Monday, September 15, 2014

Orester Mech Review

Looking like the result of a head on collision between an imech and a Cindron, the Orester is an anvil of a mech as far as construction goes. It is an upper-mid level crystal mech the gives the greater part of it's attention to missile based weaponry.

Costing the frugal player a tidy 4800 ferrite, 4000 bioptics, and 175 crystals, it is a power-house for the expenditure. Slick black thermo-ceramic plating encompassing a meaty frame means it can take a punch quite easily from most conventional weaponry of it's level.  It levels quite nicely too, producing  a commendable 21% natural bonus to it's missile capabilities at level 50. It also throws up a shield (12), double damage percentage of 10%, and splash damage of 8%. Very tidy for an inexpensive tool of war available to the hobbyist in the arena. Let's face it; Splash is a great asset when giving supporting fire, and that's what this is, a support mech. As far as it's role goes, it is the baby brother to the Balista. A missile platform to deliver rocket-fire whilst the rest of your squad gets on with the slaughter.

Plus sides: It takes some punishment in and around the mid-levels. It looks like a formidable hulking s.o.b. It gives desirable punishment from a 'missile-geared' point of view. It can be equipped to act faster, MUCH faster, than it's stats give away.

Minus sides: It is, compared to many mechs, a sluggish fighter if not supported in it's lines. There are far quicker strikers available for roughly the same price and so is not recommended to use en masse.

Summary: If you don't plan to throw down niodes on top end gear, then this bipedal tank is a good choice for your rocket defenses, but try to keep it to one per row maximum as it's response times will leave it open to a can of the proverbial 'whoop-ass'. Make sure you equip it well to waylay those slowing negatives and it should serve you well.

Submitted by Steve Ross#162076