Sunday, July 26, 2015

Commander's Log-NWHL Mechalympics, Novum Or Bust By Deborah Roaché-Hudak#289133

Even before the new Circuit Wars aka Mechalympics began, reports were coming in from most factions about this new event. How could there be just five divisions? Why are L80s pitted against L20s? So many questions I had no answers to but those repeatedly came up, with many more. Every group is filling so slowly, for some it is painful to wait. Those who have not bothered to show up have either forgotten the limited time, only a day for each circuit instead of the typical three days given, or may be sitting out in protest one might assume. It is going to be over reaching for some to be there consistently. We all may as well drop in to claim those niodes before the window closes but it is not enough for some it appears.

The range in player level is much greater than our usual Clan Wars. Even Faction Wars may not have seen such gaps but the limited divisions is the reason of course. No doubt super prizes will go to a select few, for once it will be true that improvements have been made in that department I bet. The irony of the same old prizes for the runner ups will not go unnoticed if it occurs as I suspect. No betting either this time, too few winners to choose compared to all others before. The prize would be too low since way too many could predict just four divisions compared to a dozen or more as before. Really wouldn't be worth doubling your bet but a double or nothing may have interested some. No doubt the extra work involved was a breaker. I would not want to try juggling more than necessary, the new event may have enough involved as is. If testing is being done for future events, not many are excited by the prospect. It's one thing to have a circuit every other day but this marathon of battles, sometimes two in a day, is a bit much. Finding the time to do everything is taxing on both ends, not just the players I'd imagine. No doubt the Gold winners would enjoy a repeat in the future, just never know how it will drop if it does. More divisions could make it more interesting but the number of entries may need adjusting with less total in each division. They've just filled so terribly slowly, that could be problematic.

Players move around within Factions all the time but this Wars saw more than average. Stacking the deck isn't new but the increased low level tag-along’s continues. Sneaking players into a division they could never hope to win battles in for the sake of the prizes has gone on nearly since the dawn of the games. New clans popped up to try their hand at claiming Gold, some only renaming existing clans. Many long standing members of clans shifted to more level friendly associates. We've kept our crew together in the most appropriate clan and some Wars it works better than others. The men have worked well together, through the good and the bad. Many have grown tired, some need R & R leave to be with family. All have made sacrifices to be here over the past few years. How can I continue to ask them to stay when we don't even know what we are fighting for? For far too long the delay in posting prizes has been an issue. Despite all the disgruntled pilots complaints, no improvement has come. In fact, it may be worse than ever. If we go through half the event without seeing what we are fighting for, it would be the same as seeing what we get at the end of a normal Clan or Faction Wars since they are only five days long-factoring in the two off days between war days.

~note gather the numbers tally for war days completed

Who can say if knowing the prizes in advance would influence anything. We never get the choice during Wars. There are some who no longer participate in KotM like they did before the changed. Maybe that is why we must lock in Wars first, then you are stuck until the end if you're unhappy. Most hoped to see something by day three but no word has come down and we're in the sixth day now. Won't need until the end to see who the winners will be. There could be an upset here or there but for the most part, it will be set way before the end. It seems more biased the longer they take and every event seems to take longer. A few things may be useful but much gets recycled into something more appropriate. Prices keep rising, now a normal sale will look like the old price of an item before a sale began. Revenues have gone up, if you are willing to work for it. Joining others honor guards pays much more than it used to, as does collecting on a friend's level up. There's more crystals to be had in normal circuits as well but the harvesting of them is still limited. The higher your level, the higher the cap is but when buying new items that require crystal, you can deplete your stock quicker than you could imagine. Any who do the trade for other resources will put further strain on the crystal supply. It's the one resource that is least accessible without needing to drop hard earned money. The niodes will always be first since they do help acquire the best available.

When the Wars first began, the prizes were always useful and more level appropriate, albeit sometimes a bit stronger than some would have liked. That is perhaps why things became so reduced. Diligent pilots with the time to devote had the opportunity to do more with those prizes. We all look to improve so replacing worn out weapons is always on the mind. It can be embarrassing to lose to a pilot you should dominate. It will happen to everyone eventually, your luck will run out and be ever strong for another so there is no way around it. It's just a matter of time and for some, it could take much more time. We've all that random wiggy battle where nothing was working right and all possible damage seems to be taken. If you're lucky, you watch it happen to someone else. The goods received as payment for our Wars efforts has declined dramatically, it happened long ago. Before 3276 we anxiously joined the Wars effort, knowing the bounty would help in the next Wars. Now much needs to be recycled so very little becomes useful compared to what is turned in. You never get enough to catch up like before. The demands continue to increase as we grow, most choose to do so slowly out of necessity.

The improvements to mechas has helped many veterans keep newcomers at bay. When you have all you need, it's much easier to control the battle. Some of my men most definitely have what it takes to be Ace Pilots. They have put in the time and expense necessary over a very long period of time. A few came in and learned the ropes quick, even though they've not maxed out level they are tanks for their division. They can be steam rolled by the big boys but if you're near them, you may find yourself outmatched. All clans have a bit of variety but a select few require more. You'll not get in those circles if you have not spent enough to excel. The association between them is self evident, every member moving back and forth strengthens the ties they create. Some do what is required but choose to not be with those clans. There are also super stars that burn out as quickly as they appear. Others have built their reputation and maintained over time. Some move quicker than others but none are able to remain stationary forever. Even the best campers are seen sprinting towards a new goal now and then. Those who last longest learn how to pace themselves, then keep up with that pace. They realize what is required and figure out how best to accomplish those goals. The rest fall to the wayside and remnants are visible as you continue your journey. Well known names seem frozen in space, never battling or moving up in level. You'll pass by them as you move up. Some have emptied out the hangar, leaving a barren bay for others to trample through. Others stay dressed, showing off the best they achieved before calling it quits.

There is only one direction, ever upwards. You can tread water only so long, then the swift current will take you. The rewards are much sweeter at some points than others. All enjoy adding to their field and improving the fleet, even if many moan about the expense. It should be a time to strengthen but for some it's becoming a drawback. I knew what to expect when I started my own personal race. I was already a powder puff so staying that way for some time didn't bother me. Many have followed in the path I've blazed, some excelling where I could not. While time and devotion do help, nothing beats a good backer. If you have a sponsor, you can literally reach for the stars and beyond. The mercenary work many do limits how much time they can devote to their fleet. When you're out there earning what you need for your mecha, you aren't working with the mecha to improve what it can do. Only so many hours in a day even with all the improvements in the universe now. Some can juggle it better than the rest, they are elite with medals and awards to show for it.

The newest event has shown new medals given for participants, every day there's another opportunity to improve your standing, or fall from grace. Those already at the top have the task of staying there as long as possible. There is only one way to go after all when you at the top, besides staying there. All who get to bump them off enjoy the glory, even if only for that day. The shiny Gold will remind them of the victory achieved, in a new arena of battle. Those who never joined in Circuits before now have a massive taste of what they are like. The entry award has remained the same, expectations are high for the victors. Gold winners will see something special, extra prizes have been added for Gold and Silver winners. The weapon will be added into hangar after the event ends, along with whatever else we'll be receiving. This could be a make or break event, we are witnessing something that can create or destroy pilots motivation I believe. For some, enough is never enough. It wouldn't matter if they received their own personalized mecha, with all the bells and whistles one might expect of a one of a kind item, they would want two. Can't leave your mate out of the fun after all, right? If there is something new under the sun, sure hope it shines soon. We could use the extra light.

~end of entry

Submitted by Deborah Roaché-Hudak#289133