Monday, November 30, 2015

Ask The Editors By Pat Willis#224534 And Germán Jaramillo Pulido#685605

Hello everyone, today we are trying something a bit different. We're letting players if they like, ask us questions as either individuals, or as a group. If this is popular or enough questions come in we would consider giving this its own category in the side bar. Questions can be asked either here on site, or in our facebook group. Just remember to put your user ID# in so we can credit you for it. Today's questions from Germán Jaramillo Pulido#685605 for myself.

Germán asks the following....
1. After these three years of Mecha Galaxy... How has this universe evolved through the time?

2. How do you find the balance between wallets and free players?

3. What are the main points that encourage free players to stay in MG universe, with all those walletsharks around?

4. How the player population grew/decayed along the three years?

5. How many of the old glorious clans stay alive and how many have died in the long run till the present?

So in order then.....
1. We have equipment for starters! It may not seem like much but for a couple years equipment was "coming soon" and we saw hide nor hair of it for a long, long time. I can recall when the Dilophos was the newest mecha, there were no mechas listed after it and huge and BMF mecha weren't even a thing. So a lot more mechs in general. Also player input and creativity have gone way way up. We used to only have A.N.N. Now we have them, us, the Wikipedia being made. The player Senate has come and gone, I was there for the first Faction war, which the Brotherhood won in Div1. We have so many different types of KOTM now hangers didn't used to be so simple click and go, they used to be drag and drop. So much has changed, grown, or been worked on overall it is hard to list here so lets call that the highlights reel.

2.Wallets and free players huh? Personally I find basic crystal stuff or "free players mecha/gear" to be alright, so it is very possible to get by in this game on such. With that said there is a definite difference between the two. Wallet warriors have all the new shiny mecha decked out with all the new shiny gear, and sporting the latest high damage weapons.( If they know how to build them or not, well that depends on who we are talking about.) Free players are by and large doing some form of camping. They sit in the lower to mid divisions, with mostly standard mechas and equip, and take it one tourney, or raid at a time. Keeping what they can use and selling the rest to upgrade what they have. So yeah there is a difference to a degree. Honestly they seem pretty evenly divided throughout the game so player wise the balance is real good, not to mention they seem pretty evenly spread throughout the divisions. Wallets usually buy levels and jump through the ranks while free usually take their time, camping as they go, so overall pretty well balanced out between the two.

3. Simply depends on what kind of person you are. If you give up easily this game may discourage you fast. The Devs try and give us all a shot though they have name the mecha contests, name the weapon, they have been known to let players have a go at being a boss raid bad guy. they listen, they do what they can, and they are the most interactive out of any development team I ever heard of. So for free players all I can say is hang in there, the wallet warriors will surpass you for greener pastures eventually. Losses don't count to your overall kill totals and don't deter you in any way game wise. Hang in there go for what you can, where you can, play to your strengths, get involved, and things can turn around fast.

4. Player population around here seems to be like any other game really. Get some growth here, some drop off there, oh look here come some more, rinse and repeat. Although once they branched out to Kong, we seemed to get a lot of new blood all at once. Although to be fair that could have been regular FB players starting up ALTS on kong in the beginning. Seeing as we get new players on a regular basis I would say overall it has been growth of the slow and steady variety.

5. Old clans, oh man... so many have come and gone through the time I've played it is hard to keep track of them all. I joined the AFF when it was first being formed, I am in The Brotherhood now which is among one of the oldest clan family names, if not the oldest now. I remember when Smurfs and Bunnies just started, when Murderbots ruled the roost and Cyberstorm was made to take them on (or so the story goes.) So many clans would form up then spark off, only to die and be disbanded a month later it is hard to keep track. So in all honesty on who has come and gone clan wise since I have been playing, way, way to many to name.

Submitted by  Pat Willis#224534 & Germán Jaramillo Pulido#685605