one, I would have paid 21K Ferrite, 14.7K Bioptics and 155 Niodes.
For this I would have got a 100 ton banana impersonator that accelerates like a concrete slab and can be outpaced by continental drift. The armour is pretty good, so much so that it gets in the way of steering and your mass will carry you into the next country when you attempt to take a corner.
Tactics wise, your best bet is to get several cranes and/or forklifts to carry it onto the field and you can then use it as a fixed defensive point. Luckily the armour is decent (as I've mentioned before), it has an amount of built in AR at higher levels and the combat systems give decent bonuses for a raft of things, not the least of which are pure damage output for projectile and missile systems.
I have no choice now but to save face and actually field it in battle. When I say save face, what I actually mean is erect a very large cardboard cut out of a Regis in front of it and report anyone who sees behind said disguise to the authorities for illegal doping during a sanctioned battle.
Perhaps I can mount it on a very large skate board and get my Dreadnoughts to roll it into battle to help the deception.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Who's Going to Clean my Mech? by David McCallum #701548
I have some praise to give, and a complaint.
Its like good news and bad news, and for some strange reason people always want the good news first rather than getting the nasty stuff out of the way and finishing on a high.
So here goes.
A nicely executed story-line ending in a nice little twist with increased stats for us all in the way we can gobble stim packs and some different enemies to face.
Not only that, but the lead up has been there for a few months, so this has been a while in the planning.
Even better, we have had a building story that has been released in stages through news bulletins and missions that has led into a different kind of raid. Alright, so the raid itself was a bit soft for my tastes (I've had more problems getting a date with Tory than the bugs gave me) but it has been a very fine job nonetheless.
And the fact that the payout chances for raid prizes were increased did not go unnoticed, nor unappreciated. Never let it be said that I sniffed at 300 tons of free mech.
But alas, there is a down side.
The mess.
And the smell.
And as for trying to get the remnants off your mech, give me two hundred mating Snavuurm anytime....
Somewhere in the genetic ancestry of the Ambershard Stalker, I'm sure there is a mix of axle grease, chewing gum and 2 week old babies nappies.
Industrial cleaner doesn't work. Alcohol doesn't do it either, not even the rotgut that Pat keeps in the supposed hidden compartment behind the false back of the bottom drawer of his genetically coded locked desk that he thinks nobody knows about and certainly that we can't open. Even if he is giving me funny looks because he can't recall drinking that much.
Standing in the middle of Novum Dolorum and putting a looping broadcast on your external speakers proclaiming that 'All Redheads are of dubious virtue' so that they can employ all form of heat related military grade weaponry on your mechs does not, in fact, shift the damn stains.
When I have to resort to an angle grinder and a respray, I'm definitely getting a bit miffed.
But apart from that, nice job.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Black Widow Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This is a devastating weapon it lines up its shot and aims for where it hurts. The crit kill ability on this weapon is what is needed when the shots count the most. A high damage weapon to begin with toss in other mecha bonuses, and soon the destructive combinations become very clear. A little slower than its mid-range damage cousins, this weapon makes up for it with a big punch and many smoking wrecks in its wake. A solid investment all around and well worth every niode spent.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Friday, May 27, 2016
Retirement Advice by David McCallum #701548
A question came up in our clan chat the other day that got me thinking.
A pilot asked at what level should he have outgrown Injection Beams.
Now most of you will have an opinion on that, or at least the senior piots will have. More junior pilots will still have them in their arsenal and won't have got to the stage of asking that question. Very senior pilots will be trying to remember and will no doubt get it wrong because a combination of senility and/or drinking away the brain-cells that will have remembered that pertinent information will make it a dim distant memory.
And even if you were to ask two pilots of the relevant level, you'd get two different answers.
So how are the young pilots to know who's advice to take?
Well, the obvious answer is mine. At least its definitely better than Patrick's who can only function by a carefully balanced intake of caffeine and alcohol, the scales of which can tip from moment to moment depending on the time of day, his mood and which particularly unsavoury publication he happens to be reading at the time, and can be totally thrown out by the unexpected introduction of a cup of decaf.
Not that I've done this you understand because I'm generally a nice chap.
And honest to boot.
But I digress.
The thing is, usefulness is subjective.
I have clan mates who have come up through the ranks with me, keeping pace as we gain level after level, fighting war after war. They still cling on to that single remaining Ammonite in their lineup while I have long since relegated mine to Rainbow duty.
They cling to it like a talisman, the last vestige of something they know to be reliable in the face of the new and unknown mech models and configurations facing them.
The thing is, they aren't wrong.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it. If that Ammonite or Injection Beam is still working and doing the job in a notable fashion for them, why should they ditch it?
Success is subjective, and what works for one pilot is rubbish to another. Sometimes what works for one pilot is just the way the RNG is working while they are on.
So the best advice I can give in answer to any question about when to retire a class of gear?
It's when it feels that the time is right... and when you can handle the emotional separation.
You will know when the time is getting close because you start asking questions like the one at the start of this article.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Classified Communication To Dragon Clan Benefactor By F.J. Brosenne ID# 885020
{Classified communication to Benefactor}
F.J.B.R.O.S Unit 1 - 3310 Summary Report [Appendices
Clan Wars Analysis:
Dragons United continued expansion adding ex-BHG members
with the ex-RND members acquired in the previous year. Results were 10 Clan
Wars Gold medals for Dragons and linked clans.
Fusion’s Fission expansion continues to gain power from D1
prizes, reclassification back to D2 is unknown.
Zeon again proves dominance in D2, projected move to D1 is
unknown, unlikely in next 5 years.
Power vacuum in D3 from both Zeon and Isle of Misfit Toys
moving to D2, was filled by underdog Star League, who surprise fans with an upset
victory over Avengers of Bunny in Round 1. Long-term analysis predicts
Collector’s should be able to win this division; however, they remained in D4.
Space Monkey Mafia was able to walk the walk picking up
silver in D10.
Dragon Slayers failed to slay dragons, only one member
claimed any dragon blood, keep an eye on that one [John Merchant codified and
logged]. Clan name has since reverted. Dragon Slayers in Training failed to
slay hedgehogs, no immediate threat detected.
Snipers (formerly Street Fighters) continued strong showing
in D13, losing for the second year in a row by only 1 point to the eventual
Gold clan.
ITC showed early dominance in D12, but was unable to break
Gold Dragons in the last round.
Galactic Contracts:
Galactic Senate authorized full military action to
investigate and eliminate Gorax scourge in the galaxy.
Initial reports
indicate swarms of mech sized insectoid swarms, identified as Ambershard
Stalkers (ASS).
While not much tougher than the standard Ant class mecha,
they have displayed a bewildering amount of speed and agility, stopping even
BFM class mecha columns.
Over-all threat analysis of new combatant: annoying but
easily put down, technicians will require additional work hours and EV suits to
clear biological debris from mecha. Initial analysis of ASS biologics indicates
disrupted, end message]
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Anyone Else Seeing This By Pat Willis#224534 With Commentary By David McCallum#701548
First off let me start by saying this is only my opinion, I have always said we are the voice of the players and I will not back down on that now even with a possibly unpopular opinion. After all am I not a player too, do I not have my own views and voice? If what I have to say rubs anyone wrong or makes them mad at me so be it. If the Devs don't want to pay me for saying things that are unpopular or possibly not kind about the game or people in it, again so be it. I will not stop saying what is on my mind.
So what is on my mind exactly? All the pics A.N.N. uses in both their articles and videos that have NOTHING at all to do with Mecha Galaxy. Why does this rub me the wrong way every time I see it?
Well a few reasons really. When I got out of A.N.N. and started G.G. here I was told to keep it as Mecha Galaxy based as possible. Which means use the games locations, characters, and mechas where you will but keep it in the MG universe.
Now we all know we have various clans and characters who aren't based purely in the MG world, so be it, a little creative license here and there won't hurt. How ever just about every thing they (A.N.N.) have put out for a long while now contains a lot of all different kinds of mechas you'll find in things like...Gundam, Robotech, Battle Tech, Mech Warrior, Warhammer 40K, Armored Core etc, etc. Basically it seems that if it has a mecha in it regardless of the series it is from you'll find it as an illustration or video in something they produce.
So why do I have a problem with this? Simple, we're not playing any of those games so why put them where they don't belong repeatedly? First off should one of the other games get wind that their likenesses are being used for another game we could have all kinds of problems legally speaking. Secondly the look and feel of say an Atlas compared to a Fext, or a Titan class world destroyer being in the hands of Tory from Novum just doesn't make sense, they are different animals for a reason.
I mean think about it a Titan class world destroyer from Warhammer 40K can literally step on our biggest 100 Ton mecha like it was a bug and keep on going like nothing happened. But we were told to keep it within the realm of M.G. What were they told? Go nuts ripping off every mecha image you can find and we'll pin your posts for you to show you off? Not to mention yes this is a game, yes it is all in fun for us players, BUT for the Devs this a brand name and a business. So why the hell would you try to sell a Transformer using Power Ranger pics?
You can ask my editors I have yapped on the whole keep it in game thing almost religiously, they can probably recite my whole speech about it verbatim at this point. So why should they (A.N.N.) be able to do whatever the hell they want, post whatever they want especially if it isn't MG, and still go along their merry little way, yet we're the ones who are told keep it in MG. Got news for you, we aren't the ones you need to be having that talk with.
David McCallum : I'm going to add a few cents to this mainly because while yes, as Pat stated us editors have memorized his speech, there are a few things here that he has missed as this is definitely one of his 'buttons'.
Yes, GG (me in particular) does occasionally use imagery from elsewhere. The thing is we give accreditation to either the person or company as this is the bare minimum that they should expect if their work is going to be used without having gained their express permission.
The thing that worries me (note the word worry, not annoy) is that some of the vids while very nicely done and something that the creator should be rightly proud of don't give credit to outside sources.
Not only that, but in a humorous manner they assume all credit for the content by putting the credits page at the end.
I know from past experience that some companies like Games Workshop take a really dim view of that practice and defend their IP fanatically, to the point of lawyering up straight out of the gate rather than sending a polite e-mail. I wouldn't wish that kind of thing on anyone in our community.
I guess (and this is my personal view rather than GG policy) while it would be preferable to keep it in MG universe, at the end of the day we all play because theres something about massive robots blowing C**p up that we like, and so other games are going to be on our radar. As players and viewers we aren't going to be averse to an amount of it.
But for crying out loud, tone it back some and most importantly cover your behind and credit other sources properly as a bare minimum.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534 & David McCallum#701548
So what is on my mind exactly? All the pics A.N.N. uses in both their articles and videos that have NOTHING at all to do with Mecha Galaxy. Why does this rub me the wrong way every time I see it?
Well a few reasons really. When I got out of A.N.N. and started G.G. here I was told to keep it as Mecha Galaxy based as possible. Which means use the games locations, characters, and mechas where you will but keep it in the MG universe.
Now we all know we have various clans and characters who aren't based purely in the MG world, so be it, a little creative license here and there won't hurt. How ever just about every thing they (A.N.N.) have put out for a long while now contains a lot of all different kinds of mechas you'll find in things like...Gundam, Robotech, Battle Tech, Mech Warrior, Warhammer 40K, Armored Core etc, etc. Basically it seems that if it has a mecha in it regardless of the series it is from you'll find it as an illustration or video in something they produce.
So why do I have a problem with this? Simple, we're not playing any of those games so why put them where they don't belong repeatedly? First off should one of the other games get wind that their likenesses are being used for another game we could have all kinds of problems legally speaking. Secondly the look and feel of say an Atlas compared to a Fext, or a Titan class world destroyer being in the hands of Tory from Novum just doesn't make sense, they are different animals for a reason.
I mean think about it a Titan class world destroyer from Warhammer 40K can literally step on our biggest 100 Ton mecha like it was a bug and keep on going like nothing happened. But we were told to keep it within the realm of M.G. What were they told? Go nuts ripping off every mecha image you can find and we'll pin your posts for you to show you off? Not to mention yes this is a game, yes it is all in fun for us players, BUT for the Devs this a brand name and a business. So why the hell would you try to sell a Transformer using Power Ranger pics?
You can ask my editors I have yapped on the whole keep it in game thing almost religiously, they can probably recite my whole speech about it verbatim at this point. So why should they (A.N.N.) be able to do whatever the hell they want, post whatever they want especially if it isn't MG, and still go along their merry little way, yet we're the ones who are told keep it in MG. Got news for you, we aren't the ones you need to be having that talk with.
David McCallum : I'm going to add a few cents to this mainly because while yes, as Pat stated us editors have memorized his speech, there are a few things here that he has missed as this is definitely one of his 'buttons'.
Yes, GG (me in particular) does occasionally use imagery from elsewhere. The thing is we give accreditation to either the person or company as this is the bare minimum that they should expect if their work is going to be used without having gained their express permission.
The thing that worries me (note the word worry, not annoy) is that some of the vids while very nicely done and something that the creator should be rightly proud of don't give credit to outside sources.
Not only that, but in a humorous manner they assume all credit for the content by putting the credits page at the end.
I know from past experience that some companies like Games Workshop take a really dim view of that practice and defend their IP fanatically, to the point of lawyering up straight out of the gate rather than sending a polite e-mail. I wouldn't wish that kind of thing on anyone in our community.
I guess (and this is my personal view rather than GG policy) while it would be preferable to keep it in MG universe, at the end of the day we all play because theres something about massive robots blowing C**p up that we like, and so other games are going to be on our radar. As players and viewers we aren't going to be averse to an amount of it.
But for crying out loud, tone it back some and most importantly cover your behind and credit other sources properly as a bare minimum.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534 & David McCallum#701548
Mech Review: The Spitfire By Kenneth Hicks ID# 846092
The Ambershard Stalker Horde that has crept into the trade
routes and industrial planets of the Galaxy has been a huge problem for
everyone. One of the solutions that has been brought forward to deal with this
threat comes from the Legionnaires of Galactic Trade in the form of a mid-sized
mecha known as the Spitfire.
This mech is hard hitting, using a dual attack platform that
boosts it’s projectile targeting for punching holes, and a significant boost to
it’s missile platform, allowing them to blanket the surrounding area with a
lethal barrage so as to thin out an oncoming swarm attack.
The wide area of effect and the ability to target multiple
targets was chosen as a priority in the design. So much so, that the Legionnaires
enlisted the Trinitarian World Symposium to help with the engineering and
Along with weapons platform focus, a new A.I. was developed
for the Spitfire as well. The Sagittaire Class A.I. has a high capacity
dual-target mode that allows a pilot to effectively engage several target
simultaneously and boosts splash capabilities at the same time.
An overclocked power source, boost to fire and ice weapons
as well and the ability to support five custom add on modules make this a mech
that can lay down a wide swath of destruction, perfect for dealing with the
amazingly enormous numbers that attack in a swarm.
This mech was then put into the capable hands of the Black
Star Bandits for testing. Reports started flooding in, usually accompanied by a
bout of maniacal glee as to the effectiveness of this “swarm killer”.
So make sure to pick up a fighter wing of these mechs today
as a deterrent against Gorax and the Ambershard Stalker horde.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
There's Room for Everyone by David McCallum #701548
You know, its a big old sandpit that Nick lets us play in.
And because so many of us play here, there's bound to be some differing opinions on how the game should be played.
Yes, there's the age old argument over pay players and free players, or the somewhere in between players.
There are those that camp.
Those that play steady and cautious.
Those that analyse and plan.
Some that go off like a frog in a sock.
Some who criticize and say their way is the best.
Others who live and let live.
There are those who help, nurture and advise, bringing along the weakest until they can stand with the strongest.

There are those in it for the teamwork and camaraderie and those who believe it is a solo game where it should be every being for themselves.
Its called a community, and it takes all of those points of view to keep things interesting.
And you should note that I named no names in that list. I didn't have to, because as you read each phrase, you knew who it described.
And if we were to ask any two players, their list of names would be different.
Sometimes it pays to remember that we have these differing play styles and respect them rather than get bent out of shape.
It is after all, only a game.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
News : A New Venture by David McCallum #701548
It is with great pleasure that we at Galaxy Gathering bring you the news of a brand new fan undertaking.
He has been a regular contributor to us and with over a hundred comics to his name, Germán Jaramillo Pulido has branched out to run his own site dedicated to his Mecha Galaxy themed comic creations.
You can take a look on:
If you have enjoyed his work so far, please bookmark the site and visit regularly as his output has been prodigious... in fact his production of comics is outstripped only by the speed at which the Bunny Brigade go at it or Patrick accepts a free drink.
So from all of us here at GG, best wishes to Germán and best of luck with your new endeavor.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Fist of Doom Equipment Review by David McCallum #701548
Well well, another crystal cockpit piece, this time aimed up towards the top end of the market.
All of the Huge class mecha, plus the bottom end of the BFMs.
At 75 Crystal, 1074 Bioptics and 877 Ferrite, it comes in as the second most expensive piece of cockpit gear in its class at the bottom end, but is of course way cheaper the a Betrus Processor.
But then again you aren't buying the accuracy or killing power of a Betrus. The same goes for the BFMs when you pay large amounts for the precision of a Sensor Array.
Your money does however give you reasonable precision at this weight range. It also gives you some freeze which is nothing to be sneezed at and some increase in damage output for ice and missile systems.
So you'll get some benefit on a Gigus, Frigis or Magnus.
Weapon specialists like the Ballista and Jottun get a backup weapon.
Torrent is a good fit, as if it needs the boost.
Generalists like the Skriag and Aspis can be turned into more specialised platforms to fill a gap in the line.
It may not be the most awe inspiring item in your equipment roster, and you won't be replacing all of your high precision/crit kill items to include these.
But if you want a little bit of a damage boost in certain places, it's not the worst choice you can make
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Reports on Contagion by David McCallum #701548
Yes, I know.
The Boss said we wouldn't be reporting on the Gorax Incident, but since at present him and my co-
sub editor Ken have dragged a large mattress into the newsroom and are wearing frilly nightwear while bouncing up and down having a pillow fight accompanied by their version of girlish giggly noises, I can only assume they have succumbed to the same sickness everyone else has.

If they haven't, then this is one team building exercise I will skip on.
The vid recording can however be obtained for a very reasonable price. Discerning connosuers of all types catered for.
I can however say there is a silver lining. And I'm not talking about the impending silver that shall be lining my pockets.
No, it would appear that there is indeed a cure.
Myself and Christine Mainer of the Bunnies were two of the first cases apparently.
The thing was that what we didn't know at the time was theat the old addage to 'feed a fever and starve a cold' was true with the Gorax Plague... feeding it that is.
You will have noted that all pilots are now becoming more tolerant to the effects of Hatorade. You can chug more of it and you don't get the same downer at the end of it. It's like an addiction.
I'm so sorry... we will treat you as soon as we can.
The only cure is to go all out on fights and literaly burn it out of you. Make your body carry on past the point where you should have long since dropped and you are riding on pure adrenalin.
Momma Bunny and I did it with the aid of party favours and other illicit substances that, to be honest, if she doesn't wish to tell her husband about then as I gentleman I should just keep shut up as to the existance and possesion of.
Suffice to say we kicked it before it had a chance to take proper hold and we had developed the tell tale tollerance that is the symptom of the afflicted.
So, there you go. Fight hard, fight well. We appear to have an invasion on the horizon, but the participation in the fghting thereof should provide the cure.
If not then I'm sure to kake a killing on the stocks and shares I've just invested in mattress and frilly nighty manufacturers.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Monday, May 23, 2016
S2A Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534
Splash- 2%
They say if it aint broke don’t fix it and this missile system is proof of that adage. Simple surface to air missile launch system upgraded only as much as necessary to incorporate into mechs.
It has a decent damage to it, the splash is minor but it helps when you really need to deal extra damage in a pinch. As always speed is the major downfall to the system. But rest assured old reliable here will get the job done. You just have to have the faith, patience, and guts to use it.
Submitted by Pat Willis#224534
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Thesis Build by David McCallum #701548
Sometimes you win big.
Sometimes I might be the Niode Lottery, or it may be a 'Hail Mary' attack in a Clan War during overtime that gets you the win and the gold.
And sometimes its walking into the cheap shop and scoring a load of toy robots that you can use in your hobby. At 17 cents US a figure, they were an absolute steal.
One in particular caught my eye, as it was so close to an Antithesis it was uncanny. The feet were a problem (the originals were like chicken feet), but I had a donor for them. A scavenge of spare parts netted me some better shoulder pads, and the wife kindly donated some pins with large heads for the main weaponry.
A quick hack and glue had the model ready to paint.
Now the thing I love about the 'Thesis is it's colour scheme; that matte black is so easy to do with a simple white undercoat and a black ink wash. The pins themselves would give the shiny silver of weapons that are powered and ready to fire.
Here's a hint Nick... probably the biggest pop you are going to get from the player community isn't going to be from gameplay or story lines. It's going to be the day when we can colour our mechs to our own personal or clan livery. Just saying.
But at the end of the day, a model is just a model until you send it to war...
Time to go out on patrol methinks.
Submitted by David McCallum #701548
Dragons of Avalon: A Gathering Brain Storm by Sean Wadey # 356597
3307-July-14 Unclaimed Fringe Space, RND Modular Command Dropship "The Castle", Conference room
It's rare that all the leaders of the RND Corps Clans gather in the same place, there are many reason for this. The 99th HQ command personnel were of course all present as this was their ship but the leadership of the 82nd Omicron Guard, 111th Baconators, 123rd Alpha Strikers and the 151st Nova Knights, as well as representatives of the two Bacon Addicts clans were also present. On the walls also hung the banners of the 64th Combat Engineers, 75th Black Diamonds and the 144th Caissa Light Cavalry, clans that had been lost in combat and reorganization over the last decade. The tactical holodisplay, often referred to as the chessboard by members for RND, in the middle of the room was currently displaying a yellow main sequence star with the orbital tracks of three rocky worlds, 2 asteroid belts, 2 gas giants and a rogue ice giant.

The data tablets all read:
Faction: Meiji Shogunate
Sector : 4240
Star System: Avalon
Star Name: Avalon
Star Type: G4V
Important Note: almost all the inner planets and asteroid belts have an orbital eccentricity that is practically 0, such circular orbits for multiple planetary mass objects in a single star system is a statistical anomaly of such magnitude it is believed that the Forerunners engineered they entire star system to one degree or another to make Camelot an almost perfect earth-like world.
1st Orbit: Camlann
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 0.4 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: approximately 0
Rotational period: 73 days
Type: Telluric
Mean Radius: approximately 3800 km
Surface Gavity: 0.5 g
Natural Satellites: 0
Atmosphere: Minimal
Description: Small, rocky, mineral rich world. Tide locked with Avalon such that it does not appear to rotate in relationship to each other. Day side temperatures exceed 800 K and night side below 100 K.
Gateway notes: There is a single gateway in the center of night side, this gate way links to several locations within the Meiji Shogunate and at least 1 known fringe gateway, but not to any known gateway within the Avalon system.
Human History: Since the Terran Overlord Government took over the system Camlann has been a base of operations for mining itself and the inner asteroid belt and a variety associated industries. Primary exports are heavy metals and radioactives. Although when the TOG existed they had a variety of heavy manufacturing on the surface and in orbit, since the Meiji Shogunate took over the system the only manufacturing is spare parts for the mining and mineral processing equipment used.
Military Situation: There is a garrison force of Meiji Shogunate troops loyal to the Emperor and the Prince of Flowers guarding the planetary facilities and gateway, however they lost almost all of their space lift capability fighting against General Fujiwara's forces when they captured Camelot.
2nd Orbit: Inner Asteroid Belt
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 0.6 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: approximately 0
Description: No dwarf planets but a total mass of planetary scale making.
Gateway/Forerunner Notes: no gateways, possible remains a of a world destroyed by the Forerunners.
3rd Orbit: Camelot
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 1.0 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: approximately 0
Rotational period: 365.24 days
Type: Telluric
Mean Radius: approximately 6500 km
Surface Gavity: 1.0 g
Natural Satellites: 2
Brittonum: Spherical with a mean radius approximately 1651 km, surface gravity 0.1389 g
Cambriae: Spherical with a mean radius approximately 902 km, surface gravity 0.0232 g
Atmosphere: N2, O2, Ar
Description: Forerunner terraformed and possibly manufactured although slightly larger than Earth it is also slightly less dense giving it the exact same gravity as earth. An almost 0 axial tilt also means the northern and southern hemisphere have no appreciable difference in seasons. Surface is 75% liquid water with a single large geologically stable continent with a scattering of surrounding islands. The main continent is dotted with lakes and crisscrossed with rivers and streams. There is central mountain range but most of the the continent is rolling hills and plains and was originally very heavily forested. Winter is short and summers are mild creating a yearlong growing season at the equator for pretty much any terrestrial plants. A Year on Camelot is exactly the same as a year on Old Earth, however the days are slightly longer so there are exactly 364 days per year with no leap years or other necessary calendar corrections needed.
Gateway notes: Several gateways clusters almost all lead into the Meiji Shogunate and several gateways connect to core industrial worlds within the Shogunate, but not to any known gateway within the Avalon system.
Human History: Camelot and the Avalon system were first settled by humans during the Diaspora (sometime between the 24th and 26th centuries) by cultural recreationists from the Old United Kingdom, mostly from Wales. For at least a century the dominate languages were new-Gaelic and Welsh, many place names on Camelot and throughout the system are still named in these languages. Camelot and the Avalon system was ruled by an elected constitutional Monarchy of which the house of Pendragon dominated politics. During the rise of the Terran Overlord Government (TOG) the Avalon system was occupied, enslaved and Camelot became an Agri-world with factory farms and industrial livestock facilities spreading across the continent from the gateway clusters.
The 32nd century began with the complete collapse of the TOG, unfortunately The Illyrian Republic had become the Illyrian Empire while fighting the Meiji Empire. The Avalon system was first "liberated" from the TOG by the Illyrians who decided to keep things pretty much the same. Later during the Faction Wars the reorganized Meiji Shogunate took the Avalon system from the Illyrian Empire. Under Shogunate rule, they decided to establish more environmentally friendly policies on Camelot and began reforestation projects, but the descendants of the original settlers are still pretty much slaves.
Military Situation: General Fujiwara's forces took control of Camelot via a gateway invasion, but were unable to do the same to other planets in the system. While attempting to take Camlann and Badon the generals forces lost all of their space lift capability and have been setting up defenses around the gateways and constructing surface to orbit anti-spacecraft sites. Although General Fujiwara controls many of the systems on the other side of the Camelot Gateways he does not control all of them. As a result his sub-commanders on Camelot are concerned about attack from both space and the gateways.
Intelligence indicates that the Dragon's United Clans operating under orders from the Prince of Iron have already made a gateway head on Camelot unfortunately at this time exactly which gateway they control is unknown.
4th Orbit: Outer Asteroid Belt
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 2.0 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: approximately 0
Description: No dwarf planets but a total mass of planetary scale.
Gateway/Forerunner Notes: no gateways, possible remains a of a world destroyed by the Forerunners.
5th Orbit: Badon
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 2.5 AU
Type: Telluric
Mean Radius: approximately 8000 km
Surface Gavity: 2.0 g
Natural Satellites: multiple small and irregular satellites
Atmosphere: CO2, N2, Ar
Description: Large, rocky, mountainous, cold, mineral rich world, with a non breathable atmosphere. Planetary rotation results in a day about 1.5 times longer than a day on Camelot, Orbital rate makes is about 1/2 of Camelots making its year about twice as long.
Gateway notes: 4 gateway clusters in a tetrahedral relationship to each other. These gateways link to many locations within the Meiji Shogunate and at least 1 known fringe gateway, but not to any known gateway within the Avalon system.
Human History: Since the Terran Overlord Government took over the system Badon has been a base of operations for mining itself, the outer asteroid belt, and skimming the gas giants as well as a variety associated industries. Although when the TOG was in control it had a variety of heavy manufacturing on the surface and in orbit, since the Meiji Shogunate took over the system the only manufacturing is spare parts for the mining and mineral processing equipment used. Exports a variety of metals and gases with industrial uses.
Military Situation: There is a garrison force of Meiji Shogunate troops loyal to the Prince of Iron guarding the planetary facilities and gateways, however they lost almost all of their space lift capability fighting against General Fujiwara when he captured Camelot. Intelligence indicates that the Dragon's United Clans have support forces on Badon as well.
6th Orbit: Arthur
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 5 AU
Type: Gas Giant
Natural Satellites: Large set of rings often called Arthur's Crown by locals, 12 larger spherical satellites called the Knights, and 52 small irregular satellites called the squires.
Description: Swirling purple and gold coloration to most of the cloud bands, the Ring appears mostly gold and sparkles from ice and other minerals that make it up.
Gateway notes: None known
Human History: Gas skimming operations from Badon harvest Arthur's atmosphere for a variety of resources.
7th Orbit: Merlin
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 10 AU
Type: Hot Gas Giant
Natural Satellites: More than 60, almost all are small and irregular in shape, 1 (Celyddon) however is larger, spherical and sports some life.
Description: Primarily shades of blue, Cleydonn is heated by Merlin and is warm enough for liquid water with a thin N2, O2 atmosphere and covered by a Co2 producing bacteria and tall bushy broad leafed trees.
Gateway notes: 1 gateway cluster located on Cleydonn, does not seem to be operational.
Human History: Although explored by humans its distance from Badon's orbit and lack of a functional gateway has left it pretty much untouched by humans.
8th Orbit: Morganna
Semi-Major Axis: approximately 20AU
Type: Ice Giant
Natural Satellites: none known
Description: Little is known of this ice giant it has a very eccentric and elliptical orbit traveling counter to all other planets in the system indicating it was likely a rogue planet captured by Avalon prior to human habitation of the system. Weather this happened before or after the engineering of this system by the Forerunners is unknown
Gateway notes: None known
Human History: None of the human inhabitants have bothered to really visit this world as its eccentric counter orbit make it costly fuel wise to travel to and from.
The silence was finally broken by someone muttering, "It's about time the Princes stopped fighting each other and focused on the real threat."
"Yes," former CIC of the RND Corps and current leader of the 123rd Alpha Strikers, Richard Millich asked, "but what will be the best way to Camelot?"
"I say we do what Dragons United did," Schindoe of the 82nd Omicron Guard announced, "and hit one of the gateway clusters with everything we have."
Michael Telladira, leader of the 151st Nova Knights, said, "That might work for your heavy formations but would be suicide for my light troops."
Millich pointed out, "All the gateways are now guarded by either General Fujiwara's forces or Dragons United, and we don't know which one the Dragons have control of, or even if the General's forces have pushed them back."
"Even if the Dragons still hold a gateway or even a cluster, after they made a gateway head the General's forces are probably making sure no one else will be able to do that at any of the other gateways on Camelot without heavy losses." said one of the representatives from the Baconators, "If we arrive at gateways controlled by the Dragons they will probably do the same since they are working for the Prince of Iron."
Another of the Bacon Adicts spoke up, "So that leaves Camlann and then flying up the gravity well for a drops ship assault. We don't have any gunships and such an assault could be contested if they see us coming, and they will have a bit of time to notice us enroute."
One of the 99th leadership mused, "If they see us coming."
Millich asked, "What do you mean?"
"Well Camlann has no space lift capability, they already lost their Dropships and gunships fighting off the generals attack but what about asteroid movers?" The member of the 99th began to explain their idea, "It's the processing center for the inner asteroid belt mining operations. If they have any asteroid movers we push a couple rocks on an intercept with Camelot and our dropships follow behind them in their sensor shadow."
Edmond Dantes, executive officer of Bacon Adicts 1, noted, "They would have to be big enough to hide all our dropships and also to not be destroyed by surface to space weapons before they got close enough for us to uncover."
"If they are that big though if we botch trajectory even a little we could do serious damage to the planet and its people." Millich said, "Last I checked the orders from the Prince of Flowers was to take this garden world undamaged."
"We get some big ones but we rig them with shaped charge explosives to break them up into small pieces at our command." Another member of the 99th leadership built upon the idea, "If the trajectory is right we will have a meteor shower to cover our entry and landing, most of the pieces will burn up on entry and the planet is mostly ocean so putting any big pieces in the drink should be easy."
Telladira commented, "That might work."
At that moment the door opened an Commander Wadey of the 82nd Omicron Guard entered the room, wearing the rarely used official lab coat and goggles uniform of the RND. He was holding a larger than normal data tablet in one gloved hand and saluted with the other, "Excuse me, Sires and Madam, but I thought you should know we just decrypted a small fraction of the data we gathered on Kawaguchi."
Schindoe glared at his subordinate for interrupting, "And this is significant to us now, why?"
Commander Wadey continued, "There are references to gateway connections to all the worlds in the system from gateways in the system but that none of these connections have worked since either the Illyrian or TOG Invasion, not quite sure which. There are also references to a key to unlock them and something about a vault on the sun side of Camlann. We are still working at getting more details but I thought this information might affect your planning."
Submitted by Sean Wadey # 356597
Saturday, May 21, 2016
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