Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mechalympix, Future Or Failure By Monk Malone/ Ron Frye#879655

(An attempt to impartially analyze the opinions of the organizers and participants of the Mechalympix.)

The Mechalympix event organized and hosted for the clans of the galaxy, was designed to allow those groups the opportunity to test their skills and equipment against one another in a safe yet challenging environment. The concept for the contest was for a series of varied competitions, each highlighting a different functional combat situation in order to allow all combatants the chance to display their individual specialties and abilities. Reception of the event thus far has been varied and overall negative.

Most participants feel that balance of the levels of skill between opponents is horribly out of sync, and that the mechanics of the method used to determine the placement of medalist winners is broken. Sadly, what most pilots do not see is that this event is only the first attempt at implementing new systems to meet the requests of large numbers of the community to bring variety and new challenges to a largely repetitive system. The only problem I have seen is that the event was too rushed. It should have been left in the planning room for a few more months before being introduced to the world. Also, the organizers of the event need to take into account all of the errors in the system and fix each individual aspect of said errors before repeating the event again.

Specifically, the level of combatants needs to be more balanced, as this seems to be the largest bone of contention amongst the majority of combatants. I think the community at large needs to remember one thing tho, before casting any more stones; This event would not have happened if a majority of the community had not wanted it to happen. The leadership involved in this event were only attempting to implement changes that their community wanted.

Think about it, Monk Malone

Submitted by Monk Malone/ Ron Frye#879655