Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Monk's Shop Talk Eco Awareness By Ron Frye#879655

Dear Monk,

On behalf of the patriots fighting for an enlightened society, we the members of the GUPETA (Greater Universal People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) do hereby send you warning! Your continuous confrontations across the universal sphere, has unmeasurable and does irreparable damage to the ecosystems it impacts. As such, we can no longer stand idly by while you devastate the land we live on, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and rape our natural resources, leaving us inadequate means to house and feed our families. This is an official declaration of war. GUPETA declares war on The Houses of the Inner sphere in their entirety. Woe unto thee people of Pharaohs, for the hand of God doth move to strike thee!


Dear Goat Molesters,

You do this every year. You strut around, make apocalyptic predictions of the pain you will inflict upon us, work yourselves up into a pompous, self righteous, rage, then go out and put into action some half arsed pathetic little plan that has almost no effect on us whatsoever. I beg you, please, not for me, not for the clans, not for anyone else but you, stop the madness. You are humiliating yourselves! For the love all that is good and holy in the universe, make the insanity stop! Think of the children! Oh, won't you please, think of the children!

Monk "PETA can kiss my Kelly green Irish Bum" Malone


Dear Readers,

It seems that the members of GUPETA have struck again. They broke into every pet store on the planet Terra in the Sol system, and have liberated an estimated 9 billion Terran hamsters. They have equipped said hamsters with miniature mechas (about 1/100th actual size), given the cute little rodents cerebral enhancing drugs to stimulate sentience, and are unleashing them across the inner sphere at every major mall known to man. BEWARE THE JABARWOCK MY SON!!!!!!

Monk "Well, I'll be damned....." Malone

Submitted by Ron Frye#879655