Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Some Old And Some New News By Pat Willis#224534

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, here's what is going on with us here at G.G. lately and how it could effect you. First off we're looking to get folks paid! The niodes for comments program has given us some great feedback, and been entertaining to boot. The ideas for comic script submissions have been wonderful thus far, but we are still going with them. So anyone who would like to see their ideas made reality let us know what your script would be for our comics page and we'll see what we can do about getting it made.

We are still on the lookout for original clan logos to be displayed in our pages, so by all means if you want to sport your colors loud and proud hit me with a Facebook PM containing your user name/ID#/ and clan logo and we'll put it here, as well as get you paid for it. Lastly we are looking for a new editor for these pages. We have an interested party as stands, but just so no one is left out here's what to do. Again via FB PM send me a write up of some sort (Mecha review, pilot story, news, whatever) along with any questions you have about the position.

 This is so we can see where your writing style is at, as well as get a broader base of folks to choose from. The position pays a straight wage of Niodes weekly, along with a lil extra according to what you write up yourself that week. I ask that an editor be able and willing to write a couple articles a week, of about 2 paragraphs or so in length. As well as edit any incoming stories, join in whatever discussions we have on the editors page, and submit filler work when needed. So that's pretty much all the new and exciting stuff around here for today. Got an idea for a comic? Submit it. Got an original clan logo to show off? Submit it. Want to be an editor? Lemme see what you got!

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534