Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Advanced Alloys Equipment Review

This chassis part is something our friends at the Hagane Steel Zaibatsu are proud to present.  The culmination of years of aggressive and accelerated direct research combined with an already near-legendary Shogunate metalworking prowess results in this new style of armor for 80-95 ton Huge and BFM class weight division Mecha.

Lightweight, strong and ablative, the Advanced Alloys chassis gives you 4 dodge, a nice 5% increase in laser shielding and improves your mecha's speed by 4.  The one disadvantage is it comes with a 5% ice vulnerability, something easy enough to ameliorate with proper shielding but just to impact test the part on my own, I'd subjected the Advanced Alloys chassis I'd bought to blasts from my Gigus's two Arctic Gales and this is what I found out:  That vulnerability has to do with a structural defect inherent in the unique machining process that Hagane Steel uses... apparently severe and repeated blasts of cold peen the metal out of shape, causing it to reach its ductile-brittle transition temperature.

It's still a pretty good part as far as crystal equipment goes though. The price? You can get one for 1832 Ferrite, 431 Bioptics and 53 Crystals.

Submitted by Mycobacter #712744