Monday, March 27, 2017

Farewell My Friends By Pat Willis#224534

As many of you may already know I announced my retirement from the game last night. For those who didn't know, well there you go.

Why? Honestly a lot of real time commitments that I have to see to, and I was getting tired of the same old same old every month. War, raid, reset, repeat....etc, etc. We get a few new missions here and there, new mechas and equipment but nothing to really sink my teeth into or sate my thirst for gaming. But hey I've been at this for a little over three years, and had this site up for just over two of those three. So all in all I can call this a win, and a positive gaming experience in a world full of too many bad ones. Besides maybe some day I'll come back and see who is still around, or what is what.

I decided against taking the site down on my way out. No way I could justify throwing out over two years worth of both my own and others writings.  So now John Ringo will be running the show and seeing to things around here. He's pretty solid and I trust he'll do well here.

John if I have any advice to give on my way out is this.... Keep it mecha centric! Don't pull from other series/franchises for your ideas or illustrations if you can help it. I've tried long and hard to keep things in here based on and focused on mecha galaxy as the devs asked me to way back when I started this site. Stay the voice of the player, and remember you are a player as well so your opinion will count just as much. It's a fine line to walk but once you get the hang of it you'll be fine.

Unlike most who retire from the game I am not going to shove everything in the hanger and put my tonnage at zero. Nah, going to leave my Frigis Frozen Dream up as my only mecha standing in formation. I made Legendary pilot with that mecha and I still consider it one of my favorites to this day.

I think that's all I have to say, so thank you one and all for a truly unique gaming experience it was a blast and I wish you all happy hunting.

This is Pat Willis creator and last original editor for Galaxy Gathering signing off.