Monday, March 20, 2017

Heartbreaker Weapon Review By Pat Willis#224534

This weapon actually came to me as a four pack during the most recent raid. As it was salvage I do not have information on level required to own them or purchase price information.

What I can tell you is these things scream! A speed of 104 on a missile system is mind blowing, I mean that is the speed range of some of the better projectile weapons. The speed on this thing is on par with the Arbitrator slug thrower. So for a missile system that is pretty impressive.

The straight damage is at 77 which again isn't too shabby. That places it somewhere between the Metal Mamba and the Sniper Rack damage wise. Which even though they are crystal based weapons they still dish out some decent straight damage with no problem. Granted this is a niode weapon but still it is coming in with some seriously impressive stats, even when compared to the higher end crystal launchers.

Then we get into the weapon abilities with a 55% Fork and a 3% Crit-Kill. We all know the niode missile launchers love 50% or better for Fork ability, this puppy is no different. Add the right equipment into your mecha and you could see the Crit-Kill percentage go up nicely, as well as increasing your Fork potential. These would compliment any missile based arsenal and make their owner rain screaming death on the battlefield.

Submitted by Pat Willis#224534