Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Improvised Jump Jet Equipment Review

For the smaller tonnage say 0-20 we have this this little piece of chassis equipment. It costs 832 Ferrite, 172 Bioptics, and 34 niodes. It grants your mini mech a Dodge of (16) and a x3 Damage bonus at 5% with the risk of a kickback at 5% odds at 40% Damage to you.

Between you and me, I don't know why anyone would look to put their smallest tonnage mechs in the ground any sooner than they may be regularly. Yeah 16 dodge is great and a x3 bonus is likewise great, however it still whittles you down in your mechs HP department each time it goes off in addition to someone firing at you. Kickback equipment no matter what bells and whistles are on it is NEVER a good idea, period. If equipment could be released that isn't faulty coming out of the factory then hey fine lets see something comparable, I have a feeling that will never happen and so we are stuck with yet another factory reject polished up real nice trying to look good to get our niodes. Buyer beware indeed.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534